Post by BassSquared on Mar 15, 2020 2:54:57 GMT
Ninet Tayeb (נינט טייב)
Years Active: 2003 - present
Vocal Range: A2 - D6
{Vocal Summary}Through her evolution from glamorous TV pop idol to art-rock auteur, singer-songwriter and actress Ninet Tayeb has been a bonafide star in her native Israel for over fifteen years. However, she was first introduced to many fans worldwide via her vocal guest appearances with English prog luminary Steven Wilson, on which her uniquely raspy high register is on full display. These powerful high belts are arguably her voice's most distinctive feature- though they seldom sound strained, they carry a signature roughness to their timbre perfect for driving an emotional, wailing climax home. Despite this, she is naturally a rather husky, low-placed singer, with a comfort zone that tends to center somewhere just above middle C. Her low range is quite strong and well-explored, able to produce a warm, comfortable sound to the bottom of the third octave. A versatile yet instantly recognizable vocalist with a variety of projects and features under her belt, Ninet is one of Israel's more distinguished musical exports, and one who will likely continue to grow musically and vocally for many years to come.
Written by BassSquared .
Written by BassSquared .
{Album Ranges}
Yechefa (2006): F♯3 - D5
Comunicativi (2009): D3 - G5
Sympathetic Nervous System (2012): D3 - C6
Kol HaHayot Yad'u (2014): B2 - C6
Paper Parachute (2017): C3 - G5
Kamti Lirkod (2023): B2 - D6
Yechefa (2006): F♯3 - D5
Comunicativi (2009): D3 - G5
Sympathetic Nervous System (2012): D3 - C6
Kol HaHayot Yad'u (2014): B2 - C6
Paper Parachute (2017): C3 - G5
Kamti Lirkod (2023): B2 - D6
Significant High Notes:
D6 ("Mashehu Tov")
C6 ("Find My Love", "Vehardata")
B♭5 ("Find My Love")
A5 ("Arba Hamitot", "Feel the Buzz", "Hello Freddie" Tel Aviv 2019, "Sleep Together" NYC 2016)
G5 ("Ani Holechet Rahok", "Crazy", "Dofek", "Elinor", "Hello Freddie" Tel Aviv 2019, "Kah Aya Tamid", "Kelev", "Medabrim", "Qakh Oti" Ashdod 2016, "Sweaty Palms", "Woodstock", "Yellow Tree")
F♯5 ("Feel the Buzz", "Horeget", "Rock Bottom", "Routine")
F5 ("Can't Feel My Face", "I Put a Spell on You", "Kama Baboker", "Perach", "Who Is Us", "Yellow Tree")
E5 ("Alice", "Arba Hamitot", "Crazy", "Hand Cannot Erase" NYC 2016, "Hello Freddie" Tel Aviv 2019, "Horeget", "Kamti Lirkod", "Kelev", "Kol Halevad", "Mashehu Tov", "My Game", "Pariah", "Routine", "Sleep Together" NYC 2016, "Superstar", "Sweaty Palms", "Sympathetic Nervous System", "White Rabbit" Tel Aviv 2011, "Woodstock", "Yakinton")
E♭5 ("Child", "Eem Ani Elech", "Elinor", "Find My Love", "Hakala", "Hand Cannot Erase" NYC 2016, "Mah Qarah" Ashdod 2016, "Ma Yiheye Itach", "Paper Parachute")
D5 ("Ahrei Hakol", "Avadim", "Crazy", "Dofek", "Don't Hate Me" NYC 2016, "Full Moon Night", "Gaaguyim", "Garzen", "Hallelujah", "High & Dry", "I C U", "I Put a Spell on You", "Kah Aya Tamid", "Kama Baboker", "Kol Halevad", "Medabrim", "Pariah", "Rock Bottom", "Sympathetic Nervous System", "Tut", "Unrequited Star", "Vague", "White Rabbit" Tel Aviv 2011, "Who Is Us", "With a Little Help From My Friends", "Woodstock", "Yakinton")
C♯5 ("27", "Basheket Haze", "Can't Feel My Face", "Child", "Eem Ani Elech", "Feel the Buzz", "I'll Be Fine", "Kadur Porech", "Kamti Lirkod", "Oshek", "Proyect Hasafor Hakahol", "Qeshet", "Rehab", "What Are You People", "Wicked Game" Tel Aviv 2012)
C5 ("Can't Feel My Face", "Drowning", "Eih Margishim Kshe Ze Nigmar", "Elinor", "Etmol Belayla", "Full Moon Night", "Gaaguyim", "Go to Sleep", "Haholech", "He Yodaat", "High & Dry", "Kacha Ze", "Kelev", "Mashehu Tov", "Ocean", "Paper Parachute", "Proyect Hasafor Hakahol", "Qakh Oti" Ashdod 2016, "Rak Shelo Tipol Haruah", "Self Destructive Mind", "Shalva", "Shney Mahavarim", "Tut", "Vehardata", "White Rabbit" Tel Aviv 2011, "With a Little Help From My Friends", "Yakinton", "Yamei Sliha", "Yam Shel Dema'ott" Ashdod 2016)
B4 ("Alice", "Ancestral" NYC 2016, "Avadim", "Besof", "Black Velvet", "Hakol Yahol Likrot", "Havelim", "Hallelujah", "High & Dry", "I Know It's Over", "Kadur Porech", "My Game", "Nisseraf Ha'olam" Joshua Gardens 2022, "O'Computer", "Oshek", "Perfect Life" NYC 2016, "Qeshet", "Room", "Subservient", "Sweaty Palms", "Tov Lamut Bead Hahaava", "Unrequited Star", "Yahfa", "Yellow Tree")
Significant Low Notes:
A3 ("17 Shniyot", "Ahrei Hakol", "Arba Hamitot", "Bein Hatzlalim", "Buba", "Go to Sleep", "Horeget", "I Put a Spell on You", "Perach", "Perfect Life" NYC 2016, "Rak Shelo Tipol Haruah", "Self Destructive Mind", "Subservient", "Superstar", "Sympathetic Nervous System", "Ulay Bachagim", "Unrequited Star", "Tov Lamut Bead Hahaava", "Woodstock", "Yahfa", "Yam Shel Dema'ott" Ashdod 2016)
G♯3 ("Ancestral" NYC 2016, "Garzen", "Hand Cannot Erase" NYC 2016, "Haholech", "I'll Be Fine", "Lo Lefahed Klal", "Mah Qarah" Ashdod 2016, "Medabrim", "Oshek", "Pariah" LA 2018, "Taking the Easy Way Out" Tel Aviv 2011)
G3 ("Alice", "Ancestral" NYC 2016, "Ani Holechet Rahok", "Avadim", "Dofek", "Etmol Belayla", "Gibor", "Hallelujah", "Hero", "High & Dry", "I'll Be Fine", "I Put a Spell on You", "Kacha Ze", "Kama Baboker", "Kelev", "Kol Halevad", "Mashehu Tov", "Ocean", "O'Computer", "Perach", "Rak Shelo Tipol Haruah", "Self Destructive Mind", "Shney Mahavarim", "Space Oddity" NYC 2016, "Temporary Satisfaction", "Transience" NYC 2016, "Tut", "White Rabbit" Tel Aviv 2011, "Who Is Us", "With a Little Help From My Friends", "Yakinton")
F♯3 ("Ahrei Hakol", "Basheket Haze", "Bein Hatzlalim", "Black Velvet", "Don't Hate Me" NYC 2016, "Everything Means Nothing to Me" Tel Aviv 2011, "Feel the Buzz", "Garzen", "Hand Cannot Erase" NYC 2016, "Haholech", "Havelim", "Kadur Porech", "Kamti Lirkod", "Nisseraf Ha'olam" Joshua Gardens 2022, "Pariah" LA 2018, "Perfect Life" NYC 2016, "Shalva", "Subservient", "Taking the Easy Way Out" Tel Aviv 2011, "Ulay Bachagim", "Vague", "What Are You People", "Yadati She Tehzor", "Yellow Tree")
F3 ("Child", "Dofek", "Full Moon Night", "Ocean", "Paper Parachute", "Proyect Hasafor Hakahol", "Sweet Chariot", "Yakinton")
E3 ("17 Shniyot", "Besof", "Everything Means Nothing to Me" Tel Aviv 2011, "Horeget", "I C U", "I Know It's Over", "Kah Aya Tamid", "Kamti Lirkod", "Kelev", "Medabrim", "Superstar", "Temporary Satisfaction", "Transience" NYC 2016)
E♭3 ("Ancestral" NYC 2016, "Besof", "Ma Yiheye Itach", "Paper Parachute", "Proyect Hasafor Hakahol", "Routine" Royal Albert Hall 2018)
D3 ("Basheket Haze", "Don't Hate Me" NYC 2016, "I C U", "Kah Aya Tamid", "Shalva", "Temporary Satisfaction", "Vague", "What Are You People")
C♯3 ("Besof", "Routine", "Subservient")
C3 ("Elinor", "I Know It's Over", "Sleigh Ride", "Vague")
B2 ("Alice", "Besof")
A2 ("Sleigh Ride")
{Questionable Notes}
B6 "Paper Parachute" [5]
F♯6 "Sympathetic Nervous System" [1] [4]
E6 "Medabrim" [2]
C6 "Find My Love" [1], "Kelev" [5], "My Game" [1], "Tut" [2]
B5 "Perach" [1],
G♯5 "Hakala]" [1] [4]
E3 "O'Computer" [5]
B2 "Don't Hate Me" NYC 2016 [5], "Hakala" [5]
A2 "Vague" [1]
F♯2 "Basheket Haze" [2], "Feel the Buzz" [4]
F2 "Ocean" [2]
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.
B6 "Paper Parachute" [5]
F♯6 "Sympathetic Nervous System" [1] [4]
E6 "Medabrim" [2]
C6 "Find My Love" [1], "Kelev" [5], "My Game" [1], "Tut" [2]
B5 "Perach" [1],
G♯5 "Hakala]" [1] [4]
E3 "O'Computer" [5]
B2 "Don't Hate Me" NYC 2016 [5], "Hakala" [5]
A2 "Vague" [1]
F♯2 "Basheket Haze" [2], "Feel the Buzz" [4]
F2 "Ocean" [2]
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.
Blue marks soft falsetto or whistle notes.
Underlines mark notes that are obscured in the song mix.
Italics mark non-melodic notes.
Boldface marks notes that are considered to be particularly notable examples of this person's vocal capabilities.