Post by Rodney Blazershorts on Apr 28, 2021 1:25:11 GMT
Vocal Range: B♭1-C6
Associated Acts: Jack Starr's Burning Starr (2004-2019), Riot (2013-present), Harlet (1987-present), Pulling Teeth (?), Reverence (2010-2015), Entice (2013-present)
Significant high notes:
C6: 4 octave glissando, "Silent Madness" demonstration
B5: "Bought n' Paid For" Drifter's Inn 1990, "Daughter of Darkness", "Go Down Fighting" Magic Circle Festival 2009
B♭5: "Black Clouds of Thanos", "Defiance", "Evil Never Sleeps" Magic Circle Festival 2008, "When Blood and Steel Collide"
A5: "Alive, Loose and Dangerous", "Another Life", "The Beast Inside", "Eternal Force", "Hot Wired" Drifter's Inn 1990, "Inquisitor", "Kill to Survive", "Love Rain Down", "To the Ends"
G♯5: "Alive, Loose and Dangerous", "Battle Cry", "Here We Are", "Land of the Dead", "Lazy Sunday", "Lite and Burning", "Raging Eyes", "The Sky Is Falling", "Stand Your Ground", "Stronger Than Steel", "Until the End", "We Are One", "With a Stranger"
G5: "Ancient Ones", "Bought 'n Paid For", "Day of the Reaper", "Defiance", "Desolation", "Fall from the Sky", "Fight Fight Fight", "God So Loved the World", "In the Puss", "Indian Nation", "Juke Box Hero" The Voice, "The Lord Bless You and Keep You", "Metal Soldiers" Live in Japan 2018, "Metal Warrior", "More Than a Feeling", "O Holy Night", "On Your Knees" Live in Japan 2018, "Straight Through the Heart", "Stranger in Paradise", "Unleash the Fire", "Wings Are for Angels" Live in Japan 2018, "Worlds Apart"
F♯5: "Another Life", "Bought 'n Paid For", "Bring the Hammer Down", "Caught in the Witches Eye", "Cold of the Night", "Dancing on the Edge of Obscurity", "Don't Stop Now", "Dystopian Time", "Faintly Living", "Feel the Fire", "God So Loved the World", "Great Is Thy Faithfulness", "High Noon", "Indian Nation", "Individual We Stand", "Johnny's Back" Live in Japan 2018, "Mean Streets", "Monster", "Never Again", "Once and Future King", "The Price You Pay", "Sign of the Crimson Storm" Live in Japan 2018, "The Snake", "Too Late", "Victory", "Warning Fire", "Warrior" Live in Japan 2018, "When Blood and Steel Collide"
F5: "After the Leaves Have Fallen", "Armor of Light", "Battle Cry", "Black Clouds of Thanos", "Dancing on the Edge of Obscurity", "The Difference", "Faintly Living", "Fall from the Sky", "Fight or Fall" Live in Japan 2018, "Hot Wired", "Infant Holy, Infant Lowly", "Metal Soldiers" Live in Japan 2018, "No Turning Back" Keep It True 2016, "On the Wings of the Night", "Phantom Road", "Ride the Wind", "Straight Through the Heart", "Surely the Presence of the Lord Is in This Place", "The Time", "Vengeance Is Mine", "Wings Are for Angels" Live in Japan 2018
E5: "Angel's Thunder, Devil's Reign", "Are You With Me", "The Best" The Voice, "The Best I Can", "Bought 'n Paid For", "Bring the Hammer Down", "Buried Alive" Live in Japan 2018, "Can't Get Enough", "Caught in the Witches Eye", "Cleansed by Fire", "Desolation", "Devil in Disguise", "Dystopian Time", "The Enemy", "Escape from the Night", "Eternal Force", "Fall from the Sky", "Fight Fight Fight", "Fight or Fall" Live in Japan 2018, "Flight of the Warrior" Live in Japan 2018, "Fly Away", "From the Father", "Give Me a Song", "Gods of War", "Gone", "Hail to the Warriors", "Heart of a Lion", "Immortal", "Juke Box Hero" The Voice, "Just a Cog", "Kill to Survive", "Land of the Dead", "Land of the Rising Sun", "Like No Other", "Love Beyond the Grave", "Messiah", "Metal Warrior", "Monster", "More Than a Feeling", "Mortal Eyes", "My Body Is Your Vessel, Lord", "On the Wings of Angels" Live in Japan 2018, "On Your Knees" Live in Japan 2018, "Open Road", "Promises", "Race to Obscene", "Raging Eyes", "Return of the Outlaw", "Ride Hard Live Free", "Road Racin'" Live in Japan 2018, "Roll Me Over", "Run for Your Life" Live in Japan 2018, "Sitting on Top of the World", "A Smile on Your Face", "Somebody to Love" The Voice, "Splinter", "Start With Love", "Take Me Back", "Take Your Chances", "Tear Down the Mountain", "Thundersteel" 2018 Version, "To the Bone", "To the Ends", "Unleash the Fire", "Until We Meet Again"
E♭5: "Angel in Black", "Black Clouds of Thanos", "Bleed for Me", "Blood of Heroes", "Choices Made", "Cold of the Night", "Daughter of Darkness", "Defiance", "Destiny", "Devil in Disguise", "Escape from the Night", "Faintly Living", "False Gods", "Gatekeeper", "Gazing Upon Reflections", "Heart of Gold", "Here We Are", "Hero", "Immune", "Into the Fire", "Lost Dreams", "Never Again", "On the Wings of Angels" Live in Japan 2018, "Phantom Road", "The Price You Pay", "Ready to Shine", "Return to Eden", "Revolution Rising", "San Antonio", "Set", "Silent Night, Holy Night", "The Sky Is Falling", "Somebody's Fool", "Stand Your Ground", "Stranger in Paradise", "Stronger Than Steel", "Take Your Chances", "Too Late", "Vengeance Is Mine", "Warning Fire", "When Blood and Steel Collide", "When Darkness Calls", "With a Stranger"
D5: "Angels We Have Heard on High", "Answers in a Dream", "Armor of Light", "Before This Time", "The Best" The Voice, "Burn the Daylight", "Come and Worship", "Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus", "Day of the Reaper", "The Doctor", "Dystopian Time", "End of the World", "The Enemy", "Feel the Fire", "Fight Fight Fight", "Gone", "Great Is Thy Faithfulness", "Hail to the Warriors", "Heart of a Lion", "Higher", "Immune", "Indian Nation", "Joy to the World", "Kill to Survive", "Land of the Rising Sun", "Lean Into It", "Let There Be Peace on Earth", "Like No Other", "Lost in the Darkness Below", "Love Rain Down", "Metal Warrior", "Morning Has Broken", "Mortal Eyes", "Now and Forever", "Off the Rails", "One Moment", "Raining Fire", "Return to Eden", "Ride Hard Live Free", "Run While You can", "San Antonio", "Sign of the Crimson Storm", "Sitting on Top of the World", "Somebody to Love" The Voice, "Somebody's Fool", "Spirit of the Living God", "Still, Still, Still", "Surely the Presence of the Lord Is in This Place", "Take Me Back", "Time and Place", "Unleash the Fire", "Victory", "What Child Is This, Who Laid to Rest?", "Worlds Apart"
C♯5: "Angel in Black", "The Beast Inside", "Bleed for Me", "Blood of Heroes", "Blood on My Hands", "Can't Get Enough", "Choices Made", "Cold of the Night", "Dancing on the Edge of Obscurity", "Devil in Disguise", "Evil Never Sleeps" MCF 2008, "Faintly Living", "False Gods", "Feel the Fire", "Gatekeeper", "Gazing Upon Reflections", "Gods of War", "Heart of Gold", "High Noon", "In the Garden", "Inquisition", "Lit and Burning", "Long Lost Rock & Rollers", "Love Beyond the Grave", "Mean Streets", "My Body Is Your Vessel, Lord", "Never Again", "Never Let Go", "On the Wings of the Night", "Race to Obscene", "Raging Eyes", "Ride the Wind", "Sands of Time", "Set the World Alight", "The Sky Is Falling", "Sonic Healing", "Start With Love", "Tear Down the Mountain", "Until My Dying Breath", "Vengeance Is Mine", "We Are One"
C5: "All on the Line", "Angel Eyes" Live in Japan 2018, "Are You With Me", "Armor of Light", "Battle Cry", "Before This Time", "Black Clouds of Thanos", "Burn the Daylight", "Can't Get Enough", "Caught in the Witches Eye", "Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus", "Destiny", "The Difference", "Eternal Force", "Fall from the Sky", "Give Me a Song", "Hurt", "I Love You Lord", "The King Must Die", "Let Loose Tonight", "Let There Be Peace on Earth", "Long Lost Rock & Rollers", "The Lord Bless You and Keep You", "Lost Dreams", "Mean Streets", "Messiah", "Morning Has Broken", "Mortal Eyes", "Not With a Sword", "O Holy Night", "Open Road", "Overdrive", "Phantom Road", "Ready to Shine", "Resurrection Power", "Return of the Outlaw", "A Smile on Your Face", "Spirit of the Living God", "Splinter", "Straight Through the Heart", "Take Me Back", "Thundersteel" 2018 Version, "The Time", "Unbelief", "Undone", "Until We Meet Again", "We Only Have Today", "Were You There on That Christmas Night?"
B4: "Accepted, But Not True", "Answers in a Dream", "Bloodstreets" Live in Japan 2018, "Bring the Hammer Down", "Catch the Rainbow", "Cold of the Night", "Daughter of Darkness", "Desolation", "The Doctor", "End of the World", "The Enemy", "Escape from the Night", "Fly Away", "Fool for You", "Free", "God So Loved the World", "Gone", "Hail to the Warriors", "Here We Are", "Hero", "In the Puss", "Johnny's Back" Live in Japan 2018, "Just a Cog", "Land of the Dead", "Light in the Dark", "Lone Wolf", "Love Beyond the Grave", "Lumpeny", "No More", "Now and Forever", "Off the Rails", "On the Wings of Angels" Live in Japan 2018, "One Moment", "Ordinary People", "The Other Side", "Part of Me", "Praise Him", "Raining Fire", "Ride the Wind", "Road Racin'" Live in Japan 2018, "Running After You", "Set Me Free", "Set the World Alight", "Severed Garden", "Shallow", "The Snake", "Start With Love", "Swords and Tequila" Live in Japan 2018, "Tear Down the Mountain", "The Three Kings", "To the Bone", "To the Ends", "Twilight of the Gods", "Until the End", "Where's the Love"
B♭4: "After the Leaves Have Fallen", "Angel Eyes" Live in Japan 2018, "Angel in Black", "Cleansed by Fire", "Consciousness of Love", "Defiance", "Evil Never Sleeps" MCF 2008, "Gatekeeper", "Gazing Upon Reflections", "Give Me That Smile", "Heads Off to the Chicken", "Individual We Stand', "Lazy Sunday", "Never Be the Same", "The Price You Pay", "Roll Me Over", "San Antonio", "Secrets We Hide", "Set", "Warning Fire", "When Blood and Steel Collide", "When Darkness Calls"
Significant Low Notes
E3: "10,000 Reasons", "The Best I Can", "Buried Alive" Live in Japan 2018, "Catch the Rainbow", "Come and Worship", "The Doctor", "Fly Away", "Immortal", "The King Must Die", "Juke Box Hero" The Voice, "Land of the Dead", "Land of the Rising Sun", "Love Rain Down", "Mean Streets", "Metal Warrior", "Roll Me Over", "Set the World Alight", "The Sky Is Falling" Letters from India, "Somebody's Fool", "The Time", "Unbelief", "Until the End", "We Are One", "We Only Have Today", "Where's the Love"
E♭3: "Ancient Ones", "Are You With Me", "Blood on My Hands", "Box Full of Things", "Cleansed by Fire", "The Difference", "Fool for You", "Hail to the Warriors", "On the Wings of the Night", "Overdrive", "Revolution Rising", "Set", "Sonic Healing", "Splinter", "Vengeance Is Mine", "When Blood and Steel Collide"
D3: "The Beast Inside", "Blood of Heroes", "Break of Dawn", "Fall from the Sky", "Free", "Heads Off to the Chicken", "Indian Nation", "Individual We Stand", "Inquisitor", "Joy to the World", "Lone Wolf", "Long Lost Rock & Rollers", "More Than a Feeling", "My Little Animals", "Run While You Can", "Silent Night, Holy Night", "The Sky Is Falling", "Somebody to Love" The Voice, "Still, Still, Still", "The Time", "To the Bone", "We Only Have Today", "Whole Again"
C♯3: "Bleed for Me", "Blood on My Hands"Faintly Living", "Dancing on the Edge of Obscurity", "False Gods", "Give Me a Song", "Just a Cog", "No Winner Takes All", "Ride the Wind", "Secrets We Hide", "The Seed Is Dead", "Tear Down the Mountain", "Twilight of the Gods", "When Darkness Calls"
C3: "Eternal Force", "In the Garden", "Into the Fire", "Lumpeny", "O Holy Night", "Solid Ground", "Worlds Apart", "Your Superman"
B2: "10,000 Reasons", "The Best I Can", "Catch the Rainbow", "The Doctor", "Hot Wired", "Land of the Dead", "Praise Him", "Resurrection Power", "The Sky Is Falling" Letters from India, "What Child Is This, Who Laid to Rest?"
B♭2: "Bedrock of Blessings", "Devil in Disguise", "Escape from the Night", "If Today Were My Last", "Mary Did You Know?", "Never Be the Same", "Silent Night, Holy Night", "Straight Through the Heart", "Vengeance Is Mine"
A2: "Angels We Have Heard on High", "Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus", "Day of the Reaper", "Gone", "Joy to the World", "Kathmandu", "Love May Go", "My Body Is Your Vessel, Lord", "Off the Rails", "On Your Knees" Live in Japan 2018, "Promises", "Resurrection Power", "Solid Ground", "Until We Meet Again"
G♯2: "Come and Worship", "Destiny", "Devil in Disguise", "Hero", "The Snake", "Stranger in Paradise", "We Are One"
G2: "The Best I Can", "Caught in the Witches Eye", "Eyes Wide Open", "Fly Away", "From the Father", "Give Me a Song", "Great Is Thy Faithfulness", "In the Garden", "Let There Be Peace on Earth", "The Lord Bless You and Keep You", "Mary Did You Know?", "Morning Has Broken", "Once and Future King", "Spirit of the Living God", "Whole Again"
F♯2: "Consciousness of Love", "The Enemy", "Feel the Fire", "Fool for You", "God So Loved the World", "If Today Were My Last", "Monster", "Never Again", "Open My Eyes", "Stand Your Ground",
F2: "Armor of Light" Live in Japan 2018, "Battle Cry", "Choices Made", "Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus", "Eyes Wide Open", "I Love You Lord", "Infant Holy, Infant Lowly", "Once and Future King", "Were You There on That Christmas Night?"
E2: "Black Clouds of Thanos", "Catch the Rainbow", "Land of the Dead", "My Body Is Your Vessel, Lord", "O Holy Night", "The Time", "Victory"
E♭2: "Angel in Black","Blood of Heroes", "The Price You Pay"
D2: "The Beast Inside", "Indian Nation", "Still, Still, Still"
C♯2: "Gods of War", "Race to Obscene", "Revolution Rising"
C2: "Surely the Presence of the Lord Is in This Place"
B♭1: 4 octave glissando, "Mary Did You Know?"
{Questionable Notes}G5: "Light in the Dark"[2]
G♯2: "The Three Kings"[2]
E♭2: "After the Leaves Have Fallen"[1]
C♯2: "Indian Nation" [4]
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips and whispers in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks fry notes.
[6] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.
G♯2: "The Three Kings"[2]
E♭2: "After the Leaves Have Fallen"[1]
C♯2: "Indian Nation" [4]
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips and whispers in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks fry notes.
[6] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.
*Blue marks soft falsetto notes.
*Underline mark notes that are obscured in the song mix.
*Italics mark non-melodic notes.
*Boldface marks notes that are considered to be particularly notable examples of this person's vocal capabilities.
{Album Ranges}Harlet
1987: Virgin Wings: B2-C3-G5
1988: 25 Gets a Ride: C♯3-G♯5
1990: Demo: D3-A5
Pulling Teeth
1994: Pulling Teeth: G♯2-F♯5
Burning Starr
2009: Defiance: D2-G2-B♭5
2011: Land of the Dead: E2-E♭3-G♯5-B5
2017: Stand Your Ground: F♯2-C♯3-G5-A5
2014: Unleash the Fire: A2-E3-G5-A5
2018: Armor of Light: E2-E3-F♯5
2019: Live in Japan 2018: F2-A2-G5
2024: Mean Streets: F♯2-?-F♯5
2012: When Darkness Calls: C♯2-G♯2-E♭3-F♯5
2015: Gods of War: C♯2-D3-G♯5
2017: Letters from India: F♯2-G2-C♯5-E5
2019: Elements: F♯2-C3-E5
2021: Sonic Healing: D3-E♭3-A5
2024: No Winner Takes All: A2-C5-E5
2024: Off the Rails: A2-E5
1987: Virgin Wings: B2-C3-G5
1988: 25 Gets a Ride: C♯3-G♯5
1990: Demo: D3-A5
Pulling Teeth
1994: Pulling Teeth: G♯2-F♯5
Burning Starr
2009: Defiance: D2-G2-B♭5
2011: Land of the Dead: E2-E♭3-G♯5-B5
2017: Stand Your Ground: F♯2-C♯3-G5-A5
2014: Unleash the Fire: A2-E3-G5-A5
2018: Armor of Light: E2-E3-F♯5
2019: Live in Japan 2018: F2-A2-G5
2024: Mean Streets: F♯2-?-F♯5
2012: When Darkness Calls: C♯2-G♯2-E♭3-F♯5
2015: Gods of War: C♯2-D3-G♯5
2017: Letters from India: F♯2-G2-C♯5-E5
2019: Elements: F♯2-C3-E5
2021: Sonic Healing: D3-E♭3-A5
2024: No Winner Takes All: A2-C5-E5
2024: Off the Rails: A2-E5