Post by Baronessa on Sept 23, 2019 21:47:36 GMT
Stefan Corbin Burnett (10 May 1978)
Also Known as: MxlPlx
Member of: Fyre (1998 - 2003), Death Grips (2010…)
Vocal Range: B1 - C6
Although Stefan is more commonly known as the bellowing MC Ride of Death Grips, he started out his career as a far more subdued and lethargic rapper in the underground hip-hop group Fyre, as MxlPlx he was most often heard in a neutral tone that didn't quite capture the smoky girth of his later years in Death Grips. In spite of not being as low-voiced as he would become, Stefan's higher notes were even more sparing during his time in Fyre, opting to utilize a similar range to his two colleagues, the similarity in tone highlighting the abstract, blending feeling of the group's music.
By contrast, his time in Death Grips has seen him explore the heights and depths of his voice in an intensive fashion, though contrary to what you might think this entails Stefan's vocals being mixed so far to the front makes him act as a sort of anchorman to the band's organized chaos. Stefan's phrasing being deceptively meticulous, his way of flowing through seemingly impossible beats with a concentrated rage that's acted as meme fodder ever since Death Grips' inception has undoubtedly been a seminal influence in the new generation's influx of extremely technical rappers, Stefan himself only increases his tempo when the beat needs it. As an artist of his own making, while many following him are competing to be the fastest gun in the West, Stefan's style has a wealth of artistry to offer for anyone daring enough to want to experience it.
Significant High Notes:
C6 ("You Might Think He Loves You for Your Money but I Know What He Really Loves You for It's Your Brand New Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat")
B♭5 ("Inanimate Sensation", "Voila")
G5 ("Inanimate Sensation")
F♯5 ("Disappointed")
F5 ("Black Body", "Death Grips Is Online", "You Might Think He Loves You for Your Money but I Know What He Really Loves You for It's Your Brand New Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat")
E5 ("Pss Pss", "Why a Bitch Gotta Lie")
E♭5 ("Birds", "Lock Your Doors", "Whatever I Want (Fuck Who's Watching)")
D5 ("Odin", "Turned Off")
C♯5 ("Flatline")
B4 ("The Fear", "Full Moon (Death Classic)", "Hopelessness", "Shitshow")
B♭4 ("Death Grips Is Online", "Dilemma", "Flies", "Get Got / Come Up and Get Me" live Toronto 2013, "Klink", "Spread Eagle Cross the Block")
A4 ("Black Paint", "Centuries of Damn", "Come and Go Whenever to Wherever You Please", "Disappointed", "Flatline", "Fuck That", "Full Moon (Death Classic)", "Hahaha", "Hi", "I Want It I Need It (Death Heated)", "On GP", "Shitshow", "Thru the Walls", "Turned Off", "Up My Sleeves")
G♯4 ("Anne Bonny", "Black Body", "Black Paint", "Blood Creepin'", "Come Up and Get Me", "Death Grips (Next Grips)", "Disappointed", "Face Melter (How to Do Impossible Things)", "The Fear", "The Fever (Aye Aye)", "Guillotine", "Have a Sad Cum BB", "Hot Head", "The Powers That B", "Pss Pss", "Spread Eagle Cross the Block", "Streaky", "Whatever I Want (Fuck Who's Watching)")
G4 ("Artificial Death in the West", "BB Poison", "Beyond Alive", "Blackjack", "Bubbles Buried in This Jungle", "The Cage", "Dilemma", "Eh", "Face Melter (How to Do Impossible Things)", "Flies", "Fuck a Bitch", "Giving Bad People Good Ideas", "Hahaha", "I Break Mirrors With My Face in the United States", "I've Seen Footage", "Lil Boy", "Punk Weight", "Spikes", "Stockton", "Takyon (Death Yon)", "Two Heavens", "World of Dogs", "X-Ray Man", "You Might Think He Loves You for Your Money but I Know What He Really Loves You for It's Your Brand New Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat")
F♯4 ("Bass Rattle Stars Out the Sky", "Beware", "Black Paint", "Black Quarterback", "Bottomless Pit", "Centuries of Damn", "Come and Go Whenever to Wherever You Please", "Death Grips (Next Grips)", "Death Grips Is Online", "Deep Web", "Eh", "Flies", "Full Moon (Death Classic)", "Gallactica", "Hacker", "Hi", "Hunger Games", "I Want It I Need It (Death Heated)", "I've Seen Footage", "Inanimate Sensation", "Janky", "Kitchens", "Klink", "Lil Boy", "Lock Your Doors", "Lord of the Game", "Lost Boys", "My Whole Life", "No Love", "On GP", "The Powers That B", "Ring a Bell", "Shitshow", "Streaky", "System Blower", "Takyon (Death Yon)", "This Is Violence Now (Don't Get Me Wrong)", "Three Bedrooms in a Good Neighborhood", "Thru the Walls", "Up My Sleeves", "Voila", "Whatever I Want (Fuck Who's Watching)", "Why a Bitch Gotta Lie")
F4 ("Artificial Death in the West", "Beyond Alive", "Big Dipper", "Birds", "Black Body", "Black Dice", "Blood Creepin'", "Come Up and Get Me", "Dilemma", "ESPN Beat", "Face Melter (How to Do Impossible Things)", "The Fever (Aye Aye)", "Guillotine", "Have a Sad Cum BB", "Hot Head", "Houdini", "Hustle Bones", "I'm Overflow", "Insidious Insinuations", "Known for It (Freak Grips)", "Lord of the Game", "Pss Pss", "Rights of Passage (I've Been Through It)", "Spikes", "Spread Eagle Cross the Block", "System Blower", "This Is Violence Now (Don't Get Me Wrong)", "Three Bedrooms in a Good Neighborhood", "Two Heavens", "Warping", "X-Ray Man")
E4 ("80808", "Anne Bonny", "Ant Farm", "BB Poison", "Beware", "Big Dipper", "Black Quarterback", "Blackjack", "Bottomless Pit", "The Cage", "Centuries of Damn", "Come and Go Whenever to Wherever You Please", "Death Grips (Next Grips)", "Deep Web", "Eh", "Flatline", "Fuck That", "Gallactica", "Hahaha", "Hunger Games", "I Break Mirrors With My Face in the United States", "I'm Overflow", "I've Seen Footage", "Inanimate Sensation", "Janky", "Kitchens", "Lock Your Doors", "My Whole Life", "On GP", "The Powers That B", "Punk Weight", "Raise the Cavalry", "Ready for Blunts", "Say Hey Kid", "State of Drugs", "Turned Off", "Up My Sleeves", "Whammy")
E♭4 ("Bald Head Girl", "BB Poison", "Bass Rattle Stars Out the Sky", "Big House", "Billy Not Really", "Bitch Please", "Black Dice", "Bubbles Buried in This Jungle", "Chronic & Tonic", "Double Helix", "ESPN Beat", "Face Melter (How to Do Impossible Things)", "The Fear", "Fuck a Bitch", "Giving Bad People Good Ideas", "Grams All Day", "Guillotine", "Hacker", "Have a Sad Cum BB", "Hi", "Hot Head", "Houdini", "Hustle Bones", "I Want It I Need It (Death Heated)", "Kill at Will", "Klink", "Known for It (Freak Grips)", "Lost Boys", "No Love", "Oceans", "Pandemonium Peace", "Ring a Bell", "Robot Legs", "Say Hey Kid", "Stockton", "Takyon (Death Yon)", "Thru the Walls", "Trash", "Voila", "Warping", "Whatever I Want (Fuck Who's Watching)", "Why a Bitch Gotta Lie")
Significant Low Notes:
C♯3 ("2 for 35", "August Twilight", "Bald Head Girl", "Beyond Alive", "Billy Not Really", "Bitch Please", "Black Paint", "Blackjack", "Bottomless Pit", "Come and Go Whenever to Wherever You Please", "Death Grips Is Online", "Deep Web", "Double Helix", "Empire Strikes Forward", "Fuck That", "Fuel", "Gifts of the Messiah", "Government Plates", "Grandfather Clauses", "Hahaha", "Hopelessness", "Inanimate Sensation", "India vs. Pakistan", "January Heat", "Jimmy's Tale", "Kinsfolk", "A Lady's Influence", "The Light", "Lock Your Doors", "Los Diablos", "Lost Boys", "Luminous", "Manifesto", "Mary Jane's Urn", "More", "Mushrooms", "No Love", "Official", "On My Own", "Pandemonium Peace", "Pop", "Punk Weight", "Red Hand Chopped", "Relaxed", "Say Hey Kid", "Spikes", "Stillwater", "Three Bedrooms in a Good Neighborhood", "Tightest Song on the Tape", "Whammy", "Whatever I Want (Fuck Who's Watching)")
C3 ("3:17 AM", "Astronautical", "B.A. Baracus", "Banishment", "Big House", "Birds", "Black", "Breathy Deceit", "The Cage", "Centuries of Damn", "Come Up and Get Me", "Contemplation", "Dangerous Feelings", "Dark Weight", "Dead Sentences", "Dilemma", "Disappointed", "Dreaming", "Drunk and Wasted", "Elevator Sex", "Eye to Eye", "Fat Ass", "Flies", "Fortune", "Fyre X", "Have a Sad Cum BB", "Hilltops", "Houdini", "Inside Out", "Insidious Insinuations", "Issues", "Jim Morrison", "Kill the Difference", "Kingpin", "Klink", "Laser Surgery", "Location of Centrifuge", "Madness", "Madrid in February", "Mellow Wars", "Money and Bonds", "More", "Narcotics", "Oceans", "On GP", "Pss Pss", "Rights of Passage (I've Been Through It)", "State of Drugs", "Stockton", "Sun Chicken", "Tape", "Texas Pete", "Three Bedrooms in a Good Neighborhood", "Time and Space", "Trash", "Turned Off", "Two Heavens", "Warping")
B2 ("2 for 35", "3.5", "80808", "Artificial Death in the West", "Bald Head Girl", "Barometric Pressure Readings", "Beware", "Big Dipper", "Blackjack", "Blu Train", "Broken Songs", "Bubbles Buried in This Jungle", "California Blunt", "Carousel", "Come and Go Whenever to Wherever You Please", "Culture Shock", "Devastation", "Dookie Shit", "Dr. Nashville", "Easy Jesus", "Enter the Fyre", "The Fear", "Fuck Me Out", "Grandfather Clauses", "Hi", "Hopelessness", "I-5 East", "It's Cool", "January Heat", "Jimmy's Tale", "Kinsfolk", "A Lady's Influence", "The Light", "Luminous", "My Whole Life", "Narcotics", "Official", "On My Own", "The Powers That B", "Punk Weight", "Red Hand Chopped", "Relaxed", "Shitshow", "Stillwater", "Tightest Song on the Tape", "Trash", "Whammy")
B♭2 ("Astronautical", "August Twilight", "B.A. Baracus", "Banishment", "Birds", "Black", "The Cage", "Casualties", "Dark Weight", "Disappointed", "Dreaming", "Drunk and Wasted", "Elevator Sex", "Empire Strikes Forward", "Fortune", "Gifts of the Messiah", "Hot Head", "Houdini", "India vs. Pakistan", "Inside Out", "Intelligent Lifeforms", "Laser Surgery", "Los Diablos", "LSD", "Manifesto", "Notions of Delusion", "Oceans", "Pandemonium Peace", "Rights of Passage (I've Been Through It)", "Say Hey Kid", "State of Drugs", "Up My Sleeves", "Warping", "World of Dogs", "You Might Think He Loves You for Your Money but I Know What He Really Loves You for It's Your Brand New Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat")
A2 ("3:17 AM", "Artificial Death in the West", "Barometric Pressure Readings", "Bass Rattle Stars Out the Sky", "Beware", "Black Body", "Black Paint", "Black Quarterback", "Blu Train", "Breathy Deceit", "Broken Songs", "California Blunt", "Casualties", "Centuries of Damn", "Civic Duties", "Dead Sentences", "Devastation", "Dilemma", "Eh", "Enter the Fyre", "Eye to Eye", "Fyre X", "Get Got", "Grandfather Clauses", "Great Expectations", "Hi", "I-5 East", "It's Cool", "Jim Morrison", "Kill at Will", "Kingpin", "Lovehealthy", "Madness", "Madrid in February", "Moneymarket", "The Powers That B", "Pss Pss", "Shitshow", "Slappin' Ass", "Stillwater", "Streaky", "Sun Chicken", "Tape", "Why a Bitch Gotta Lie")
G♯2 ("3.5", "Afternoon", "Babes in Joyland", "Big House", "Billy Not Really", "Birds", "Black Car", "Bubbles Buried in This Jungle", "Carousel", "Come and Go Whenever to Wherever You Please", "Culture Shock", "Dr. Nashville", "Easy Jesus", "Empire Strikes Forward", "The Fear", "Fuck Me Out", "Full Frontal", "Fyre X", "Hahaha", "Issues", "Linda's in Custody", "Money and Bonds", "Mushrooms", "Narcotics", "Neptune", "No Love", "Notions of Delusion", "Shitshow", "Slappin' Ass", "Spikes", "Stockton", "Tape", "Texas Pete", "Voila")
G2 ("80808", "August Twilight", "Black", "California Blunt", "Breathy Deceit", "Casualties", "Centuries of Damn", "Civic Duties", "Dookie Shit", "Dreaming", "Eh", "Flies", "Fuel", "Great Expectations", "Hot Head", "Insidious Insinuations", "Intelligent Lifeforms", "Kill at Will", "Laser Surgery", "LSD", "Madness", "Moneymarket", "No", "Odin", "Rights of Passage (I've Been Through It)", "Trash", "Up My Sleeves", "Warping", "World of Dogs", "You Might Think He Loves You for Your Money but I Know What He Really Loves You for It's Your Brand New Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat")
F♯2 ("3.5", "Afternoon", "Babes in Joyland", "Bald Head Girl", "Bass Rattle Stars Out the Sky", "Big Dipper", "Black Body", "Black Car", "Black Paint", "Black Quarterback", "Culture Shock", "Eh", "Eye to Eye", "Full Frontal", "Get Got", "Gifts of the Messiah", "Inanimate Sensation", "Linda's in Custody", "Lovehealthy", "Money and Bonds", "Neptune", "No Love", "Say Hey Kid", "Streaky", "Why a Bitch Gotta Lie")
F2 ("Bald Head Girl", "Big House", "Billy Not Really", "Civic Duties", "Death Grips Is Online", "Fuck Me Out", "Get Got", "Linda's in Custody", "Lovehealthy", "LSD", "Odin", "Pss Pss", "Spikes")
E2 ("Fuel", "Hahaha", "Inanimate Sensation", "My Whole Life", "No", "Streaky", "Voila")
E♭2 ("Big Dipper", "Death Grips Is Online", "The Fear", "Up My Sleeves")
D2 ("My Whole Life")
C♯2 ("Voila")
B1 ("BB Poison")
{Questionable Notes}E♭6 ("You Might Think He Loves You for Your Money but I Know What He Really Loves You for It's Your Brand New Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat" live Brooklyn, NYC 2015[1a])
A5 ("Shitshow"[2a])
F♯5 ("Klink"[2b], "No Love" live SXSW Warehouse Broadcast 2013[2a])
D5 ("The Powers That B"[1b])
C♯5 ("Come Up and Get Me"[1b])
A2 ("Feels Like a Wheel"[2c])
E♭2 ("Get Got"[1d], "LSD"[1c])
C♯2 ("Up My Sleeves"[1c])
B1 ("Voila"[1c])
1. Questionable quality.
a. Crackly, erratic screams.
b. Raspy voice cracks.
c. Crackly fry.
b. Brief, fryish dips.
2. Questionable legitimacy.
a. Distorted beyond recognition.
b. Overloaded/overtonal yells.
c. Probably pitch-shifted.
*I've decided to not include notes strewn about the Death Grips catalog that were obviously not Stefan in Questionable Notes, so if you're looking for the pitch of that one sample you've come to the wrong place.
**While Stefan is clearly the lowest voice in Fyre, him and Swank Daddy are at times indistinguishable from one another - being brothers and all - and while I've done my best to pick out his notes from their songs there's certainly room for discussion about notes I may have missed or misattributed to Stefan.
A5 ("Shitshow"[2a])
F♯5 ("Klink"[2b], "No Love" live SXSW Warehouse Broadcast 2013[2a])
D5 ("The Powers That B"[1b])
C♯5 ("Come Up and Get Me"[1b])
A2 ("Feels Like a Wheel"[2c])
E♭2 ("Get Got"[1d], "LSD"[1c])
C♯2 ("Up My Sleeves"[1c])
B1 ("Voila"[1c])
1. Questionable quality.
a. Crackly, erratic screams.
b. Raspy voice cracks.
c. Crackly fry.
b. Brief, fryish dips.
2. Questionable legitimacy.
a. Distorted beyond recognition.
b. Overloaded/overtonal yells.
c. Probably pitch-shifted.
*I've decided to not include notes strewn about the Death Grips catalog that were obviously not Stefan in Questionable Notes, so if you're looking for the pitch of that one sample you've come to the wrong place.
**While Stefan is clearly the lowest voice in Fyre, him and Swank Daddy are at times indistinguishable from one another - being brothers and all - and while I've done my best to pick out his notes from their songs there's certainly room for discussion about notes I may have missed or misattributed to Stefan.
• Blue marks falsetto notes.
• Bold marks outstanding passages.
• Italics mark non-melodic notes.
• Underlines mark obscured notes.
{Vocal Range Timeline}Fyre:
I (1998): G2 - E♭4
III (1999): G2 - G4
IV (1999): F♯2 - F♯4
Fyre X (1999): E2 - F♯4
VIII (1999): F2 - C♯5
XII (2003): F♯2 - E4
XIII (2003): F2 - D5
XIV (2003): E2 - B4
Death Grips:
Exmilitary (2011): F♯2 - B♭4[1a]
The Money Store (2012): F2 - A4
NO LOVE DEEP WEB (2012): F♯2 - E♭5
Government Plates (2013): F2 - F5 - C6
Fashion Week (2015): N/A[2a]
The Powers That B (2015): C♯2 - B♭5
Bottomless Pit (2016): B1 - G♯4
Year of the Snitch (2018): E♭2 - F♯5
Death Grips:
Death Grips (2011): G3 - B4
Steroids (Crouching Tiger Hidden Gabber) (2017): D2 - F5
1. Non-LPs
a. Mixtapes
2. Inapplicable albums
a. Instrumental albums
I (1998): G2 - E♭4
III (1999): G2 - G4
IV (1999): F♯2 - F♯4
Fyre X (1999): E2 - F♯4
VIII (1999): F2 - C♯5
XII (2003): F♯2 - E4
XIII (2003): F2 - D5
XIV (2003): E2 - B4
Death Grips:
Exmilitary (2011): F♯2 - B♭4[1a]
The Money Store (2012): F2 - A4
NO LOVE DEEP WEB (2012): F♯2 - E♭5
Government Plates (2013): F2 - F5 - C6
Fashion Week (2015): N/A[2a]
The Powers That B (2015): C♯2 - B♭5
Bottomless Pit (2016): B1 - G♯4
Year of the Snitch (2018): E♭2 - F♯5
Death Grips:
Death Grips (2011): G3 - B4
Steroids (Crouching Tiger Hidden Gabber) (2017): D2 - F5
1. Non-LPs
a. Mixtapes
2. Inapplicable albums
a. Instrumental albums