Post by Smitty. on Jul 4, 2021 19:28:11 GMT
Colson Baker: (4.22.1990)
Also Known As: Machine Gun Kelly
Voice Type: Devilish Rap Baritone
Vocal Range: E♭2 - C6
{Vocal Summary}you shouldn't have this many mixtapes my guy. you already know who wrote this
{Album Ranges}Lace Up (2012): E♭2 - F♯4 - E♭5 - F♯5
General Admission (2015): G2 - G♯2 - A4 - B♭5
Bloom (2017): G2 - G♯2 - D5 - F5
Hotel Diablo (2019): E2 - B4 - E♭5
Tickets To My Downfall (2020): F2 - G2 - G4 - D5
Mainstream Sellout (2022): F2 - G2- G4 - E♭5
General Admission (2015): G2 - G♯2 - A4 - B♭5
Bloom (2017): G2 - G♯2 - D5 - F5
Hotel Diablo (2019): E2 - B4 - E♭5
Tickets To My Downfall (2020): F2 - G2 - G4 - D5
Mainstream Sellout (2022): F2 - G2- G4 - E♭5
Significant High Notes:
C6 ("Warning Shot")
B♭5 ("All Night Long", "All The Small Things" Live Rock Am Ring 2017)
G♯5 ("100 Words And Running")
F♯5 ("Blue Skies", "D3MONS")
F5 ("The Arsonist", "Eddie Cane", "Let You Go", "Til I Die: Part II")
E5 ("EST 4 Life", "Gone", "Killing In The Name", "Merry Go Round", "On Everything", "Rolling Stone", "STFU", "Warning Shot")
E♭5 ("All The Small Things" Live Rock Am Ring 2017, "El Diablo", "Edge Of Destruction", "fake love don't last", "On Everything", "papercuts", "Round Here", "Save Me", "Til I Die", "Til I Die: Part II", "What I Do")
D5 ("100 Words And Running", "At My Best", "Bad Mother Fucker", "Breaking News", "Can't Walk", "DAYWALKER!", "EST 4 Life", "Hell Yeah", "Hold On (Shut Up)", "Play This When I'm Gone", "See My Tears", "Trap Paris", "What I Do")
C♯5 ("50", "Alpha Omega", "Blue Skies", "Golden God", "Hell Yeah", "On My Way", "papercuts", "The Register")
C5 ("Can't Walk", "DAYWALKER!", "GET THE BROOM", "Round Here", "Rap Devil", "Rolling Stone", "Pe$o", "Save Me", "Skate Cans", "The Start", "Thought I Was Gone, Hello", "World Series", "Wild Boy", "Warning Shot")
B4 ("Alpha Omega", "The Break Up", "Can't Stop Me", "Fantasy", "Glass House", "Life, "NYLON", "The Register", "Wake + Bake", "World Series")
B♭4 ("Bad Mother Fucker", "Black Tuxedo", "Can't Stop Me", "Golden God", "Mind Of A Stoner", "On My Way", "The Start", "Til I Die: Part II", 'Thought I Was Gone, Hello", "Wild Boy")
A4 ("Glass House", "Killing In The Name", "On Everything", "Rap Devil", "Spotlight", "STFU", "Thoed Ass")
G♯4 ("EST 4 Life", "D3MONS", "The Gunner", "Glass House", "Improvional Freestyle" Live funkMaster Flex show, "Moonwalkers")
G4 ("100 Words And Running", "ay!", "EST 4 Life", "El Diablo", "Emo Girl", "EST 4 Life", "FLOOR 13", "Jawbreaker", "Lace Up", "LONG TIME COMING", "NYLON", "PILL BREAKER", "Play This When I'm Gone", "Sex Drive", "Split A Pill", "Spotlight","STFU", "Therapy", "thought it was", "The Start", "twin flame", "Welcome To The Rage")
F♯4 ("5150", "100 Words And Running", "Bloody Valentine" Acoustic Version, "Blue Skies", "born with horns", "Concert For Aliens", "El Diablo", "Emo Girl", "die in california", "Fantasy", "god save me", "Hell Yeah", "Killing In The Name Of", "mainstream sellout", "Misery Business", "Miss Me?", "Numb", "On Everything", "Pretty Toxic Revolver", "Rehab", "Split A Pill", "STFU", "Sex Drive", "WWII", "WW4". "What I Do")
F4 ("27", "The Arsonist", "A Million And One Answers", "Breaking News", "Burning Memories", "Candy", "DAYWALKER!", "drug dealer", "Eddie Cane", "fake love don't last", "Forget Me Too", "GTS", "LTFU (One More Time)", "mainstream sellout", "make up sex", "maybe", "Ocean Eyes", "On Fire", "Round Here", "Rap Devil", "Save Me")
E4 ("5150", "107.9 FM On Air Freestyle", "All I Know", "All We Have", "The Break Up", "Bloody Valentine", "Body Bag", "Champagne Supernova", "Concert For Aliens", "DAYWALKER!", "Drunk Face", "Everyday", "Edge Of Destruction", "End Of The Road", "Fantasy", "FLOOR 13", "GET THE BROOM", "Hangover Cure", "Hell Yeah", "Habits", "Lonely", "Like That", "LONG TIME COMING", "Jawbreaker", "Mind Of A Stoner", "Miss Me?", "Nothing Inside", "NYLON", "On Fire", "papercuts", "PILL BREAKER", "Play This With I'm Gone", "The Pledge", "Pretty Toxic Revolver", "Rap Devil", "RED SKY", "Rolling Stone", "Save My Tears", "Sick And Tired", "Sid & nancy", "Split A Pill", "Stereo", "Swim Good", "Swing Life Away", "Title Track", "Thoed Ass", "WWII", "WW4", "Waste Love", "World Series", "What I Do", "Warning Shot", "What's My Age Again" Live Emo Nite 2019)
E♭4 ("50", "100 Words And Running", "The Arsonist", "Alpha Omega", "Almost", "All Night Long", "All The Small Things" Live Rock Am Ring 2017, "born with horns", "Concert for Aliens", "Death In My Pocket", "D3MONS", "Forget Me Too", "GTS", "Hangover Cure", "Half Naked & Almost Famous", "Invincible", "I Miss You" Live @ Park's Ave Cds 2016, "Kiss Kiss", "Love Race", "La La La (The Floating Song)", "LOCO", "Life", "LTFU (One More Time)", "Misery Business", "My Ex's Best Friend", "Nothing Inside", "Round Here", "Runnin'", "Raise The Flag", "The Register", "Smoke And Drive", "Skate Cans", SIGNS", "Street Dreams", "Swing Life Away", "Til I Die", "Til I Die: Part II", "Therapy", "The IllEST, The RealEST & The TrillEST", "WWII", "Wild Boy", "Wonderwall" Live Download Festival 2017, "What's My Age Again" Live Emo Nite 2019, "Wild 'N Out")
D4 ("5:3666", "107.9 FM On Air Freestyle", "At My Best', "A Million And One Answers", "The Arsonist", "All I Know", "All We Have", "The Break Up", "Banyan Tree", "Bad Mother Fucker", "Black Tuxedo", "Blue Skies", "Candy", "Champagne Supernova", "Dark Side Of The Moon", "drug dealer", "Drunk Face", "Edge Of Destruction", "Eddie Cane", "End of The Road", "GET THE BROOM", "Half Naked & Almost Famous", "Hold On (Shut Up)", "Gone", "Habits", "I Think I'm OKAY", "Invincible", "Improvosinal Freestyle" Live FunkMaster Flex Show, "Killing In The Name", "Lonely", "Lace Up", "Love Race", "Life", "Like That", "La La La (The Floating Song)", "Lose Yourself" Live Eminem Tribute 2013, "LONG TIME COMING", "LOCO", "Merry Go Round", "Make It Happen", "Ocean Eyes", "Oz.", "On My Way", "On Fire", "The Pledge", "Pretty Toxic Revolver", "Pe$o", "Round Here", "Runnin'", "Split A Pill", "Spotlight", "Save Me", "See My Tears", "Stereo", "Title Track", "Til I Die", "Til I Die: Part II", "Waste Love", "World Series", "Wild Boy", "WANNA BE", "What I Do", "Warning Shot", "Welcome To The Rage")
Significant Low Notes:
D3 ("A Little More", "All We Have", "ay!", "The Break Up", "Bad Things", "Black Tuxedo", "die in california", "FLOOR 13", "Gone", "Hangover Cure", "Hollywood Whore", "Half Naked & Almost Famous", "Habits", "Killing In The Name", "Lonely", "LOCO", "LONG TIME COMING", "PILL BREAKER", "Play This When I'm Gone", "Pretty Toxic Revolver", "Rehab", "Split A Pill", "What's Poppin", "What I Got", "Wake + Bake")
C♯3 ("27", "ay!", Baddest", "Body Bag", "Breaking News", "Concert For Aliens", "Forget Me Too", "Fantasy", "Go For Broke", "GTS", "Golden God", "GET THE BROOM", "Home Soon", "Love On The Brain", "LATELY", "mainstream sellout", "Misery Business", "Moonwalkers", "Miss Me?", "Numb", "NYLON", "On My Way", "Roulette", "The Register", "Swing Life Away", "Welcome To The Rage")
C3 ("At My Best", "Burning Memories", "Candy", "Death In My Pocket", "Eddie Cane", "End Of The Road", "fake love don't last", "Gone", "Habits", "Improvosinal Freestyle" Live Funk Master Flex Show, "Lonely", "Love Race", "Let You Go", "LONG TIME COMING", "maybe", "Play This When I'm Gone", "Pe$o", "Rap Devil", "Runnin'", "Raise The Flag", "Sex Drive", "Story Of The Stairs", "SIGNS", "Whats Poppin", "Waste Love", "Wonderwall" Live Download Festival 2017)
B2 ("5150", "All Night Long", "The Arsonist", "Bad Things", "Bloody Valentine", "born with horns", "Concert For Aliens", "Champagne Supernova", "Drunk Face", "DAYWALKER!", "Everlong" Live @ The Blvd 2016, "Emo Girl", "GET THE BROOM", "god save me", "Hangover Cure", "In These Walls (My House)", "I Miss You" Live @ Park's Ave Cds 2016, "Jawbreaker", "Kiss Kiss", "Lose Yourself" Live Eminem Tribute 2013, "Mind Of A Stoner", "Nothing Inside", "On Everything", "papercuts", "PILL BREAKER", "Pretty Toxic Revolver", "RED SKY", "Rehab", "Rolling Stone", "Roulette", "Sick And Tired", "Say You Won't Let Go" live BBC Radio 1 Lounge 2017, "See My Tears", "Simple Man", "Swim Good", "Title Track", "Thought I Was Gone, Hello", "Wake + Bake", "WANNA BE", "WW4")
B♭2 ("27", "At My Best", "Bloody Valentine" Acoustic Version, "Conversations", "Death In My Pocket", "Drunk Face", "El Diablo", "Go For Broke", "GTS", "The Gunner", "Love On The Brain", "Love Race", "Life", "Let You Go", "mainstream sellout", "make up sex", "My Ex's Best Friend", "Ocean Eyes", "papercuts", "SIGNS", "Smoke And Drive", "Stay Away", "Swing Life Away", "Til I Die")
A2 ("All I Know", "A Little More", "The Break Up", "Banyan Tree", "Can't Walk", "Everlong" Live @ The Blvd 2016, "die in california", "GET THE BROOM", "Habits", "Hell Yeah", "Lonely", "LOCO", "Lace Up", "La La La (The Floating Song)", "Like That", "Play This When I'm Gone", "The Pledge", "Numb", "Oz.", "Rehab", "Rap Devil", "sid & nancy", "Simple Man", "Spotlight", "Swim Good", "thought it was", "Trap Paris", "Thoed Ass", "Title Track", "twin flame", "Waste Love")
G♯2 ("27", "5:3666", "At My Best", "All Night Long", "Baddest", "born with horns", "Can't Walk", "Concert For Aliens", "Candy", "Champagne Supernova", "D3MONS", "fake love don't last", "Forget Me Too", "Glass House", "Golden God", "Habits", "I Miss You" Live @ Park's Ave Cds 2016, "Kiss Kiss", "La La La (The Floating Song)", "LATELY", "Misery Business", "Moonwalkers", "My Ex's Best Friend", "Nothing Inside", "NYLON", "Smoke And Drive", "Sick And Tired", "Skate Cans", "Smoke And Drive", "Spotlight", "Swim Good", "Therapy")
G2 ("All I Know", "Banyan Tree", "Blue Skies", "Bloody Valentine" Acoustic Version, "EST 4 Life", "I Think I'm OKAY", "Love Race", "Life", "Lace Up", "maybe", "Oz", "The Pledge", "See My Tears", "Trap Paris", "twin flame", "WANNA BE")
F♯2 ("Bloody Valentine", "Glass House", "Miss Me?", "Numb", "Roulette", "Smoke And Drive")
F2 ("Conversations", "DAYWALKER!", "Drunk Face", "El Diablo", "LOCO", "make up sex", "Ocean Eyes", "Stay Away", "Therapy", "What I Got")
E2 ("5:3666", "FLOOR 13", "On Everything", "Street Dreams", "Waste Love")
E♭2 ("D3MONS", "Ocean Eyes")
Blue denotes falsetto and whistle passages.
Green denotes harshly distorted passages.
Boldface denotes outstanding passages.
Italics denote non-melodic and spoken passages.
Underlines denote obscured and background passages.
{Questionable Notes}E6("All Night Long" [2])
A5 ("Wake + Bake" [2])
G5 ("Bad Mother Fucker" [2])
E5 ("papercuts" [2][4])
D5 ("Jawbreaker" [4])
C♯5 ("Bloody Valentine" [4])
G♯4 ("Sick And Tired" [2])
B♭2 ("Almost" [1])
A2 ("Bloody Valentine" [3])
G♯2 ("Love On The Brain" [4])
G2 ("Title Track" [3])
F♯2 ("What's Poppin" [3])
F2 ("Long Time Coming" [5], "Runnin'"[4])
E2 ("La La La (The Floating Song)" [2][3])
E♭2 ("Conversations" [5], "El Diablo" [4])
D2 ("What I Got" [5])
C♯2 ("LATELY" [5])
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.
A5 ("Wake + Bake" [2])
G5 ("Bad Mother Fucker" [2])
E5 ("papercuts" [2][4])
D5 ("Jawbreaker" [4])
C♯5 ("Bloody Valentine" [4])
G♯4 ("Sick And Tired" [2])
B♭2 ("Almost" [1])
A2 ("Bloody Valentine" [3])
G♯2 ("Love On The Brain" [4])
G2 ("Title Track" [3])
F♯2 ("What's Poppin" [3])
F2 ("Long Time Coming" [5], "Runnin'"[4])
E2 ("La La La (The Floating Song)" [2][3])
E♭2 ("Conversations" [5], "El Diablo" [4])
D2 ("What I Got" [5])
C♯2 ("LATELY" [5])
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.