Post by Zedd Squared on Sept 23, 2019 14:10:01 GMT
Member Of: Ex Cops (2011-2015), Myrkur (2014-present)
Voice Type: Soprano
Vocal Range: C3-D6
High Notes:
D6 (Kulning (Nordic Herding Call) live in unknown snowy forest 2017, "Løven", "Måneblôt", "Skaði", "Valkyriernes sang")
C♯6 ("Devil in the Detail", "Mordet")
C6 ("Fager som en ros", Kulning (Nordic Herding Call) live Berlin 2018, "Mareridt")
B5 ("Tor i Helheim", "Welcome Home")
B♭5 ("Må du brænde i helvede", "Ulvinde")
A5 ("Juniper", "Løven", "Mareridt", "Skøgen skulle dø", "Vølvens spådom")
G♯5 ("Dronning Dagmars død", "Hævnen", "Too Damn Late", "Ulvesangen")
G5 ("Den lille piges død", "Elleskudt", "Fager som en ros", "Leaves of Yggdrasil", "Nordlys", "Skaði", "Song to Hall Up High")
F♯5 ("1 BR Apt Symphony", "Daggers", "Den lille piges død", "Funeral" live Las Vegas 2017, "Music Box", "Shadows of Silence", "Shout", "Snowstorm", "Tor i Helheim", "Vinter", "Wanna Be", "Welcome Home")
F5 ("All Is Full of Love", "Crown", "Funeral", "Juniper", "If You Give It Up", "It Had to Be Me", "Kampsang", "Løven", "Måneblôt", "Mareridt", "Onde børn", "Rooms", "Skøgen skulle dø", "Valkyriernes sang", "Villemann og Magnhild" live Stockholm soundcheck 2018, "Weird with You")
E5 ("Dronning Dagmars død", "Crown", "Frosne vind", "Gammelkäring", "Funeral" live Las Vegas 2017, "Gudernes vilje", "Himlen blev sort", "Jeg er guden, i er tjenerne", "Kvindelil", "Må du brænde i helvede", "Naglfar is Loosed", "Nattens barn", "Rooms", "The Serpent", "Shadows of Silence", "Shout", "Simplify", "Skøgen skulle dø", "Snowstorm", "Song to Hall Up High", "Teacher", "Vinter", "Vølvens spådom", "Weird with You", "White Noise")
E♭5 ("Crush", "Daggers", "Hævnen", "Housecat", "I riden så", "If You Give It Up", "I'm Not Gonna Try", "I'm Sorry", "Just My Size", "Nattens barn", "Shout", "Snowblind" live Download Festival 2019, "Too Damn Late")
D5 ("1 BR Apt Symphony", "Black Is the Color (of My True Love's Hair)", "Black Soap", "Burnt Out Love", "Crown", "Crush", "De tre piker", "Definition of a Rap Flow", "Death of Days", "Den lille piges død", "Ella", "Funeral", "Gammelkäring", "Hells sang", "Himlen blev sort", "If You Give It Up", "I'm Not Gonna Try", "Jeg er guden, i er tjenerne", "Landslide" live Italy 2018, "Løven", "Må du brænde i helvede", "Måneblôt", "Mordet", "Mareridt", "My Blood Is Gold", "Nordlys", "Onde børn", "Pretty Shitty", "Silly Me", "Siren", "Skøgen skulle dø", "Song to Hall Up High", "Spine", "Teacher", "Teenagers", "Två konungabarn", "Ulvinde", "Welcome Home", "White Noise", "Wintertime")
C♯5 ("1 BR Apt Symphony", "All Is Full of Love", "Black Soap", "Dark Streets", "Devil in the Detail", "Dronning ellisiv", "Frosne vind", "Gudernes vilje", "Hævnen", "I riden så", "James", "Juniper", "Kvindelil", "Music Box", "My Blood Is Gold", "Nattens barn", "Pretty Shitty", "Reiar", "Skaði", "Too Damn Late", "Ulvinde", "Ulvesangen", "Wanna Be")
C5 ("Balders tema", "Blazing Sky", "Burnt Out Love", "Byssan lull", "Crush", "Devil in the Detail", "Drømte mig en drøm i nat", "Elleskudt", "F**king Fine", "Fager som en ros", "Frosne vind", "Funeral", "Gammelkäring", "Gladiatrix", "House Carpenter", "Housecat", "If You Give It Up", "I'm Not Gonna Try", "I'm Sorry", "It Had to Be Me", "Jeg er guden, i er tjenerne", "Juniper", "Just My Size", "Latvian fegurð", "Leaves of Yggdrasil", "Listen to Your Heart", "Menneskebarn", "Monday", "Naglfar is Loosed", "Nordlys", "Ravnens banner", "Rooms", "The Serpent", "Shadows of Silence", "Simplify", "Sirens - Of Blood and Water", "Skaði", "Snowblind" live Download Festival 2019, "Svea", "Svend nordmand", "Teacher", "Teenagers", "Tragically Alright", "Två konungabarn", "Valkyriernes sang", "Varulven" live St. John's Church Bethnal Green 2018, "Wintertime")
B4 ("1 BR Apt Symphony", "Balders tema", "Byssan lull", "Bålfærd", "Death of Days", "Gudernes vilje", "Himlen blev sort", "Jenta ho gjekk seg uppå ei hø" live Tilburg 2018, "Like Humans", "Modern World", "Music Box", "Pretty Shitty", "Ravnens banner", "Shout", "Silly Me", "Simplify", "Spine", "Snowstorm", "Tor i Helheim", "Tragically Alright", "Wanna Be", "Welcome Home", "Wintertime")
Low Notes:
A3 ("Ambition", "Black Is the Color (of My True Love's Hair)", "Black Soap", "Bonden og Kragen", "Definition of a Rap Flow", "Den lille piges død", "F**king Fine", "Frosne vind", "Hells sang", "Himlen blev sort", "I Would If I Could", "Jeg er guden, i er tjenerne", "Jætternes sang", "Kampsang", "Like Humans", "Listen to Your Heart", "Mareridt", "Menneskebarn", "Monday", "Mothlike", "Music Box", "Ramund", "Rooms", "The Serpent", "Shadows of Silence", "Shout", "Silly Me", "Skøgen skulle dø", "Song to Hall Up High", "Spine", "Svea", "Teacher", "Teenagers", "Tor i Helheim", "Två konungabarn", "Welcome Home", "Wintertime", "You Are a Lion, I Am a Lamb")
G♯3 ("Broken Chinese Chairz", "Daggers", "Dark Streets", "Devil in the Detail", "Frosne vind", "I riden så", "I'm Sorry", "It Had to Be Me", "Kvindelil", "James", "Juniper", "Pretty Shitty", "Shout", "Snowstorm", "Ulvesangen", "Ulvinde", "Wanna Be")
G3 ("Billy Pressly", "Blazing Sky", "Burnt Out Love", "Crown", "Crush", "Dybt i skoven", "Ella", "Harpens kraft", "Hells sang", "Herr Mannelig", "House Carpenter", "I Feel Sick", "Jack Monroe" live Instagram 2018, "Juniper", "Just My Size", "Kampsang", "Latvian fegurð", "Leaves of Yggdrasil", "Like Humans", "Listen to Your Heart", "Modern World", "Naglfar is Loosed", "Onde børn", "Ramund", "Ravnens banner", "Rooms", "Shadows of Silence", "Silly Me", "Simplify", "Sirens - Of Blood and Water", "Skøgen skulle dø", "Spine", "Too Damn Late", "Valkyriernes sang", "Vinter", "Vølvens spådom", "White Noise")
F♯3 ("Bonden og Kragen", "Dronning Dagmars død", "Ken", "Kvindelil", "Jætternes sang", "Lullaby of Woe" Tilburg 2018, "Menneskebarn", "My Blood Is Gold", "Nattens barn", "Ravnens banner", "Shadows of Silence", "Snowstorm", "Tor i Helheim", "Ulvinde", "Welcome Home", "Wintertime")
F3 ("Børnehjem", "Ella", "Elleskudt", "Housecat", "I Would If I Could", "It Had to Be Me", "Jeg er guden, i er tjenerne", "Just My Size", "Latvian fegurð", "Lullaby of Woe" Tilburg 2018, "My Blood Is Gold", "Ramund", "Sirens - Of Blood and Water")
E3 ("Ambition", "Burnt Out Love", "Death of Days", "Gladiatrix", "Gudernes vilje", "Hells sang", "Hævnen", "Jætternes sang", "Landslide" live Italy 2018, "My Blood Is Gold", "Reiar", "The Serpent", "Silly Me", "Vølvens spådom", "Weird with You")
E♭3 ("Børnehjem", "Devil in the Detail", "Just My Size", "Skaði")
D3 ("Burnt Out Love", "Crown", "Death of Days", "Like Humans", "Måneblôt", "Monday", "The Serpent", "Skaði" Demo)
C♯3 ("Juniper")
C3 ("Like Humans")
Best known for her success as head honcho of the black metal themed project Myrkur, Amalie Bruun has one of the more ethereal and "ancient" sounding voices in the genre at large. She began her singing career in the world of indie pop both as a solo artist and as part of the duo Ex Cops, wherein she showcased a bright and belty pop vocal style. Her first few Myrkur releases were a contrast to this, focusing instead on an ethereal, almost ghostly tone performed primarily in Danish. Over time she's blended these two approaches quite seamlessly and has also introduced a strong low register which compliments her unique blend of pop, folk, rock, and metal remarkably well.
*Underlines mark notes found in backing vocals or otherwise obscured in the song mix.
*Blue marks soft and/or disconnected sound falsetto/head voice notes.
*Green marks harsh screams.
*Boldface marks notes that are considered to be particularly notable examples of this person's vocal capabilities.
*Italics mark spoken/non-sung notes.
{Questionable Notes}D6 ("Weird with You" [3])
A5 ("Teacher" [1])
G♯3 ("Black Soap" [2])
D3 ("Lullaby of Woe" Tilburg 2018 [1])
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.
A5 ("Teacher" [1])
G♯3 ("Black Soap" [2])
D3 ("Lullaby of Woe" Tilburg 2018 [1])
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.
{Album Ranges}Amalie Bruun
Amalie Bruun (2006): D3-E3-E5-G♯5
Housecat (2009): E♭3-E♭5-F♯5
Branches (2010): G♯3-D5-F♯5
Crush (2012): G3-B♭3-D5-E♭5*
Ex Cops
Daggers (2014): D3-F5-F♯5
Myrkur (2014): F3-F♯3-E5-G♯5
M (2015): E♭3-E3-F5-A5-D6
Mausoleum (2016): G3-F5-A5
Mareridt (2017): D3-F5-C6-D6
Juniper (2018): C♯3-F♯3-C♯5-A5
Folkesange (2020): E3-E5-B5
Ragnarok (2023): E3-C5-F5
Spine (2023): C3-E3-F5-C♯6-D6
*I was unable to find the full version of this EP anywhere, so the range displayed is only that of the first two songs.
Amalie Bruun (2006): D3-E3-E5-G♯5
Housecat (2009): E♭3-E♭5-F♯5
Branches (2010): G♯3-D5-F♯5
Crush (2012): G3-B♭3-D5-E♭5*
Ex Cops
Daggers (2014): D3-F5-F♯5
Myrkur (2014): F3-F♯3-E5-G♯5
M (2015): E♭3-E3-F5-A5-D6
Mausoleum (2016): G3-F5-A5
Mareridt (2017): D3-F5-C6-D6
Juniper (2018): C♯3-F♯3-C♯5-A5
Folkesange (2020): E3-E5-B5
Ragnarok (2023): E3-C5-F5
Spine (2023): C3-E3-F5-C♯6-D6
*I was unable to find the full version of this EP anywhere, so the range displayed is only that of the first two songs.