Post by Gilad on Jun 14, 2021 21:55:44 GMT
Robert Pickering "Bo" Burnham
Vocal Range: D2 - B♭5
Significant High Notes:
B♭5 ("Spider")
G♯5 ("The Perfect Woman" YouTube version)
G5 ("Spider")
F5 ("Bezos I" BTS version)
E♭5 ("Bezos II", "Intro" what.)
D5 ("Bezos I", "Can't Handle This (Kanye Rant)", "Eff", "Welcome to the Internet")
C♯5 ("Bezos IV")
C5 ("Bo Fo' Sho' (live)", "Rehab Center for Fictional Characters", "Shit")
B4 ("Can't Handle This (Kanye Rant)", "Channel 5: The Musical", "Unpaid Intern")
B♭4 ("Any Day Now", "Hell of a Ride", "Spider")
A4 ("Intro" what., "Klan Kookout" YouTube version, "WTFIGO")
G4 ("Can't Handle This (Kanye Rant)", "I'm Bo Yo", "Microwave Popcorn", "Problematic")
F♯4 ("Bezos I", "Repeat Stuff")
F4 ("All Time Low", "Break Up Song", "Channel 5: The Musical", "Comedy", "Feel Good", "Hell of a Ride", "White Woman's Instagram")
E4 ("30", "The Chicken", "Comedy", "#deep", "Goodbye", "I'm Bo Yo", "Intro" what., "Left Brain, Right Brain", "Microwave Popcorn", "Nerds", "Welcome to YouTube" at YouTube Live, "What's Funny", "WTFIGO", "Zach Stone Is Gonna Be a Hero")
E♭4 ("1985", "3.14 Apple Pi", "Bezos IV", "Bo Fo' Sho' (live)", "Hell of a Ride", "Hell Yeah (Make Happy Intro)", "Look Who's Inside Again" Outtakes version, "Oh Bo" live album version, "The Perfect Woman" YouTube version, "Problematic", "Rules Aren't for This Guy", "Shit", "WDIDLN?")
D4 ("Baby" live Phiadelphia 2010, "Bezos III", "Biden", "Comedy", "#deep", "Content", "Eff", "Friday" live Rebecca Black cover, "Goodbye", "High School Party", "Hipster", "H-O-A-R", "How the World Works", "Klan Kookout (live)", "Little Adolf", "Look Who's Inside Again", "A Love Ballad (live)", "Love Is…", "Men & Women", "My Whole Family…", "Nerds", "New Math", "Oh Bo", "Pandering (Country Song)", "Pay Me Back", "Problematic", "Rant", "Rehab Center for Fictional Characters", "Sad", "Sexting", "Straight White Male", "Unpaid Intern", "Welcome to the Internet", "Welcome to YouTube", "White Woman's Instagram", "Words, Words, Words")
C♯4 ("1985", "Andy the Frog", "Art Is Dead", "Biden", "Channel 5: The Musical", "The Chicken", "Content", "FaceTime with My Mom (Tonight)", "Hell Yeah (Make Happy Intro)", "I'm Bo Yo", "Ironic", "Klan Kookout", "Left Brain, Right Brain", "Look Who's Inside Again", "Lower Your Expectations", "Men & Women", "Pandering (Country Song)", "Rant", "Repeat Stuff", "Sunday School", "That Funny Feeling", "Welcome to YouTube")
Significant Low Notes:
C3 ("30", "All Time Low", "Are You Happy?", "Bezos III", "Break Up Song", "The Chicken", "Comedy", "Don't Wanna Know", "From God's Perspective", "The Future", "Hanging with Zach", "High School Party", "Intro" what., "Jesus Calling", "Kill Yourself", "Rant", "Relationship", "Sad", "Shit", "White Woman's Instagram", "Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous Theme")
B2 ("Bezos I", "Can't Handle This (Kanye Rant)", "Channel 5: The Musical", "The Chicken", "Content", "Five Years", "Goodbye", "Halfsies", "Hell Yeah (Make Happy Intro)", "I'm a Little Teapot (Beat Fetishism)", "Look Who's Inside Again", "A Love Ballad" YouTube version, "Lower Your Expectations", "H-O-A-R", "My Whole Family…", "Pandering (Country Song)", "Straight White Male", "Sunday School", "That Funny Feeling")
B♭2 ("FaceTime with My Mom (Tonight)", "Straight White Male", "White Woman's Instagram")
A2 ("3.14 Apple Pi", "30" BTS version, "Can't Handle This (Kanye Rant)", "Content", "Five Years", "From God's Perspective", "Goodbye" BTS version, "How the World Works", "Ironic", "Look Who's Inside Again", "Men & Women", "Nerds", "Out of the Abyss", "Pandering (Country Song)", "Repeat Stuff", "Shit", "The Twitter Song", "Welcome to the Internet", "What's Funny", "Words, Words, Words", "WTFIGO", "Ying Yang Friends", "Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous" various episodes)
G♯2 ("Bo Fo' Sho'", "Channel 5: The Musical", "The Perfect Woman" YouTube version, "Rehab Center for Fictional Characters", "Sex Club", "Sunday School", "That Funny Feeling" voice memo version)
G2 ("3.14 Apple Pi", "Bo Fo' Sho' (live)", "FaceTime with My Mom (Tonight)" Outtakes version, "The Future", "H-O-A-R", "Intro" what., "My Whole Family…" YouTube version, "The Perfect Woman (live)", "Poker Face" live at University of Minnesota, "Sexting", "Stinky Feet", "Welcome to the Internet", "WTFIGO", "Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous" various episodes)
F♯2 ("1985", "Eff", "Rehab Center for Fictional Characters")
F2 ("Any Day Now", "Comedy", "Hell of a Ride", "Intro" what., "WTFIGO", "Zach Stone Is Gonna Be the Zachelor")
E2 ("1985", "He Meant to Play the Track Again", "Microwave Popcorn", "Rehab Center for Fictional Characters", "Repeat Stuff", "Welcome to the Internet")
E♭2 ("Shit")
D2 ("Unpaid Intern", "Welcome to the Internet")
Blue marks falsetto or whistle notes.
Underlines mark notes that are obscured in the song mix.
Italics mark non-melodic notes.
Boldface marks notes that are considered to be particularly notable examples of this person's vocal capabilities.
{Album Ranges}Bo Burnham (2009): E2-F♯2-E4-C5
Words Words Words (2010): A2-E♭4-E4
what. (2013): E2-F2-F4-E♭5
Inside (The Songs) (2021): D2-G4-C5-E♭5
The Inside Outtakes (2022): E2-F4-C♯5-B♭5
Words Words Words (2010): A2-E♭4-E4
what. (2013): E2-F2-F4-E♭5
Inside (The Songs) (2021): D2-G4-C5-E♭5
The Inside Outtakes (2022): E2-F4-C♯5-B♭5