Post by Tetra on Feb 16, 2022 19:07:40 GMT
Charles "Charlie" Duncan Green V (10 May 1999 - Present)
Voice Type: "*out of breath* THIS SONG IS REALY HARD TO SING"
Vocal Range: F2 - C♯6
Significant High Notes:
C♯6 ("Superstition Foundation" live from Crescent Ballroom)
C6 ("Into The Unknown")
A5 ("I See a Dreamer")
G♯5 ("DEVIL", "To the Dungeons" live from Crescent Ballroom)
G5 ("Can't Find Love", "Good to Be Alive")
F♯5 ("CG5 Official Medley", "Mystery Machine", "Phantom Dancing", "Phoenix of the Sea")
F5 ("CG5 Official Medley", "Failure to Success", "How'd You Hear Me", "Into the Unknown", "Life By The Sea", "Run N' Gun", "sleeping in the nether", "why did the chicken cross the road?")
E5 ("Father's Day", "Good to Be Alive", "Into the Unknown", "Show Yourself", "Sparkly Abs", "SUPERSTAR", "To the Dungeons" live from Crescent Ballroom)
E♭5 ("Anything You Can Do", "The Baddest", "dropthebassonthestereo", "Famous", "HOW TO BE AN EGGDOG", "Into the Unknown", "It's Been So Long", "Life By The Sea", "Love Isn't Fair", "Scoliosis", "Supernatural Baby", "They Feast Tonight", "Who I Am")
D5 ("30 Christmas Songs in 1 Minute", "Anything You Can Do", "Clearer", "Hello Hello", "He's the Cartoon Cat", "Inspector Royale", "I See a Dreamer", "Labyrinth" Live from Shutocon 2019, "Million Dollar Day", "Murder Hornet", "Scoliosis", "The Speed in My Soul", "Who I Am")
C♯5 ("CG5 Official Medley", "Fallen Down", "HOW TO BE AN EGGDOG", "I'm a Natural", "Into the Unknown", "Never Grow Up", "the nft man", "The River", "Stay at Home", "SUPERSTAR", "Superstitious Foundation", "Take It", "They Feast Tonight", "why did the chicken cross the road?", "You Signed A Contract")
C5 ("Absolutely Anything", "BEN", "Castaways", "Danny Phantom Theme Song", "Drift Away", "Fallen Kingdom", "Fantasized", "Fears", "Find Da Wae", "Fish Out of Water (Amazing)", "Freak Out", "Good to Be Alive", "Hello Hello", "I'm On My Way", "Inspector Royale", "Into the Unknown", "I See a Dreamer", "I've Got No Time", "Kahoot", "The Legend of Siren Head", "Life By The Sea", "Lyin' 2 Me", "Murder Hornet", "Mystery Machine", "Ocean Blue", "Other Friends", "Run N' Gun", "Sparkly Abs", "The Speed in My Soul", "Stay at Home", "Supernatural Baby", "Vibrant Eyes")
B4 ("30 Christmas Songs in 1 Minute", "Being Human", "Crawling", "Created Equal", "Danny Phantom Theme Song", "dropthebassonthestereo", "Drift Away", "Every Door", "Fallen Down", "Father's Day", "Fly", "Gone Away", "I'm a Natural", "I'ma Walk Right In", "Inspector Royale", "Inzpiration", "Just Friends", "Knock Knock", "Like It or Not", "Love Isn't Fair", "Make Your Move", "Man on Stilts", "Monday Morning", "The Moth and the Lamp", "Mystery Machine", "Never Gonna Let You Go", "No More Cake", "Ocean Blue", "Omea Wa Mou", "Patiently", "Phoenix of the Sea", "See Dem Aliens", "Shining Star", "Show Yourself", "Spooky Scary Skeletons", "The Speed in My Soul", "Spotlight", "Stereo Love", "SUPERSTAR", "To the Dungeons", "Without You")
B♭4 ("The Baddest", "Balance", "BEN", "Can't Get Over It", "CG5 Official Medley", "Change Your Mind", "Christmas Dreams", "Dancin'", "DEVIL", "Discord", "dropthebassonthestereo", "Failure to Success", "Famous", "Father's Day", "Find Da Wae", "Fish Out of Water (Amazing)", "Freak Out", "The Friendly Long Horse", "Gimme a Break", "Goodbye", "He's the Cartoon Cat", "How'd You Hear Me", "HOW TO BE AN EGGDOG", "Infinite", "I'm On My Way", "Improvising", "Injustice", "Into the Think of It!", "Into the Unknown", "It's Been So Long", "I've Got No Time", "Just Another Day", "Kahoot", "Life By The Sea", "Lifelight", "Love Isn't Fair", "Lyin' 2 Me", "Make Your Move", "Masterpiece", "Never Easy", "No More Cake", "Phantom Dancing", "Poison Blooms", "Projections", "Sepiatoned", "Speed Me Up", "Stay at Home", "Sunflower", "Supernatural Baby" "Sweet Victory", "Take It", "Temporary Love", "Uncrowned", "Vibrant Eyes", "why did the chicken cross the road?", "Who I Am", "Wonderland", "Zombies on Your Lawn")
A4 ("30 Christmas Songs in 1 Minute", "Amen", "Anything You Can Do", "Bad Idea", "Being Human", "BEN", "Can't Find Love", "Can't Get Over It", "Castaways", "Christmas Dreams", "Clearer", "Created Equal", "Dear Calypso", "Drift Away", "Egg", "Every Door", "Fallen Down", "Father's Day", "Fly", "Follow Mii", "The Friendly Long Horse", "Gone Away", "Good to Be Alive", "Happy Accidents", "Hello Hello", "Horror Show", "If It's Too Hard to Forgive", "Improvising", "Infinite", "Injustice", "I See a Dreamer", "The Legend of Siren Head", "Lifelight", "Million Dollar Day", "Murder Hornet", "Never Gonna Let You Go", "Never Grow Up", "the nft man", "Ocean Blue", "Omea Wa Mou", "OK Friday", "Other Friends", "Our Destiny", "Patiently", "Run N' Gun", "See Dem Aliens", "Shining Star", "Show Yourself", "The Speed in My Soul", "Speed Me Up", "Spooky Scary Skeletons", "Stereo Love", "Superstitious Foundation", "Taunt", "To the Dungeons", "Water", "Weird Autumn", "Without You", "Wonderland", "You Will Believe", "Zombies on Your Lawn")
G♯4 ("Absolutely Anything", "Aren't We", "The Baddest", "Bad Idea", "Balance", "BEN", "CG5 Official Medley", "Christmas Dreams", "Dancin'", "DEVIL", "Discord", "Failure to Success", "Fallen Kingdom", "Famous", "Fantasized", "Fears", "Feelin' Tired", "The Final Straw", "Find Da Wae", "Fish Out of Water (Amazing)", "Follow Mii", "Goodbye", "I Fall Apart Sometimes", "I'm a Natural", "I'ma Walk Right In", "I'm On My Way", "Into the Think of It!", "It's Been So Long", "I've Got No Time", "Knock Knock", "Leave Me Behind", "Let Me Through", "Life By The Sea", "Masterpiece", "Messing Up", "Monday Morning", "The Moth and the Lamp", "Mystery Machine", "Never Easy", "Never Grow Up", "the nft man", "No Matter What", "Ocean Man", "OK Friday", "Other Friends", "Our Destiny", "Phantom Dancing", "Phoenix of the Sea", "Poison Blooms", "The River", "Run N' Gun", "Show Yourself", "sleeping in the nether", "Spotlight", "Stay at Home", "Stereo Love", "Sunflower", "SUPERSTAR", "Superstitious Foundation", "Take It", "They Feast Tonight", "tommy innit", "To the Dungeons", "Uncrowned", "Vibrant Eyes", "The Wolf", "World of Gray", "You Signed A Contract")
G4 ("Amen", "Being Human", "BEN", "Can't Find Love", "Change Your Mind", "Christmas Dreams", "Crawling", "Created Equal", "Danny Phantom Theme Song", "Discord", "Don't Forget", "Drift Away", "Egg", "Every Door", "Evil Team", "Fallen Kingdom", "Fish Out of Water (Amazing)", "Freak Out", "The Friendly Long Horse", "Good to Be Alive", "Happy Accidents", "Kahoot", "Never Gonna Let You Go", "If It's Too Hard to Forgive", "I'm on My Way", "Injustice" ,"I've Got No Time", "Just Another Day", "Man on Stilts", "Masterpiece", "Messing Up", "Million Dollar Day", "Patiently", "Push", "Reap What You Sow", "Scoliosis", "Shining Star", "Soldiers Fallen", "Sparkly Abs", "Speed Me Up", "Spooky Scary Skeletons", "Sweet Victory", "Taunt", "They Feast Tonight", "Weird Autumn", "Who I Am", "Wonderland", "You Will Believe", "Zombies on Your Lawn")
F♯4 ("Aren't We", "Clearer", "Dear Calypso", "Don't Forget", "dropthebassonthestereo", "Egg", "Evil Team", "Father's Day", "Failure to Success", "The Final Straw", "Fly", "Follow Mii", "Gimme a Break", "Gone Away", "Happy Accidents", "Horror Show", "How'd You Hear Me", "HOW TO BE AN EGGDOG", "I'm a Natural", "Improvising", "In the Morning", "Just Friends", "Let Me Through", "Lifelight", "Like It or Not", "Lyin' 2 Me", "Make Your Move", "Music from the Heart", "No More Cake", "Phantom Dancing", "Phoenix of the Sea", "See Dem Aliens", "Sepiatoned", "Soldiers Fallen", "Spotlight", "Stereo Love", "Superstitious Foundation", "Take It", "Without You", "World of Gray"
F4 ("Absolutely Anything", "Amen", "DEVIL", "Fallen Kingdom", "Fantasized", "Fears", "Goodbye", "He's the Cartoon Cat", "How'd You Hear Me", "I'ma Walk Right In", "I'm On My Way", "I See a Dreamer", "It's Been So Long", "Just Another Day", "Kahoot", "Labyrinth", "The Legend of Siren Head", "Make Your Move", "Million Dollar Day", "Never Easy", "Never Gonna Let You Go", "Ocean Man", "Other Friends", "Poison Blooms", "Projections", "Revenge", "Run N' Gun", "Sepiatoned", "sleeping in the nether", "Speed Me Up", "Sunflower", "Supernatural Baby", "Sweet Victory", "They Feast Tonight", "tommy innit", "Who I Am", "You Will Believe", "Zombies on Your Lawn")
Significant Low Notes:
D3 ("30 Christmas Songs in 1 Minute", "BEN", "Can't Find Love", "Can't Get Over It", "Clearer", "Created Equal", "Evil Team", "Fallen Down", "Follow Mii", "Hello Hello", "Horror Show", "If It's Too Hard to Forgive", "In the Morning", "I've Got No Time", "Labyrinth", "The Legend of Siren Head", "Lifelight", "Masterpiece", "Million Dollar Day", "Murder Hornet", "Music from the Heart", "Patiently", "Push", "Revenge", "Sepiatoned", "Show Yourself", "Shining Star", "Speed Me Up", "Spooky Scary Skeletons", "Spotlight", "Taunt", "Temporary Love", "Water", "Weird Autumn", "Without You")
C♯3 ("Aren't We", "The Baddest", "Being Human", "Dear Calypso", "DEVIL", "The Final Straw", "Fly", "Goodbye", "I'ma Walk Right In", "In the Morning", "It's Been So Long", "Knock Knock", "Leave Me Behind", "Let Me Through", "Monday Morning", "The Moth and the Lamp", "Murder Hornet", "Mystery Machine", "Never Easy", "No Matter What", "Ocean Blue" , "Ocean Man", "Phantom Dancing", "Projections", "The River", "Superstitious Foundation", "Take It", "Water", "Without You")
C3 ("Anything You Can Do", "BEN", "CG5 Official Medley", "Change Your Mind", "Christmas Dreams", "DEVIL", "Don't Forget", "Fantasized", "Fears", "Feelin' Tired", "Fish Out of Water (Amazing)", "Good to Be Alive", "He's the Cartoon Cat", "I Fall Apart Sometimes", "Injustice", "I've Got No Time", "Just Another Day", "Kahoot", "The Legend of Siren Head", "Let Me Through", "Lyin' 2 Me", "Messing Up", "Million Dollar Day", "Never Easy", "the nft man", "Projections", "Soldiers Fallen", "Spooky Scary Skeletons")
B2 ("Amen", "Being Human", "Can't Find Love", "Christmas Dreams", "The Final Straw", "Fly", "Good to Be Alive", "Horror Show", "In the Morning", "If It's Too Hard to Forgive", "I'm On My Way", "Knock Knock", "Lifelight", "Masterpiece", "Mystery Machine", "Never Grow Up", "Poison Blooms", "See Dem Aliens", "Shining Star", "Show Yourself", "Spooky Scary Skeletons", "Superstitious Foundation", "tommy innit", "Water", "Without You")
B♭2 ("Change Your Mind", "DEVIL", "dropthebassonthestereo", "Every Door", "Goodbye", "He's the Cartoon Cat", "How'd You Hear Me", "If It's Too Hard to Forgive", "I Get Sick of Love", "I'ma Walk Right In", "Just Another Day", "Messing Up", "Never Easy", "Projections", "Revenge", "See Dem Aliens", "Supernatural Baby", "Taunt", "They Feast Tonight", "tommy innit", "Uncrowned", "why did the chicken cross the road?", "The Wolf")
A2 ("Amen", "Dear Calypso", "Fallen Down", "Father's Day", "Fish Out of Water (Amazing)", "Gimme a Break", "Good to Be Alive", "He's the Cartoon Cat", "Horror Show", "HOW TO BE AN EGGDOG", "Improvising", "The Legend of Siren Head", "Never Grow Up", "the nft man", "Ocean Blue" , "See Dem Aliens", "The Speed in My Soul", "Temporary Love", "Water")
G♯2 ("Egg", "Father's Day", "Feelin' Tired", "Gimme a Break", "I'ma Walk Right In", "Injustice", "Just Friends", "Let Me Through", "The Moth and the Lamp", "Never Grow Up", "sleeping in the nether", "Uncrowned", "The Wolf")
G2 ("CG5 Official Medley", "Change Your Mind", "Don't Forget", "Every Door", "Follow Mii", "Hello Hello", "If It's Too Hard to Forgive", "I See a Dreamer", "Knock Knock", "Lyin' 2 Me", "Monday Morning", "Revenge", "Scoliosis", "Vibrant Eyes")
F♯2 ("30 Christmas Songs in 1 Minute", "Every Door", "Failure to Success", "I Get Sick of Love", "Never Grow Up", "Inspector Royale", "They Feast Tonight")
F2 ("CG5 Official Medley", "Injustice", "Scoliosis", "Superstitious Foundation", "The Wolf")
{Questionable Notes}
C6 ("Lyin' 2 Me"[1])
A5 ("Music from the Heart"[4])
G♯5 ("I've Got No Time" live from Crescent Ballroom[1], "Mystery Machine"[1], "Failure to Success"[4])
G5 ("Created Equal"[1], "I Fall Apart Sometimes"[4], "Reap What You Sow"[2][4], "Soldiers Fallen"[4], "Taunt"[1])
F♯5 ("Stay at Home"[1])
F5 ("I See a Dreamer"[2], "Supernatural Baby"[2], "The Wolf"[2])
E5 ("The Moth and the Lamp"[4])
E♭5 ("I've Got No Time"[4], "Masterpiece"[2], "Spotlight"[4])
D5 ("You Will Believe"[2], "Labyrinth[2]")
G4 ("Fantasized"[2])
B2 ("Just Another Day"[5])
B♭2 ("I'm On My Way"[3])
F♯2 ("Bad Idea"[4], "Let Me Through"[4], "Dear Calypso"[2])
F2 ("Vibrant Eyes"[4])
E2 ("Every Door"[5])
F♯1 ("I Get Sick of Love"[3])
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.
C6 ("Lyin' 2 Me"[1])
A5 ("Music from the Heart"[4])
G♯5 ("I've Got No Time" live from Crescent Ballroom[1], "Mystery Machine"[1], "Failure to Success"[4])
G5 ("Created Equal"[1], "I Fall Apart Sometimes"[4], "Reap What You Sow"[2][4], "Soldiers Fallen"[4], "Taunt"[1])
F♯5 ("Stay at Home"[1])
F5 ("I See a Dreamer"[2], "Supernatural Baby"[2], "The Wolf"[2])
E5 ("The Moth and the Lamp"[4])
E♭5 ("I've Got No Time"[4], "Masterpiece"[2], "Spotlight"[4])
D5 ("You Will Believe"[2], "Labyrinth[2]")
G4 ("Fantasized"[2])
B2 ("Just Another Day"[5])
B♭2 ("I'm On My Way"[3])
F♯2 ("Bad Idea"[4], "Let Me Through"[4], "Dear Calypso"[2])
F2 ("Vibrant Eyes"[4])
E2 ("Every Door"[5])
F♯1 ("I Get Sick of Love"[3])
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.
Blue marks falsetto or whistle notes.
Underlines mark notes that are obscured in the song mix.
Italics mark non-melodic notes.
Boldface marks notes that made me stop zoning out for a second.
{Google Answer Box Bait}
What is CG5's vocal range? CG5 has a vocal range of a F2 - C♯6.
What voice type is CG5? CG5 is a tenor.
What is CG5's vocal range? CG5 has a vocal range of a F2 - C♯6.
What voice type is CG5? CG5 is a tenor.