Post by Rodney Blazershorts on Nov 13, 2021 20:14:49 GMT
Vocal Range: B1-B5
Associated Acts: Helloween (1983-1989; 2016-present), Gamma Ray, Iron Savior (1996-2001)
Significant high notes:
B5: "Surprise Track (White Christmas - I'll Be Your Santa Claus)"
B♭5: "The Guardians of Mankind", "Love Live Rock 'n' Roll"
A5: "Halloween" Edinburgh 1988, "Judas", "Man on a Mission", "Metal Invaders", "Murderer", "Phantoms of Death", "Solid", "Somewhere Out in Space", "A Tale That Wasn't Right",
G♯5: "Anywhere in the Galaxy", "Armageddon" Skeletons in the Closet, "Blood Religion", "Dream Healer" Blast from the Past, The Heart of the Unicorn", "Heavy Metal Is the Law", "Last Before the Storm" Blast from the Past, "Lost in the Future", "Mirror Make Believe", "New World Order", "Ride the Sky", "Salvation's Calling", "Starlight", "Tribute to the Past" Blast from the Past, "Valhalla"
G5: "Abyss of the Void", "Blood Religion" Live in Montreal, "Chasing Shadows", "Cry for Freedom", "Demonseed", "Downcast", "Dr. Stein", "Gardens of the Sinner", "Gods of Deliverance", "Gorgar", "Halloween" Edinburgh 1988, "Heal Me", "Heavy Metal Mania", "Hold Your Ground" Skeletons & Majesties, "How Many Tears", "It's a Sin", "Land of the Free", "Lost Angles", "Out for Glory", "Pale Rider", "Rebellion in Dreamland" Alive '95, "Salvation's Calling", "Save Us", "Seven", "The Silence" Silent Miracles, "Somewhere Out in Space", "Strangers in the Night", "Victim of Changes"
F♯5: "Anywhere in the Galaxy", "Armageddon", "Beyond the Black Hole", "Blood Religion", "Chains of Slavery", "Changes" Blast from the Past, "Deadlands", "Dethrone Tyranny", "Down in the Dumps", "Eagle", "From the Ashes", "Future World" Alive '95, "Hand of Fate", "Heading for Tomorrow" Blast from the Past, "Heavy Metal Is the Law", "Heavy Metal Universe", "Hellbent", "I'm Alive", "Induction", "Judas", "Land of the Free", "Long Live Rock 'n' Roll", "Lost in the Future", "Lost in the Twilight Hall", "Lust for Life" Alive'95, "Man on a Mission", "March of Time" Edinburgh 1988, "Miracle", "Money", "Murderer", "No Stranger (Another Day in the Life)", "Oernst of Life", "One With the World" Blast from the Past + Skeletons in the Closet, "Rebellion in Dreamland", "Rich and Famous" Blast from the Past, "Ride the Sky", "Shine Forever", "Shine On", "Solid", "Steel Redeemer", "To Mother Earth", "To the Metal!", "Trouble", "Victim of Changes", "Warrior", "Watcher in the Sky"
F5: "As Time Goes By" Pre-production version, "Blood Religion", "Cry for Freedom", "Damn the Machine", "Empire of the Undead", "Fight", "Future World" live versions, "The Guardians of Mankind" Skeletons in the Closet, "Hand of Fate", "Heal Me", "Hear Me Calling", "Heaven Can Wait" Blast from the Past, "Heart of the Unicorn" Skeletons in the Closet, "Heavy Metal Universe", "Hell Is Thy Home", "Hellfire", "Lake of Tears", "Last Before the Storm" Blast from the Past + Skeletons in the Closet, "Leaving Hell", "Majesty", "Man on a Mission", "Metal Invaders", "Money", "My Temple", "New World Order", "No Stranger (Another Day in the Life)", "One With the World" Blast from the Past + Skeletons in the Closet, "Pumpkins United", "Razorblade Sigh", "Real World", "Rich and Famous" Blast from the Past + live versions, "Rise", "The Saviour" Alive '95', "Send Me a Sign", "Shine Forever", "Somewhere Out in Space", "Space Eater" Alive '95, "Starlight", "Steel Redeemer", "Time Machine", "Tribute to the Past" Blast from the Past + Alive '95, "We Are Real", "The Winged Horse"
E5: "Afterlife", "Armageddon", "Born to Fly", "Changes" Blast from the Past, "Empire of the Undead", "Follow Me", "Gorgar", "Guardians", "Halloween" Edinburgh 1988, "Heal Me", "The Heart of the Unicorn", "Heavy Metal Mania", "Hellbent", "How Long", "How Many Tears", "I Want Out", "Insurrection", "Judas", "Lost in the Twilight Hall", "March of Time" Edinburgh 1988, "Metal Invaders", "Mother Angel", "Murderer", "Oernst of Life", "Opprotunity", "Pale Rider", "Phantoms of Death", "Rebellion in Dreamland", "Reptile", "Revelation", "Ride the Sky", "Rise", Shine On", "Solar Wings", "Spiritual Dictator", "Starlight", "Strangers in the Night", "The Temple of Hate", "Time to Live", "To Mother Earth", "Valhalla", "Valley of the Kings", "Victim of Fate", "Wannabees", "Warrior", "Watcher in the Sky", "The Winged Horse"
E♭5: "All of the Damned", "All You Need to Know", "Anywhere in the Galaxy", "As Time Goes By" Pre-production version, "Beyond the Black Hole", "Chalice of Agony", "Deadly Sleep", "Dethrone Tyranny", "Dream Healer" Blast from the Past, "Fight", "Gardens of the Sinners", "The Guardians of Mankind", "Hear Me Calling", "Heaven Can Wait" Blast from the Past, "Heaven or Hell", "Heroic Deathe", "I Want Out" Hammerfall version + Live in Montreal, "I Can" United Alive, "I Will Return", "It's a Sin", "Last Before the Storm" Blast from the Past, "Leaving Hell", "Long Live Rock 'n' Roll", "Luna", "Lust for Life" Blast from the Past + Alive '95, "Majesty", "Master of Confusion", "Men, Martians and Machines", "My Temple", "Pray", "Predators", "Razorblade Sigh", "Return to Fantasy", "Revelation", "The Silence" Silent Miracles + Skeletons in the Closet, "Shine On", "Short as Hell", "Solid", "Someday", "Space Eater" Alive '95, "Strange World", "Steel Redeemer", "To the Metal!", "Trouble", "Wings of Destiny"
D5: "As Time Goes By" Pre-production version, "At Daggers Dawn", "Brothers" Skeletons & Majesties, "Built a World", "Chasing Shadows", "Deadly Sleep", "Deliverance", "Demonseed", "Empathy", "Empire of the Undead", "Empress", "Farewell", "Fire Below", "Forevermore", "Future World" live versions, "Guardians", "Hand of Fate", "Hell Is Thy Home", "Hellbent", "Hellfire", "I Want Out", "I Will Return", "Insurrection", "Into the Storm" Live in Montreal, "Leaving Hell", "Majesty", "Man on a Mission", "Mother Angel", "One Life", "Pale Rider", "Rain", "Real World", "Revelation", "Salvation's Calling", "Seven", "Shine Forever", "Skyfall", "Solar Wings", "Solid", "Spiritual Dictator", "Warrior", "Watcher in the Sky", "When the World"
C♯5: "Blood Religion", "Break It Up", "Built a World", "Deadly Sleep", "Demonseed", "Dream Healer" Blast from the Past, "Eagle", "Fairytale", "From the Ashes", "Gardens of the Sinner", "Heading for Tomorrow" Blast from the Past, "The Heart of the Unicorn", "Heaven or Hell", "Heavy Metal Is the Law", "How Long", "I Want Out" Hammerfall version + Live in Montreal, "I'm Alive" Edinburgh 1988, "Lust for Life" Blast from the Past, "Man on the Silver Mountain", "Mirror Make Believe", "New World Order", "No Return" Skeletons in the Closet, "No Stranger (Another Day in the Life)", "Opprotunity", "Pray", "Rain", "Shine On", "Sign of the Cross", "Skyfall", "Strange World"
C5: "All You Need to Know", "Avalon", "Chasing Shadows", "Devliverance", "Farewell", "Fire Below", "From the Ashes", "Gods of Deliverance", "The Guardians of Mankind" Skeletons in the Closet, "Heal Me", "Heavy Metal Universe", "Lake of Tears", "Land of the Free", "Leaving Hell", "One Life", "Opprotunity", "Phantoms of Death", "Real World", "Rich and Famous" Blast from the Past + live versions, "Send Me a Sign", "Seven", "Somewhere Out in Space", "Strangers in the Night", "The Temple of Hate", "Time to Live", "Tribute to the Past" Blast from the Past + Alive '95, "Trouble", "Valley of the Kings", "When the World", "A While in Dreamland"
B4: "Abyss of the Void", "Afterlife", "Anywhere in the Galaxy", "Are You Metal?", United Alive, "Armageddon", "Beyond the Black Hole", "Brothers" Skeletons & Majesties, "Changes" Blast from the Past, "Damn the Machine", "Deadlands", "Empress", "Fairytale", "Farewell", "Follow the Sign", "Forevermore", "From the Ashes", "Gods of Deliverance", "Gorgar", "Halloween", "Heading for Tomorrow", "Heaven or Hell", "Hold Your Ground" Skeletons & Majesties, "How Many Tears", "Inside", "Insurrection", "Into the Storm", "A Little TIme", "Miracle", "No Need to Cry", "No Stranger (Another Day in the Life)", "Pray", "Rebellion in Dreamland", "Reptile", "Salvation's Calling", "The Silence" Silent Miracles, "To Mother Earth", "We Are Real"
B♭4: "All of the Damned", "Avalon", "Built a World", "Condemned to Hell", "Cry for Freedom", "Dethrone Tyranny", "Down in the Dumps", "Dream Healer" Blast from the Past, "Empire of the Undead", "The Guardians of Mankind", "Heaven Can Wait" Blast from the Past, "Heroic Deathe", "Long Live Rock 'n' Roll", "Luna", "Lust for Life" Blast from the Past + Alive '95, "Man on a Mission", "My Temple", "New World Order", "One Life", "One With the World" Blast from the Past, "Razorblade Sigh", "Revelation", "The Saviour" Alive '95', "Send Me a Sign", "Seven", "The Seven Angels", "Victim of Fate", "Warrior", "Wings of Destiny"
A4: "Are You Metal?" United Alive, "Break It Up", "Fight", "Forevermore", "Metal Invaders", "Miracle", "No Need to Cry", "Oernst of Life", "Perfect Gentleman" United Alive, "Pumpkins United", "Rebellion in Dreamland", "Return to Fantasy", "Rise and Fall", "Time to Live", "To the Metal!", "We Got the Right", "Watcher in the Sky", "A While in Dreamland", "The Winged Horse"
Significant Low Notes
E3: "Best Time", "Born to Fly", "Chasing Shadows", "Cry for Freedom", "Eagle Fly Free" United Alive, "From the Ashes", "Hold Your Ground" Skeletons & Majesties, "Land of the Free", "Miracle", "Money", "Rise and Fall", "Shine Forever", "The Silence" Silent Miracles, "Trouble", "Victim of Changes", "Warrior", "We Are Real"
E♭3: "Changes" Blast from the Past, "Dethrone Tyranny", "Fairytale" Live in Montreal, "Fight", "Fire Below", "Land of the Free" Live in Montreal, "Lost in the Future", "Money", "Rain", "Razorblade Sigh", "Rise and Fall", "Send Me a Sign", "Short as Hell", "Solar Wings", "To the Metal!", "Valley of the Kings"
D3: "All of the Damned", "Demonseed", "Empathy", "Future World" live versions, "Majesty", "Murderer", "Salvation's Calling", "The Silence" Skeletons in the Closet, "Skyfall", "Strangers in the Night"
C♯3: "Abyss of the Void", "At Daggers Dawn", "Blood Religion", "The Guardians of Mankind", "Hand of Fate", "Heading for Tomorrow" Blast from the Past, "I Want Out" Hammerfall version, "Insurrection", "Lake of Tears", "New World Order", "No Return" Skeletons in the Closet, "No Stranger (Another Day in the Life)", "Rain", "Shine On", "Tribute to the Past" Blast from the Past
C3: "All You Need to Know", "Brothers" Skeletons & Majesties, "Demonseed", "Dr. Stein", "Empire of the Undead", "From the Ashes" Live in Montreal, "Hellfire", "How Many Tears" United Alive, "Last Before the Storm" Blast from the Past + Skeletons in the Closet, "Master of Confusion", "Mirror Make Believe", "New World Order" Live in Montreal, "Perfect Gentleman" United Alive, "Real World", "Rebellion in Dreamland", "Rise", "Rise and Fall" United Alive, "Space Eater" Alive '95, "Watcher in the Sky"
B2: "Heal Me" Blast from the Past, "Heaven or Hell", "Pale Rider", "Real World" Live in Montreal, "Strange World", "Strangers in the Night", "Trouble", "Valley of the Kings"
B♭2: "Abyss of the Void", "Armageddon", "Blood Religion" Live in Montreal, "Gardens of the Sinner", "Heading for Tomorrow" Blast from the Past, "Lake of Tears", "My Temple", "One Life", "Opportunity", "Revelation", "Short as Hell", "To Mother Earth", "Tribute to the Past" Blast from the Past + Alive '95
A2: "Farewell", "Gods of Deliverance", "Heal Me", "Hellfire", "Indestructible", "Master of Confusion", "Revelation", "Ride the Sky" Van Canto version
G♯2: "Anywhere in the Galaxy", "Dream Healer" Blast from the Past, "Heal Me" Blast from the Past, "Hell Is Thy Home", "Skyfall", "Somewhere Out in Space", "Strange World", "Wings of Destiny"
G2: "Deliverance", "Gardens of the Sinner", "Insurrection", "It's a Sin", "No Need to Cry", "Opportunity", "Perfect Gentleman" United Alive, "Rebellion in Dreamland" Blast from the Past + Skeletons & Majesties, "Salvation's Calling", "Send Me a Sign" Skeletons & Majesties, "Seven", "Someday", "Valley of the Kings", "We Are Real"
F♯2: "Changes" Blast from the Past, "Empress", "Follow Me", "Lust for Life" Blast from the Past, "Men, Martians and Machines", "Rich and Famous" Blast from the Past + live versions, "Shine On", "Somewhere Out in Space", "To the Metal!"
F2: "Armageddon", "Blood Religion", "One With the World" Blast from the Past, "Strangers in the Night", "Yesterday" RNE 2012
E2: "Hear Me Calling", "Hold Your Ground" Skeletons & Majesties, "Leaving Hell", "Out for Glory", "Skyfall", "Waiting for the Thunder" United Alive
E♭2: "Wannabees"
D2: "Brothers" Skeletons & Majesties, "Hellbent", "Seven", "Waiting for the Thunder" United Alive
B1: "Wannabees"
*Blue marks soft falsetto notes.
*Green denotes heavily distorted passages.
*Underline mark notes that are obscured in the song mix.
*Italics mark non-melodic notes.
*Boldface marks notes that are considered to be particularly notable examples of this person's vocal capabilities.
{Questionable Notes}C♯6: "I Want Out" Hammerfall version [5], "Watcher in the Sky" [5]
B♭5: "Victim of Fate" [5]
G5 :"No Need to Cry" [2]
E5: "Halloween" [2][5]
F♯2: "Heal Me" Blast from the Past [3]
D2: "Pumpkins United" [2]
C♯2: "Someday" [4]
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips and whispers in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.
B♭5: "Victim of Fate" [5]
G5 :"No Need to Cry" [2]
E5: "Halloween" [2][5]
F♯2: "Heal Me" Blast from the Past [3]
D2: "Pumpkins United" [2]
C♯2: "Someday" [4]
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips and whispers in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.
{Album Ranges}Helloween
1985: Helloween: D3-A5
1985: Walls of Jericho: F♯3-A5
2021: Helloween: E2-E3-G5
Gamma Ray
1995: Land of the Free: G2-G5-A5
1996: Alive '95: B♭2-G5
1997: Somewhere Out in Space: F♯2-G5-B♭5
1999: Power Plant: F2-G5-G♯5
2000: Blast from the Past: F2-F♯2-G♯5
2001: No World Order: F♯2-B♭2-A5
2003: Skeletons in the Closet: F2-G♯5
2005: Majestic: F2-F♯5-G♯5
2007: Land of the Free II: E2-G2-F5-F♯5
2008: Hell Yeah! The Awesome Foursome - Live in Montreal: B♭2-G5
2010: To the Metal!: E♭2-F♯5-G5
2011: Skeletons & Majesties: G2-B♭4-G5
2012: Skeletons & Majesties Live:
2014: Empire of the Undead: D2-G5
2015: Heading for the East:
2016: Lust for Live:
2021: 30 Years Live Anniversary:
1985: Helloween: D3-A5
1985: Walls of Jericho: F♯3-A5
2021: Helloween: E2-E3-G5
Gamma Ray
1995: Land of the Free: G2-G5-A5
1996: Alive '95: B♭2-G5
1997: Somewhere Out in Space: F♯2-G5-B♭5
1999: Power Plant: F2-G5-G♯5
2000: Blast from the Past: F2-F♯2-G♯5
2001: No World Order: F♯2-B♭2-A5
2003: Skeletons in the Closet: F2-G♯5
2005: Majestic: F2-F♯5-G♯5
2007: Land of the Free II: E2-G2-F5-F♯5
2008: Hell Yeah! The Awesome Foursome - Live in Montreal: B♭2-G5
2010: To the Metal!: E♭2-F♯5-G5
2011: Skeletons & Majesties: G2-B♭4-G5
2012: Skeletons & Majesties Live:
2014: Empire of the Undead: D2-G5
2015: Heading for the East:
2016: Lust for Live:
2021: 30 Years Live Anniversary: