Post by BassSquared on Apr 22, 2022 23:30:21 GMT
John Andrew Hull (7 Nov 1986 - )
Vocal Range: E♭2 - A5
Associated Acts: Manchester Orchestra (2004 - present), Right Away, Great Captain! (2004-?), Bad Books (2010-present)
{Vocal Summary}Over the course of Manchester Orchestra's evolution from mid-2000s emo also-rans to one of the most engaging and influential bands in indie rock today, the sole constant has been singer, guitarist, and main creative force Andy Hull. The band's music (as well as that of his numerous side projects) has ranged from powerful, cathartic hard rock to soft, soothing acoustic ballads, and Hull's voice ably pulls off both. His belted high notes have developed significantly since his early career, going from rough and shouty to clear and confident tones that are easily reproduced in live performances. The distinctive nasality to his tone has remained, however, although it's a bit reined in compared to early on. His lows are a strangely mixed bag, sometimes airy and weak but just as often hit with a pretty decent amount of strength and confidence for someone of his vocal placement. His falsetto isn't much to write home about, but it's there and he uses it quite ably, mainly in creation of complex, layered backing vocals alongside bandmate Robert McDowell. On the whole, though, Hull is one of the most talented songwriters in the genre right now, with an expressive, emotional voice that has never sounded stronger.
Written by BassSquared.
Written by BassSquared.
{Album Ranges}I'm Like a Virgin Losing a Child (2006): A2 - B4
Mean Everything to Nothing (2009): C3 - B♭4 - E♭5
Simple Math (2011): G♯2 - C5
Cope (2013): C3 - C♯5
A Black Mile to the Surface (2017): A2 - B4 - C♯5
The Million Masks of God (2021): G2 - C5 - F5
The Valley of Vision (2023): G2 - B4 - D5
The Bitter End (2007): G2 - G4
The Eventually Home (2008): G2 - B4 - F5
The Church of the Good Thief (2012): E2 - B4 - E5
Bad Books (2010): A2 - B4
II (2012): G♯2 - A4 - C♯5
III (2019): A2 - F♯4
Mean Everything to Nothing (2009): C3 - B♭4 - E♭5
Simple Math (2011): G♯2 - C5
Cope (2013): C3 - C♯5
A Black Mile to the Surface (2017): A2 - B4 - C♯5
The Million Masks of God (2021): G2 - C5 - F5
The Valley of Vision (2023): G2 - B4 - D5
The Bitter End (2007): G2 - G4
The Eventually Home (2008): G2 - B4 - F5
The Church of the Good Thief (2012): E2 - B4 - E5
Bad Books (2010): A2 - B4
II (2012): G♯2 - A4 - C♯5
III (2019): A2 - F♯4
Significant High Notes:
A5 ("Say It Ain't So" West Babylon 2008)
F5 ("Keel Timing", "What a Pity")
E5 ("AJC", "Barely Bit Me", "Say It Ain't So" West Babylon 2008)
E♭5 ("100 Dollars", "Angel of Death", "I Remember That")
D5 ("I Could Be With Anyone", "Oh No, I Tried", "Rear View", "Silent Night")
C♯5 ("The After Party", AJC "Bed Head", "Finale", "Keel Timing", "Memories from a Shore", "The Moth", "No Rule", "Opposite Sides", "Top Notch")
C5 ("Anne Louise" "April Fool", "Architect" live in studio, "Capital Karma", "I Can Feel a Hot One", "The Internet", "It Is Well With My Soul", "Leaky Breaks", "Letting Go" "Mighty", "Obstacle", "The Way", "Way Back", "The Well")
B4 ("Angel of Death", "April Fool", "Be Thou My Vision", "Blame", "Colly Strings", "Cope", "A Curse of Cynicism", "Devil Dressed in Blue", "Girl With Broken Wings", "The Grocery", "Headsick", "I Am a Vampire", "I Can Barely Breathe", "I Know How to Speak", "Intro Song", "It Never Stops", "Letters and Horsemen", "Montage", "The Neighborhood Is Bleeding", "Never Ending", "Now That You're Home", "Pale Black Eye" "Please Move", "Rear View", "We Were Made Out of Lightning", "When I Met Death")
B♭4 ("Apprehension", "Bed Head", "Born of You", "Dinosaur", "Everything to Nothing", "Fur Stop Caring", "Girl Harbor", "The Grocery", "I Couldn't Do It Alone", "Inaudible", "In My Teeth", "I've Got Friends", "Leave It Alone", "The Mansion", "My Friend Marcus", "Never Ending", "No Sides", "Obstacle", "The Ocean", "Opposite Sides", "The Parts", "Please Move", "Pride", "Quietly", "The River", "Shake It Out", "The Silence", "Trees", "Tony the Tiger", "Top Notch","We Were Made Out of Lightning", "What Ever Happened",)
A4 ("The After Party", "Alice and Interiors", "Bad Things to Such Good People", "Barely Bit Me", "Born of You", "Branch Arms", "David's Park Bench", "Deny It All", "The Gold", "Golden Ticket", "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas", "I Can Barely Breathe", "I Could Be With Anyone", "I'd Rather Have", "The Internet", "Keel Timing", "My Backwards Walk", "No Rule", "Now That You're Home", "Oh No, I Tried", "Old Again", "The Procession", "Six Six Six", "Trees", "Virgin", "The Way", "Where Have You Been?", "White Christmas", "Wolves at Night")
G♯4 ("42", "After the Scripture", "All That I Really Wanted", "Ambivalent Peaks", "Angel of Death", "Apprehension", "April Fool", "Bed Head", "Bottle Rocket", "Cope", "Deer", "Every Stone", "Father Brian Finn", "Girl With Broken Wings", "I'd Rather Have", "Inaudible", "Indentions", "I've Got Friends", "I Was a Lid", "Leave It Alone", "Limelight", "The Mansion", "Mighty", "Montage", "The Moth", "My Friend Marcus", "Never Ending", "Never Really Been Another Way Out", "Obstacle", "The Ocean", "The Only One", "Pale Black Eye", "Pensacola", "Please Move", "Sacred Heart (A Drunken Sailor's Eulogy)", "Say It Ain't So" West Babylon 2008, "See It Again", "Slow to Learn", "The Sunshine", "Top Notch", "What Ever Happened", "The Wolf", "You Wouldn't Have to Ask")
G4 ("100 Dollars", "Annie", "Architect", "Atlanta/Aug/08", "Bad Things to Such Good People", "Back of Your Old Church", "Be Thou My Vision", "Born of You", "Colly Strings", "Cutting Off the Blood to Ten", "Do You Really Like Being Alone", "Friendly Advice", "Girl Harbor", "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas", "Headsick", "I Am a Vampire", "I Am Aware", "I Can Barely Breathe", "I Couldn't Do It Alone", "In My Teeth", "I Remember That", "The Internet", "Lead, SD", "Let It Storm", "Letting Go", "Like Lions Do", "The Mansion", "Mighty", "The Mistake", "No Hard Feelings", "Now That You're Home", "O Holy Night", "Pride", "Quietly", "Rotten Black Root", "TellMeSomethingIDontKnow", "Trees", "Virgin", "Will Do", "Wolves at Night", "Wolves at Night pt. 2", "You Wouldn't Have to Ask")
F♯4 ("42", "The After Party", "After the Scripture", "Alice and Interiors", "The Alien", "All That I Really Wanted", "Apprehension", "Bottle Rocket", "Choose You", "A Curse of Cynicism", "Cutting Off the Blood to Ten", "David's Park Bench", "Deer", "Dinosaur", "Do You Really Like Being Alone", "Everything to Nothing", "Forest Whitaker", "Gasoline Family", "The Gold", "Golden Ticket", "I'd Rather Have", "Indentions", "In My Teeth", "Intro Song", "I've Got Friends", "Keel Timing", "Lake House", "Limelight", "Lost Creek", "Make It To Me", "Never Really Been Another Way Out", "No Rule", "Once Like You", "The Only One", "Opposite Sides", "Pensacola", "The Procession", "Pyotr", "Rear View", "Right Away, Great Captain!", "See It Again", "Shake It Out", "The Silence", "Simple Math", "Sleeper 1972", "Slow to Learn", "Sputnik" live Maze Studios 2011, "Telepath", "Tony the Tiger", "Where Have You Been?")
F4 ("Are You the Light?", "Bad Things to Such Good People", "Blizzard of '77", "Born of You", "Capital Karma", "Deny It All", "Every Stone", "Everything to Nothing", "Friendly Advice", "Fur Stop Caring", "Inaudible", "It's a Lie", "It's Okay With Me", "I Was a Lid", "Like Lions Do", "Lose You Again", "The Lost Cause", "Memories From the End, Pt. 2", "The Mistake", "The Moth", "No Hard Feelings", "Pale Black Eye", "The Parts", "The River", "Rotten Black Root", "Shake It Out", "Silent Night", "Way Back", "What a Pity", "Wheelchair", "Wolves at Night pt. 2")
Significant Low Notes:
D3 ("Baby Shoes", "Captain, I'm Fine, and Thank You for Everything", "Colly Strings", "Down to Your Soul", "Do You Really Like Being Alone", "Gasoline Family", "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen", "Headsick", "I Am Aware", "It Is Well With My Soul", "Left Your Body", "Let It Storm", "Letters and Horsemen", "Like Lions Do", "Love, Come and Save Me", "Memories From the End, Pt. 1", "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel", "Oh, Deceiver", "O Holy Night", "Once Like You", "The Parts", "The Procession", "Rotten Black Root", "Sleeper 1972", "Texas", "Unknown Legend" Sirius XM sessions, "Virgin", "What a Lullaby, What a Way to Die", "What a Pity", "White Christmas", "Wolves at Night pt. 2")
C♯3 ("42", "50 Cent" NYC 2016,"The After Party", "The Alien", "Alligator", "Apprehension", "Army", "Deer", "Father Brian Finn", "Forest Whitaker", "Fur Stop Caring", "The Gold", "The Grocery", "How This All Ends", "I Begged You Everything", "I'd Rather Have", "I Know How to Speak", "Keel Timing", "Lake House", "Leave It Alone", "Lost Creek", "Memories on a Deck Part II", "Neighborhood", "The Pilot", "Play It Again, Sam! You Don't Have Any Feathers!", "Pride", "Right Ahead, You Sailor!", "Right Away, Great Captain!", "Shake It Out", "Slow to Learn", "UFO", "When I Met Death", "Who Is Your Humble?")
C3 ("Allentown", "Anne Louise", "Back of Your Old Church", "Badges & Badges", "Born of You", "Branch Arms", "Capital Karma", "'Cause I'm So Scared of Dying", "Don't Let Them See You Cry", "Friendly Advice", "I Am a Vampire", "I Am Aware", "I Can Feel Your Pain", "I'm Not Ready to Forgive You", "I Think I Saw You", "Jimmy, He Whispers", "Letting Go", "Like Lions Do", "The Mansion", "Memories From the End, Pt. 2", "Memories on a Deck Part I", "Obstacle", "O Holy Night", "Old Again", "Sacred Heart (A Drunken Sailor's Eulogy)", "Silent Night", "TellMeSomethingIDontKnow", "(Unholy Bathrooms)", "Way Back", "The Well", "What Ever Happened", "When We Were Trees")
B2 ("50 Cent" NYC 2016, "Apprehension", "Army", "Captain, I'm Fine, and Thank You for Everything", "Colly Strings", "Cutting Off the Blood to Ten", "Deny It All", "Devil Dressed in Blue", "Father Brian Finn", "Forest Whitaker", "Girl With Broken Wings", "Haunt While I Sleep", "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas", "Headsick", "How I Waited", "I Begged You Everything", "I'd Rather Have", "I Know How to Speak", "I Remember That", "Lead, SD", "Night Marry You", "Oh, Deceiver", "Once Like You", "Pensacola", "The Procession", "Rear View", "UFO", "(Unholy Bathrooms)", "Texas", "Virgin")
B♭2 ( "42", "Back of Your Old Church", "Eyelids", "Fur Stop Caring", "I Was a Lid", "Leaky Breaks", "Leave It Alone", "Memories from a Shore", "(Millions Even!)", "Quietly", "Shake It Out" Alternate ver., "The Silence")
A2 ("Anne Louise", "Atlanta/Aug/08", "Be Thou My Vision", "Blame", "Capital Karma", "Cutting Off the Blood to Ten", "Don't Let Them See You Cry", "Gasoline Family", "The Gold", "I Am a Vampire", "I Begged You Everything", "I Could Be With Anyone", "I'm Not Ready to Forgive You", "The Internet", "I Think I Saw You", "Left Your Body", "Memories on a Deck Part I", "My Backwards Walk", "Oh, Deceiver", "Oh No, I Tried", "Quietly", "Rear View", "Right Away, Great Captain!", "The Way", "The Well", "When I Met Death")
G♯2 ("42", "Angel of Death", "Are You the Light?", "'Cause I'm So Scared of Dying", "Eyelids", "Haunt While I Sleep", "How I Waited", "I Remember That", "Leave It Alone", "Memories from a Shore", "Neighborhood", "Sacred Heart (A Drunken Sailor's Eulogy)", "Way Back", "Wheelchair", "Who Is Your Humble?")
G2 ("Badges & Badges", "Capital Karma", "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas", "The Internet", "Memories From the End, Pt. 2", "Memories on a Deck Part I", "(Millions Even!)", "My Backwards Walk", "Quietly", "The Way")
F♯2 ("AJC", "I Was a Lid")
F2 ("Eyelids", "Wheelchair")
E2 ("AJC", "Blame")
E♭2 ("Wheelchair")
{Questionable Notes}
A5 "Alice and Interiors" [1]
F♯5 "Montage" [2] [3]
G5 "Leaky Breaks" [2], "The Mistake" [2]
F♯5 "I Was a Lid" [2]
F5 "Everything to Nothing" [2]
E5 "Capital Karma" [2], "It Never Stops" [2], "Now That You're Home" [1]
E♭5 "My Friend Marcus" [2], "The Only One" [2] "Pale Black Eye" [2], "Pensacola" [2]
D5 "Annie" [2]
C#5 "Indentions" [2], "The Maze" [2]
C5 "Girl Harbor" [5], "The Moth" [5]
B2 "Sleeper 1972" [1]
A2 "The Easy Mark and the Old Maid" [2], "I Can Feel Your Pain" [5], "When We Were Trees" [5]
G2 "Leaky Breaks" [1]
F♯2 "Haunt While I Sleep" [1]
F2 "Bed Head" [4]
E♭2 "Memories from a Shore" [1]
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.
A5 "Alice and Interiors" [1]
F♯5 "Montage" [2] [3]
G5 "Leaky Breaks" [2], "The Mistake" [2]
F♯5 "I Was a Lid" [2]
F5 "Everything to Nothing" [2]
E5 "Capital Karma" [2], "It Never Stops" [2], "Now That You're Home" [1]
E♭5 "My Friend Marcus" [2], "The Only One" [2] "Pale Black Eye" [2], "Pensacola" [2]
D5 "Annie" [2]
C#5 "Indentions" [2], "The Maze" [2]
C5 "Girl Harbor" [5], "The Moth" [5]
B2 "Sleeper 1972" [1]
A2 "The Easy Mark and the Old Maid" [2], "I Can Feel Your Pain" [5], "When We Were Trees" [5]
G2 "Leaky Breaks" [1]
F♯2 "Haunt While I Sleep" [1]
F2 "Bed Head" [4]
E♭2 "Memories from a Shore" [1]
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.
Blue marks falsetto or whistle notes.
Underlines mark notes that are obscured in the song mix.
Italics mark non-melodic notes.
Boldface marks notes that are considered to be particularly notable examples of this person's vocal capabilities.