Post by mikale on Sept 25, 2019 4:21:38 GMT
Born: Kim Jong-hyun (April 8, 1990 - December 18, 2017)
Vocal Range: A2 - C6
Associated Acts: SHINee (2008 - 2017), Solo (2015 - 2017)
Significant High Notes:
C6 ("High Singing" live on Beatles Code)
B5 ("High Note Battle" live on Star King, "High Singing" live on Beatles Code)
B♭5 ("Don't Lie")
A5 ("White T-Shirt")
G♯5 ("Dress Up", "High Note Battle" live on Star King, "High Singing" live on Beatles Code, "Let Me Out", "Moon", "One For Me", "Orbit")
G5 ("Dream Girl", "Life", "Love Is So Nice", "NEON", "빛이 나 (Shinin')", "Suit Up", "White T-Shirt")
F♯5 ("AURORA", "Cocktail", "Dream Girl", "Like A Fire", "빗 속 뉴욕" (Queen of New York)")
F5 ("Beautiful Lady", "Crazy (Guilty Pleasure)", "히치하이킹 (Hitchhiking)", "I guess now it's the fall", "Inspiration", "Let Me Out", "NEON", "Odd Eye". "화살 (Quasimodo)", "RED", "빛이 나 (Shinin')", "Suit Up", "U Need Me")
E5 ( "Crazy (Guilty Pleasure)", "Dream Girl", "Life", "NEON", "WOWOWOW")
E♭5 ("재연 (An Encore)", "시간이 늦었어 (Beautiful Tonight)", "Crazy (Guilty Pleasure)", "Dress Up", "Evil", "히치하이킹 (Hitchhiking)", "Juliette", "Let Me Out", "Love Pain", "Love Sick", "Love's Way", "Moon", "NEON", "Odd Eye", "Orbit", "Punch Drunk Love", "Real", "RED", "View")
D5 ("1000年、ずっとそばにいて…(For 1000 Years, Always Be By My Side)", "Beautiful Lady", "Colorful", "Destination", "그래도 되지 않아? (Fine)", "Four Seasons", "어떤 기분이 들까 (I’m So Curious)", "JoJo", "Love Is So Nice", "Love Sick", "Married To The Music", "Odd Eye", "Orgel", "Picasso", "화살 (Quasimodo)", "빛이 나 (Shinin')", "사람 구경 중 (Sightseeing)", "Sleepless Night", "Trigger", "UP & DOWN")
C♯5 ("1000年、ずっとそばにいて…(For 1000 Years, Always Be By My Side)", "AURORA", "Breaking News", "Cocktail", "Dazzling Girl", "Dress Up", "이별의 길" (Farewell My Love)", "Fire", "히치하이킹 (Hitchhiking)", "Hit Me", "I guess now it's the fall", "Inspiration", "Like A Fire", "Moon", "Our Season", "Replay", "Talk To You", "Why So Serious", "君がいる世界 (The World Where You Exist)", "WOWOWOW")
C5 ("1 of 1", "Best Place", "Black Hole", "BURNING UP", "Don't Lie", "Downtown Baby", "하루의 끝 (End of a Day)", "Everybody", "Fire", "Four Seasons", "Graze", "Happy Birthday", "히치하이킹 (Hitchhiking)", "Hold You", "JoJo", "Last Gift (In My Room - Prelude)", "Love Pain", "Love Should Go On", "Love's Way", "Married To The Music", "One For Me", "Orgel", "Password", "Picasso", "화살 (Quasimodo)", "Real", "RED", "Romantic", "SAVIOR", "Señorita", "Sentimental", "She Is", "Sherlock (Clue + Note)", "SHIFT", "빛이 나 (Shinin')", "Trigger", "White T-Shirt", "한마디 (Your Voice)")
B4 ("1000年、ずっとそばにいて…(For 1000 Years, Always Be By My Side)", "너의 노래가 되어" (An Ode to You)", "Beautiful Life", "Cocktail", "Colors Of The Season", "Crazy (Guilty Pleasure)", "Dangerous (Medusa II)", "Dazzling Girl", "Destination", "Dream Girl", "그래도 되지 않아? (Fine)", "미안해 (I'm Sorry)", "Juliette", "Kiss Yo", "Last Gift (In My Room - Prelude)", "Love Is So Nice", "Moon", "Our Season", "Please, Don't Go", "She", "Sleepless Night", "So Goodbye", "Take The Dive", "Why So Serious", "WOWOWOW", "Y Si Fuera Ella", "You")
B♭4 ("1 of 1", "방백 (Aside)", "A-Yo", "Beautiful Life", "우린 봄이 오기 전에 (Before Our Spring)", "Best Place", "Breaking News", "다이너마이트 (Dynamite)", "Electric Heart", "Elevator", "하루의 끝 (End of a Day)", "Everybody", "Evil", "이별의 길" (Farewell My Love)", "Fire", "Graze", "If You Love Her", "In My Room", "JoJo", "Kiss Yo", "Like A Fire", "Lipstick", "Lonely", "Love Like Action", "Love Pain", "Love Should Go On", "Love Sick". "Love's Way", "LUCKY STAR", "Moon", "Nightmare", "1분만 (One Minute Back)", "환상통 (Only One You Need)", "Orbit", "Password", "Picasso", "Please, Don't Go", "Prism", "Punch Drunk Love", "화살 (Quasimodo)", "Replay", "Rescue", "Ring Ding Dong", "Señorita", "She Is", "SHIFT", "The SHINee World (Doo Bop)", "Suit Up", "View", "Why So Serious", "君がいる世界 (The World Where You Exist)", "Your Name")
A4 ("365", "Alarm Clock", "Alive", "AURORA", "아름다워 (Beautiful)", "Beautiful Lady", "Beautiful Life", "Boys Meet U", "Colorful", "Colors Of The Season", "Dangerous (Medusa II)", "Destination", "Don't Let Me Go", "Downtown Baby", "그래도 되지 않아? (Fine)", "할렐루야 (Hallelujah)", "Hit Me", "Hold You", "하루만이라도 (Just For a Day)", "미안해 (I'm Sorry)", "I'm With You", "If You Love Her", "Last Gift (In My Room - Prelude)", "Like You", "Lucifer", "Married To The Music", "욕 (Obsession)", "Password", "Real", "Romantic", "빗 속 뉴욕" (Queen of New York)", "Runaway", "Savior", "She Is", "사람 구경 중 (Sightseeing)", "Sleepless Night", "So Goodbye", "Spoiler", "Stranger", "Take The Dive", "Talk To You", "Tell Me What To Do", "Trigger", "U Need Me", "White T-Shirt", "Wish Upon A Star", "Y Si Fuera Ella")
G♯4 ("365", "재연 (An Encore)", "A-Yo", "Beautiful Life", "Black Hole", "Blinking Game", "Breaking News", "닫아줘 (Close the Door)", "Dazzling Girl", "산하엽 (Diphylleia Grayi)", "다이너마이트 (Dynamite)", "Elevator", "Evil", "이별의 길" (Farewell My Love)", "Fireplace", "기름때 (Grease), "Honesty", "Keeping Love Again", "Kiss Yo", "Like A Fire", "Lonely", "Love Pain", "Love Sick", "Lucifer", "Lucky Star", "Named", "Nightmare", "Oh Yeah", "One For Me", "1분만 (One Minute Back)", "Our Season", "Please, Don't Go", "Punch Drunk Love", "The Reason", "Ring Ding Dong", "Romance", "She", "Sherlock (Clue + Note)", "SHINe (Medusa I)", "The SHINee World (Doo Bop)", "상사병 (Symptoms)", "UP & DOWN", "White T-Shirt", "Why So Serious", "WOWOWOW", "君がいる世界 (The World Where You Exist)", "Y Si Fuera Ella")
Significant Low Notes:
F3 ("1000", "3 2 1", "Alarm Clock", "방백 (Aside)", "Beautiful Lady", "Beautiful Life", "시간이 늦었어 (Beautiful Tonight)", "Blinking Game", "Cocktail", "Don't Lie", "Don't Stop", "Dress Up", "Elevator", "하루의 끝 (End of a Day)", "Feel Good", "그래도 되지 않아? (Fine)", "If You Love Her", "Nightmare"', "Oh Yeah", "환상통 (Only One You Need)", "Orbit", "Picasso", "Prism", "Real", "The Reason", "Replay", "Ring Ding Dong", "Sherlock (Clue + Note)", "Shift", "사람 구경 중 (Sightseeing)", "Suit Up", "UP & DOWN", "Wish Upon A Star")
E3 ("1000年、ずっとそばにいて…(For 1000 Years, Always Be By My Side)", "방백 (Aside)", "시간이 늦었어 (Beautiful Tonight)", "Colorful", "Colors Of The Season", "와플 (#Hashtag)", "Hit Me", "I guess now it's the fall", "하루만이라도 (Just For a Day)", "Like You", "Love Belt", "일인극 (MONO-Drama)", "Orgel", "Perfect 10", "빛이 나 (Shinin')", "사람 구경 중 (Sightseeing)", "Sleepless Night", "So Goodbye", "Take The Dive")
E♭3 ("3 2 1", "재연 (An Encore)", "Best Place", "Blinking Game", "BURNING UP!", "Crazy (Guilty Pleasure)", "Don't Lie", "하루의 끝 (End of a Day)", "Fireplace", "어떤 기분이 들까 (I’m So Curious)", "Inspiration", "Let Me Out", "Lonely", "1분만 (One Minute Back)", "Married To The Music", "Named", "Oh Yeah", "Orbit", "RED", "Ring Ding Dong", "Suit Up", "상사병 (Symptoms)"
D3 ("Alarm Clock", "아름다워 (Beautiful)", "Bounce", "닫아줘 (Close the Door)", "Colorful", "데자-부 (Déjà-Boo)", "할렐루야 (Hallelujah)", "Hold You", "Just Chill, "Lonely", "Love Belt", "Love Is So Nice", "일인극 (MONO-Drama)", "Romantic", "Señorita", "빛이 나 (Shinin')", "한마디 (Your Voice)"
C♯3 ("365", "방백 (Aside)", "Dazzling Girl", "와플 (#Hashtag)", "Honesty", "어떤 기분이 들까 (I’m So Curious)", "Inspiration", "이별의 길" (Farewell My Love)", "Let Me Out")
C3 ("02:34", "1000", "Blinking Game", "BURNING UP!", "데자-부 (Déjà-Boo)", "Happy Birthday", "Just Chill", "환상통 (Only One You Need)", "Romantic", "She Is", "So Goodbye", "한마디 (Your Voice)")
B2 ("와플 (#Hashtag)", "어떤 기분이 들까 (I’m So Curious)", "Inspiration", "Love Is So Nice", "일인극 (MONO-Drama)")
B♭2 ("Alarm Clock", "Lonely", "Wrongly Given Love")
A2 ("02:34", "So Goodbye")
Italics mark non-melodic notes.
Underlines mark obscured notes.
Blue marks falsetto notes.
Boldface marks notes that are considered to be impressive relating to the person's vocal capabilities.