Post by Rodney Blazershorts on Aug 27, 2020 23:35:13 GMT
Vocal Range: G♯1 - B♭5
Associated Acts: Avian, Balance of Power, Defyance, Empire, Gemini, Ilium, Kings Machine, Mattson, Pyramaze
Significant high notes:
B♭5: "Nightmare" Gemini song, "Thundersoul"
G♯5: "Fire Dance", "Rock Hard All Night", "Strangers Are Dangerous", "Time and Space Part II: Unlock the Mystery"
G5: "Eyes of a Stranger" Pickle Park 2011, "Legend", "Lonely", "Thundersoul"
F♯5: "21-Gun Salute", "Balls to the Wall" unspecified Decibel show, "Barracuda", "Captivated", "Crimes to Bare", "Dance of Power", "Filthy Girls", "Keep on Running (For My Life)", "The Pleasure Room", "Slow and Easy" unspecified Decibel show, "Stand Your Ground", "Time for a Change", "TKO",
F5: "Ancient Words Within", "Another Place, Another Time", "Barracuda", "The Birth" live Immortal bonus track, "Blinding Force", "Day Breaker", "Fire of the Ancients", "Fool in Love", "H.D.S.O.B.", "Monkey Business" unspecified Decibel show, "Nightmare" Gemini song, "Out for Blood", "Perfect World", "Power of Imagination" ProgPower USA 2006, "Prisoner of Pride", "Strangers Are Dangerous", "Wendigo", "Zenith to Zero"
E5: "About to Burn", "Bad, Bad Boy", "Chaotica", "Connection", "Exodus", "Eyes of a Stranger" Pickle Park 2011, "Fire Dance", "Fool in Love", "Hard Life", "Heart Is Breaking", "Here I Am", "Inner Self", "Miracles and Dreams", "Momma (Hard to Say Goodbye)", "Money", "No Soldier Returns", "A Notion", "On the Edge", "Passing of the Night", "Rock Hard All Night", "Sails of Charon", "Still of the Night" unspecified Decibal show, "Ten More Tales of Grand Illusion", "Time for a Change", "Walking on Top of the World"
E♭5: "Ancient Words Within", "Ashes and Madness", "Awakening", "Beautiful People" unspecified Decibel show, "The Birth", "The Bone Carver", "Book of Secrets", "Day Breaker", "The Depths of Time", "Desolation Angel", "Do You Dream of Angels?", "Final Frontier", "From Now On", "Insomnia", "Into the Other Side", "It's Not Over (Until It's Over)", "Killer or the Cure?", "Limitless", "Lonely", "Love Is All", "Miracles and Dreams", "Never Too Late", "Nightmare" Gemini + Shining Star songs, "Open the Gate", "Out for Blood", "Perfect World", "The Pleasure Room", "Queen of the Insane", "Sabertooth Youth", "Safely Through the Fight", "Savage Tears", "Searching for the Truth", "Self Destruction", "Seven Days to Nevermore", "Still I'm Alone", "Tears of Hate", "Time and Space Part I: City of Peace", "TKO", "Under the Spell", "Victim of Freedom", "What Lies Beyond", "When Heaven Calls Your Name", "Wide Open", "The Wizard", "Your Dream"
D5: "Another Place, Another Time", "The Birth", "Blind Faith", "Blind Man", "Blinding Force", "Bridge to the Past", "Bring Back Life", "Crave the Dirt", "H.D.S.O.B.", "Infinity Divine", "The Journey", "Keep on Running (For My Life)", "Manifest Destiny", "Melancholy Beast", "Mighty Abyss", "A Notion", "Power of Imagination", "Quetzalcoatl", "ReProgram", "She Who Summoned Me", "Shelter", "Shout at the Devil" unspecified Decibel show, "Single Blade of Vengeance", "Sleepy Hollow", "Soulless", "Souls in Pain", "Spread My Wings", "The Time Traveller", "Tragedy", "Until We Fade Away", "You're All That I'm Looking For"
C♯5: "About to Burn", "As the World Burns", "Back to Me", "Black Masquerade", "Clear Skies", "Connection", "Crimes to Bare", "Dangerous Game", "Desolation Angel", "Filthy Girls", "Final Frontier", "Foreigner Medley" live Legacy of the Loud show 2019, "From Now On", "Hard Life", "Heart Is Breaking", "Higher Than the Sun", "House of Cain", "Insanity", "Insomnia", "Just a Man", "Just Beyond My Sight", "Lady of the Night", "Lead Me on My Way", "Mind at War", "Miracles and Dreams", "No Soldier Returns", "One Voice", "Pointing Fingers", "Reaction Formation", "Seven Days to Nevermore", "Silent Tears", "Spell of Domestication", "Stand Your Ground", "Stranger Days (To Come)", "Tied to a Wheel", "Time for a Change", "Wide Open", "Your Dream", "Yuletide Ebbs"
C5: "21-Gun Salute", "All the King's Horses", "The Bone Carver", "Dance of Power", "Day Breaker", "Esoteric Lies", "Fear", "Fire of the Ancients", "A Force to Face My Fears", "Foreigner Medley" live Legacy of the Loud show 2019, "Forsaken Kingdom", "Godless Theocracies", "Infinity Divine", "Love Is All", "Melancholy Beast", "Mighty Abyss", "Never Fade Away", "No Soldier Returns", "Open the Gate", "Perfect World", "Prisoner of Pride", "Queen of the Insane", "Sabertooth Youth", "She Who Summoned Me", "Silent Tears", "Slow and Easy" unspecified Decibel show, "A Song of Distant Earth", "Souls in Pain", "Technology", "Tragedy", "Two of Us", "Until We Fade Away", "Zenith to Zero"
B4: "As the World Burns", "Awakening", "Back to Me", "Blind Man", "Bridge to the Past", "Connection", "The Cryptozoologist", "The Darker Side", "Do You Dream of Angels?", "Dream Police", "Exodus", "Given Choice", "Hard Life", "Holy Diver" unspecified Decibel show, "Infinity Divine", "Insomnia", "Just Beyond My Sight", "Keep on Running (For My Life)", "Lead Me on My Way", "Legend", "Let's Unite in Rock", "Limitless", "Lingua Franca", "Lonely", "The Long Run", "Manifest Destiny", "Mind at War", "Momma (Hard to Say Goodbye)", "Never Too Late", "No More", "On the Edge", "One Voice", "Orbiting a Sun of Sadness", "Passing of the Night", "Penny Black", "Quetzalcoatl", "ReProgram", "Rock Hard All Night", "Sacred Systems", "Safely Through the Fight", "Sailing Through the Doorway", "Shelter", "Shelter Me", "Sippin' Whiskey", "A Song of Distant Earth", "Tears of Hate", "Tied to a Wheel", "Time and Space Part II: Unlock the Mystery", "The Time Traveller", "Two of Us", "Victim of Freedom", "Wendigo", "The Wizard", "You're All That I'm Looking For", "Yuletide Ebbs", "Zenith to Zero"
B♭4: "All the King's Horses", "Black Masquerade", "Book of Secrets", "Chained to My Pain", "Chaotica", "Crimes to Bare", "Dangerous Game", "The Depths of Time", "Desolation Angel", "The Fear", "Fire Dance", "The Hatchling", "Holy Diver" unspecified Decibel show, "Into the Other Side", "The Journey", "Joy Everlasting", "Just a Man", "Kibou", "Legend", "The Lost and Forsaken", "A Moment in Chiros", "Money", "No More", "Penny Black", "The Pleasure Room", "Queen of the Insane", "Savage Tears", "Searching for the Truth", "She Who Summoned Me", "Sins of the World", "Song of Deliverance", "Spell of Domestication", "Spread My Wings", "Time and Space Part I: City of Peace", "Transformation", "Travel Through Time", "Under the Spell", "When Heaven Calls Your Name", "Wide Open", "The Wizard", "Your Dream"
A4: "Awakening", "Bring Back Life", "Chained to My Pain", "Doomsday", "Double Life", "Fear", "Final Frontier", "Given Choice", "The Hatchling", "Here I Am", "Into the Other Side", "Killer or the Cure?", "Limitless", "Lingua Franca", "Melancholy Beast", "Mind at War", "Momma (Hard to Say Goodbye)", "A Notion", "On the Edge", "One Voice", "Orbiting a Sun of Sadness", "Power of Imagination", "Sacred System", "Sippin' Whiskey", "Soulless", "Stranger Days (To Come)"
Significant Low Notes
E3: "Foreigner Medley" live Legacy of the Loud show 2019, "Never Fade Away", "Prisoner of Pride", "ReProgram", "Searching for the Truth", "Silent Tears", "Stand Your Ground"
E♭3: "Another Place, Another Time", "Awakening", "Burning Wheel Turning", "Double Life", "The Hatchling", "Insomnia", "Money", "Monkey Business" unspecified Decibel show, "Nightmare" Shining Star song, "Perfect World", "Sails of Charon", "Savage Tears", "Time Is All We Need", "Travel Through Time", "Victim of Freedom"
D3: "Beautiful People" unspecified Decibel show, "Crave the Dirt", "The Cryptozoologist", "Filthy Girls", "Kibou", "Lingua Franca", "Never Fade Away", "Orbiting a Sun of Sadness", "Power of Imagination", "Sabertooth Youth", "Sailing Through the Doorway", "A Song of Distant Earth", "Time for a Change", "Walking on Top of the World", "Zenith to Zero"
C♯3: "Burning Wheel Turning", "Clear Skies", "The Darker Side", "Desolation Angel", "Do You Dream of Angels?", "Insanity", "Keep on Running (For My Life)", "Mind at War", "A Moment in Chiros", "No Soldier Returns", "Pointing Fingers", "Self Destruction", "Tied to a Wheel", "When Heaven Calls Your Name"
C3: "Chaotica", "Coming Home" Out for Blood, "From Now On", "Godless Theocracies", "Prisoner of Pride", "A Sense of Urgency", "Spell of Domestication", "Transformation"
B2: "Another Place, Another Time", "Coming Home" Out for Blood, "Dance of Power", "Eyes of a Stranger" Pickle Park 2011, "Forsaken Kingdom", "House of Cain", "Power of Imagination" ProgPower USA 2006, "Sailing Through the Doorway", "Tears of Hate", "Time and Space Part II: Unlock the Mystery", "Two of Us"
B♭2: "Beyond the Hallowed Gates", "Bring Back Life", "Fire of the Ancients", "Heart Is Breaking", "Kibou", "Mind at War", "The Pleasure Room","Reaction Formation", "Slow and Easy" unspecified Decibel show, "Spell of Domestication", "Transformation", "Walking on Top of the World"
A2: "The Bone Carver", "A Force to Face My Fears", "Manifest Destiny", "Never Fade Away", "Reaction Formation", "Sacred Systems", "Until We Fade Away"
G♯2: "Ashes and Madness", "Beautiful People" unspecified Decibel show, "The Bone Carver", "Final Frontier", "Killer or the Cure?", "Never Fade from Me", "Out for Blood", "Savage Tears", "Thundersoul"
G2: "All the King's Horses", "Crimes to Bare", "I'll Be There", "Legend"
F♯2: "As the World Burns", "Blood Red Skies", "Dance of Power", "Slow and Easy" unspecified Decibel show,
F2: "Sabertooth Youth", "Thundersoul"
E2: "Another Place, Another Time", "Balls to the Wall" unspecified Decibel show, "Dance of Power", "Killer or the Cure?"
E♭2: "Era of Chaos", "Fear", "Lonely", "Tears of Hate", "Time and Space Part II: Unlock the Mystery"
D2: "House of Cain", "The Lost and Forsaken", "Soulless"
C♯2: "Eyes of a Stranger" Pickle Park 2011, ""Melancholy Beast"
B♭1: "Balls to the Wall" unspecified Decibel show, "Killer or the Cure?"
G♯1: "Ashes and Madness", "Melancholy Beast"
*[Blue marks soft falsetto notes.
*Gray marks fried notes.
*Underline marks notes in backing vocals.
*Italics mark non-melodic notes.
{Questionable Notes}G♯5: "Mind at War" [2]
C3: "Blinding Force" [4]
F2: "Sleepy Hollow" [4]
E2: "Dream Police" [5]
C♯2: "Out for Blood" [5]
B1: "A Moment in Chiros" [3]
B♭1: "A Sense of Urgency" [3]
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.
C3: "Blinding Force" [4]
F2: "Sleepy Hollow" [4]
E2: "Dream Police" [5]
C♯2: "Out for Blood" [5]
B1: "A Moment in Chiros" [3]
B♭1: "A Sense of Urgency" [3]
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.
{Album Ranges}Gemini
1990: Gemini: E♭2-G♯5-B♭5
1992: Out for Blood: G2-G♯5
The Kings Machine
1995: ...A State of Mind: E♭2-F2-D3-F♯5
Balance of Power
1998: Book of Secrets: B♭2-C♯3-E5
1999: Ten More Tales…: G♯2-F5
2001: Perfect Balance: B♭1-D2-G♯5
2001: Hypnotica: E2-B2-E♭3-F♯5
2002: Transitional Forms: A2-E5-F5
2003: Power Games: E♭3-D5-E♭5
2004: Melancholy Beast: G♯1-C♯2-G2-G5
2006: The Legend of the Bone Carver: E♭2-A2-F5
2005: From the Depths of Time: F♯2-F♯3-F5
2008: Ashes and Madness: G♯1-D2-G♯5-B♭5
Shining Star
2005: Enter Eternity: C3-C♯3-E♭5
2011: A Moment in Chiros: E2-F♯2-F♯5
2019: ReProgram: A2-D5(-F♯5)
2015: My Misanthropia: C3-F5
2015: Wendigo EP: E♭3-F♯3-F5
1990: Gemini: E♭2-G♯5-B♭5
1992: Out for Blood: G2-G♯5
The Kings Machine
1995: ...A State of Mind: E♭2-F2-D3-F♯5
Balance of Power
1998: Book of Secrets: B♭2-C♯3-E5
1999: Ten More Tales…: G♯2-F5
2001: Perfect Balance: B♭1-D2-G♯5
2001: Hypnotica: E2-B2-E♭3-F♯5
2002: Transitional Forms: A2-E5-F5
2003: Power Games: E♭3-D5-E♭5
2004: Melancholy Beast: G♯1-C♯2-G2-G5
2006: The Legend of the Bone Carver: E♭2-A2-F5
2005: From the Depths of Time: F♯2-F♯3-F5
2008: Ashes and Madness: G♯1-D2-G♯5-B♭5
Shining Star
2005: Enter Eternity: C3-C♯3-E♭5
2011: A Moment in Chiros: E2-F♯2-F♯5
2019: ReProgram: A2-D5(-F♯5)
2015: My Misanthropia: C3-F5
2015: Wendigo EP: E♭3-F♯3-F5
{Live videos}"Eyes of a Stranger" Pickle Park 2011
"Power of Imagination" ProgPower USA 2006
"Foreigner Medley" live Legacy of the Loud show 2019
"Balls to the Wall" unspecified Decibel show
"Beautiful People" unspecified Decibel show
"Holy Diver" unspecified Decibel show
"Monkey Business" unspecified Decibel show
"Shout at the Devil" unspecified Decibel show
"Slow and Easy" unspecified Decibel show
"Power of Imagination" ProgPower USA 2006
"Foreigner Medley" live Legacy of the Loud show 2019
"Balls to the Wall" unspecified Decibel show
"Beautiful People" unspecified Decibel show
"Holy Diver" unspecified Decibel show
"Monkey Business" unspecified Decibel show
"Shout at the Devil" unspecified Decibel show
"Slow and Easy" unspecified Decibel show