Post by Smitty. on Aug 21, 2021 19:44:03 GMT
Willow Camille Reign Smith: (10.31.2000)
Also Known As: WILLOW
Vocal Range: D3 - C6
Voice Type: Mezzo Soprano
{Vocal Summary}pretty capable high register up to around E5 and even as high as G5 at some points with her falsetto being pretty clear as well. Lows started out as airy on the first few albums but soon gained some strength and weight to it. i am burnt out so i'll complete the full summary when im finished
{Album Ranges}As WILLOW:
ARDIPITHECUS (2015): D3 - F♯5 - G5 - B5
The 1st (2017): D3 - E5 - G5
Willow (2019): D3 - F3 - G5 - A5
Lately I Feel EVERYTHING (2021): E♭3 - B♭5 - C6
THE ANXIETY (2020): D3 - E3 - A5 - C6
With R I S E:
R I S E (2020): F3 - B4 - F5 - G5
ARDIPITHECUS (2015): D3 - F♯5 - G5 - B5
The 1st (2017): D3 - E5 - G5
Willow (2019): D3 - F3 - G5 - A5
Lately I Feel EVERYTHING (2021): E♭3 - B♭5 - C6
THE ANXIETY (2020): D3 - E3 - A5 - C6
With R I S E:
R I S E (2020): F3 - B4 - F5 - G5
Significant High Notes:
C6 ("Interlude" THE ANXIETY, "Twinkle Song", "XTRA")
B5 ("Natives of the Windy Forest", "See U Dance", "Twinkle Song")
B♭5 ("¡BREAKOUT!", "Star")
A5 ("After You Cry", "Fight Club", "F Q-C #7", "U KNOW", "Twinkle Song", "Whip My Hair" Rock Version)
G♯5 ("Fight Club", "XTRA")
G5 ("¡BREAKOUT!", "Brahma's Song", "Cycles", "dRuGz", "Everything Stays", "Female Energy, Part 2", "Hey You!", "Heart", "Luv You With tha Sky", "Meet Me At Our Spot", "naïve", "Overthinking IT", "Organization & Classification", "RANDOMSONG", "The System", "Sorrow", "then" WILLOW Interlude, "UR Town", "Warm Honey", "WHATISLIFE?", "Why Don't You Cry", "XTRA", "Your Love V2")
F♯5 ("8", "And Contentment", "Blue Ocean", "Hey You!", "IDK", "Like a Bird", "Lonely Road", "Marceline", "Natives of the Windy Forest", "November 9th", "Oh Nadine", "PrettyGirlz", "Payíva", "RTA", "Surrender (Krishna Keshava)", "Summertime In Paris", "See U Dance", "Star", "t r a n s p a r e n t s o u l" Live The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon 2021, "Trees")
F5 ("¡BREAKOUT!", "Born To Give", "Conscious Trap", "Entertain", "Gaslight", "Heart", "Interlude" THE ANXIETY, "Lipstick", "Luv You With tha Sky", "Marceline PT. 2", "Overthinking IT", "Rise", "Time Machine", "TnGwee#3", "then" WILLOW Interlude, "Vibration", "XTRA")
E5 ("4ever", "8", "Are You Afraid?", "After You Cry", "Believe That", "Come Home", "Cave Walls", "dRuGz", "Easy Easy", "Entertain", "Everything Stays", "Fuck You", "F Q-C #8", "F Q-C #11", "Female Energy, Part 2", "Fight Club", "Gajendra", "Hey You!", "Ho' ihi" The 1st Interlude, "IDK", "Marceline PT. 2", "naïve", "Natives of the Windy Forest", "November 9th", "Oh Nadine", "Organization & Classification", "Poolside", "PrettyGirlz", "A Reason", "RTA", "Romance", "Samo Is Now", "Summertime In Paris", "Sorrow", "See U Dance", "The System", "Surrender (Krishna Keshava)", "t r a n s p a r e n t s o u l", "Twilight", "U KNOW", "Whip My Hair" Rock Version, "Why Don't You Cry", "WHATISLIFE?")
E♭5 ("Believe That", "Born To Give", "Come Home", "Conscious Trap", "Gaslight", "Jimi", "Not So Different", "Overthinking IT", "RANDOMSONG", "Star", "Vibration", "Wait a Minute!")
D5 ("And Contentment", "Adore", "¡BREAKOUT!", "Bastard", "Cycles", "dRuGz", "Emo Girl", "Entertain", "Everything Stays", "Fuck You", "F Q-C #8", "F Q-C #7", "Female Energy", "Human Leech", "Heart", "IDK", "Israel", "Like a Bird", "Marceline", "Marceline PT. 2", "Meet Me At Our Spot", "naïve", "Need to Know", "Overthinking IT", "PrettyGirlz", "Payíva", "PCH", "A Reason", "Romance", "Sorrow", "Show Me Love", "t r a n s p a r e n t s o u l", "TnGwee#3", "Trees", "UR Town", "Vibration", "Warm Honey", "Waves of Nature", "WHATISLIFE?", "Where You Are", "Your Love V2")
C♯5 ("4ever", "8", "Bleed All Over Me", "Be Quiet and Drive", "Bastard", "Come Home", "don't SAVE ME", "Easy Easy", "Female Energy, Part 2", "F Q-C #11", "Gajendra", "G R O W", "Human Leech", "Lonely Road", "Luv You With tha Sky", "Natives of the Windy Forest", "RANDOMSONG", "Wait a Minute!")
C5 ("After You Cry", "Conscious Trap", "Entertain", "Everything Stays", "Fuck You", "Flowers", "F Q-C #7", "Gaslight", "Ho' ihi" The 1st Interlude", "Lipstick", "Let Us Adore You", "naïve", "Not So Different", "Organization & Classification", "Oh No!!!", "Poolside", "A Reason", "Romance", "RX Queen", "Star", "Surrender (Krishna Keshava), "The System", "Sorrow", "Twilight", "Time Machine", "Twinkle Song", "UR Town", "Warm Honey", "Whip My Hair" Rock Version, "Your Love V2")
B4 ("4ever", "Adore", "And Contentment", "Boy", "Blue Ocean", "Believe That", "Brahma's Song", "Bastard", "Come Home", "Cycles", "Cave Walls", "don't SAVE ME", "Easy Easy", "F Q-C #8", "Fight Club", "G R O W", "Hey You!", "Israel", "Interlude" THE ANXIETY, "Jimi", "Like a Bird", "Lonely Road", "Let Us Adore You", "Marceline", "Meet Me At Our Spot", "November 9th", "Need to Know", "Oh Nadine", "Payíva", "PrettyGirlz", "RTA", "Samo Is Now", "Surrender (Krishna Keshava)", "then" WILLOW Interlude, "Trees", "U KNOW", "Warm Honey", "Where You Are", "Whip My Hair" Rock Version, "Why Don't You Cry", "WitAlndigo", "XTRA")
Significant Low Notes:
A3 ("And Contentment", "Cycles", "Cave Walls", "F Q-C #8", "Female Energy", "Gajendra", "Ho' ihi" The 1st Interlude, "Let Us Adore You", "Marceline", "Meet Me At Our Spot", "Rise", "RTA", "RX Queen", "Radiant City", "Samo Is Now", "Sending You Love", "t r a n s p a r e n t s o u l", "TnGwee#3", "Trees", "Twilight", "Where You Are", "Whip My Hair" Rock Version, "Waves of Nature")
G♯3 ("8", "4ever", "Born To Give", "Bastard", "Come Home", "F Q-C #11", "Luv You With tha Sky", "Jimi", "Lonely Road", "Romance", "Star", "Wait a Minute!")
G3 ("9", "¡BREAKOUT!", "Boy", "Brahma's Song", "Everything Stays", "Flowers", "Female Energy", "Heart", "Not So Different", "Oh No!!!", "Organization & Classification", "PrettyGirlz", "Poolside", "Payíva", "PCH", "A Reason", "Radiant City", "RX Queen", "Surrender (Krishna Keshava)", "Show Me Love", "Sending You Love", "Sorrow", "Time Machine", "then" WILLOW Interlude, "Twinkle Song", "UR Town", "Warm Honey", "Why Don't You Cry", "Waves of Nature", "Your Love V2")
F♯3 ("8", "4ever", "And Contentment", "Boy", "Blue Ocean", "Cave Walls", "Easy Easy", "Human Leech", "Gajendra", "Israel", "IDK", "Jimi", "Like a Bird", "Lonely Road", "Marceline", "November 9th", "Oh Nadine", "Surrender", "Summertime In Paris", "t r a n s p a r e n t s o u l", "Trees", "U KNOW", "Wait a Minute!")
F3 ("Born To Give", "Flowers", "F Q-C #7", "Gaslight", "Marceline", "Marceline PT. 2", "Overthinking IT", "Oh No!!!", "RANDOMSONG", "Rise", "A Reason", "Star", "TnGwee#3", "Twilight")
E3 ("Are You Afraid?", "After You Cry", "Boy", "Believe That", "Cycles", "dRuGz", "Everything Stays", "enter galactic", "F Q-C #8", "Female Energy, Part 2", "F Q-C #11", "G R O W", "Ho' ihi" The 1st Interlude, "Israel", "IDK", "Lonely Road", "Marceline PT. 2", "Meet Me At Our Spot", "Natives of the Windy Forest", "November 9th", "Need to Know", "Oh Nadine", "PCH", "Romance", "RTA", "Samo Is Now", "Surrender (Krishna Keshava)", "t r a n s p a r e n t s o u l", "Warm Honey", "Waves of Nature", "WHATISLIFE?", "Where You Are", "Why Don't You Cry", "WitAlndigo")
E♭3 ("Conscious Trap", "Come Home", "Easy Easy", "Jimi", "Like a Bird", "Luv You With tha Sky", "Not So Different", "RANDOMSONG", "November 9th", "Time Machine", "U KNOW", "XTRA")
D3 ("And Contentment", "Blue Ocean", "Cycles", "dRuGz", "Emo Girl", "Like a Bird", "Female Energy, Part 2", "Israel", "Natives of the Windy Forest", "Organization & Classification", "Payíva", "PrettyGirlz", "Poolside", "Romance", "Sending You Love", "Warm Honey")
Blue denotes falsetto and whistle passages.
Boldface denotes outstanding passages.
Italics denote non-melodic and spoken passages.
Underlines denote obscured and background passages.
{Questionable Notes}C♯6 ("Natives of the Windy Forest" [1])
C6 ("Star" [1], "WHATISLIFE?" [1][3])
B5 ("Hey You!" [4], "Why Don't You Cry" [3])
F♯5 ("don't SAVE ME" [2])
E5 ("G R O W" [4])
D3 ("Adore" [2], "IDK" [4])
C♯3 ("Female Energy, Part 2" [4])
C3 ("Oh No!!!" [2], "Payíva" [5], "A Reason" [4])
B2 ("Organization & Classification" [5])
A2 ("don't SAVE ME" [3], "Poolside" [2])
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.
C6 ("Star" [1], "WHATISLIFE?" [1][3])
B5 ("Hey You!" [4], "Why Don't You Cry" [3])
F♯5 ("don't SAVE ME" [2])
E5 ("G R O W" [4])
D3 ("Adore" [2], "IDK" [4])
C♯3 ("Female Energy, Part 2" [4])
C3 ("Oh No!!!" [2], "Payíva" [5], "A Reason" [4])
B2 ("Organization & Classification" [5])
A2 ("don't SAVE ME" [3], "Poolside" [2])
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.
{Credits}Big thanks to galaxyseal for thread consultancy and giving me the thread