Post by Seb on Apr 23, 2022 18:45:08 GMT
Shamir (November 7, 1994)
Vocal Range: G♯2 - A5
Years Active: 2014 - present
Bitter (2014, EP): D3 - D5 - E5
Northtown (2014, EP): C♯3 - E5
Ratchet (2015): C♯3 - E5
Hope (2017): E3 - F♯5 - G♯5
Revelations (2017): E3 - E5
Resolution (2018): B2 - F♯5
Be the Yee, Here Comes the Haw (2019): C3 - G5
Cataclysm (2020): B2 - A5
Shamir (2020): B2 - G5
Heterosexuality (2022): G♯2 - A5
Homo Anxietatem (2023): C3 - G5 - A5
+singles/guest appearances/other performances
Bitter (2014, EP): D3 - D5 - E5
Northtown (2014, EP): C♯3 - E5
Ratchet (2015): C♯3 - E5
Hope (2017): E3 - F♯5 - G♯5
Revelations (2017): E3 - E5
Resolution (2018): B2 - F♯5
Be the Yee, Here Comes the Haw (2019): C3 - G5
Cataclysm (2020): B2 - A5
Shamir (2020): B2 - G5
Heterosexuality (2022): G♯2 - A5
Homo Anxietatem (2023): C3 - G5 - A5
+singles/guest appearances/other performances
Significant High Notes:
A5 ("Calloused", "Cisgender", "Scream")
G♯5 ("Camouflage", "What Else")
G5 ("Anybody", "Calloused" "Caught Up", "Cisgender", "DsharpG", "Feminine Guy", "Like O, Like H", "Other Side", "Paranoia", "The Devil Said the Blues is All I'll Know", "Without You")
F♯5 ("Camouflage", "Breathe", "Glass", "Hope", "Nuclear", "Ocean Eyes", "Our Song", "Stain", "Strong", "Tears Fall In Euphoria", "They Must Go", "Tunnel Vision")
F5 ("Caballero", "Crime", "Easier", "Feminine Guy", "Forever", "Hope", "I Wonder", "Ignore Everything", "Larry Clark", "Marriage", "Obsession", "Running", "Songs Remain", "The Things You Loved", "Without You")
E5 ("All the Places That Nobody Wants to Be", "Bitter", "Black and Blue", "Caballero", "Calloused", "Camouflage", "Caught Up", "Cloudy", "Crime", "Delusional", "Falling", "Fist City", "Float", "Forget You", "Gay Agenda", "High For The Summer", "I Know It's A Good Thing", "I Can't Breathe", "I Wonder", "Like O, Like H", "Ocean Eyes", "Other Side", "Our Song", "Panic", "Paranoia", "Pollen", "Pretty When I'm Sad", "Punk Rock Boyfriend", "slowreturn", "Sometimes a Man", "Straight Boy", "Strong", "SUNSHiiNE", "The Beginning", "They Must Go", "Tom Kelly", "Without You", "Words", "You Were There", "Youth")
E♭5 ("Calvin's", "Delusional", "DsharpG", "Glass", "Marriage", "Punx with Ukeleles", "Tunnel Vision", "Sanity", "Sometimes a Man", "Songs Remain", "Youth")
D5 ("90's Kids", "All the Places That Nobody Wants to Be", "Anybody", "Appetizer", "Breathe", "Caballero", "Cisgender", "Darker", "Death Of A Pastor", "Diet", "DsharpG", "Easier", "Feminine Guy", "Fist City", "Forget You", "Games", "Gay Agenda", "Hell", "Her Story", "I Wonder", "In My Belly", "In This Hole", "Ignore Everything", "I'll Never Be Able", "Larry Clark", "Like A Bird", "Me Missing You", "Nuclear", "Obsession", "Ocean Eyes", "Other Side", "Our Song", "Paranoia", "Reproductive", "Room", "Scream", "Stain", "Stand By Me", "Straight Boy", "SUNSHiiNE", "Tears Fall In Euphoria", "The Beginning", "The Devil Said the Blues is All I'll Know", "Ultra", "Wandering Through", "What Else", "Words", "You Were There")
C♯5 ("Bitter", "Black and Blue", "Call It Off", "Calvin's", "Cloudy", "Cold Brew", "Cowboy", "Darker", "Float", "Forever", "Glass", "I Can't Breathe", "Lived And Died Alone", "On My Own", "Our Song", "Pollen", "Pretty When I'm Sad", "Room", "slowreturn", "Strong", "Sometimes a Man", "Songs Remain", "Tunnel Vision", "You Have A Song", "Youth")
C5 ("90's Kids", "All the Places That Nobody Wants to Be", "Anybody", "Bleed It Out", "Blooming", "Caballero", "Caught Up", "Crime", "Dead Inside", "Demon", "Feminine Guy", "Fist City", "Games", "Gay Agenda", "Glass", "Grace", "Head In The Clouds", "Her Story", "High For The Summer", "Hope", "I Know It's A Good Thing", "I'll Never Be Able", "Ignore Everything", "In For The Kill", "Larry Clark", "Like O, Like H", "Make A Scene", "Marriage", "no,no", "Obsession", "On The Regular", "Oversized Sweater", "Panic", "Paranoia", "Rain", "Running", "Slow Down", "Stand By Me", "Straight Boy", "Tantrum", "The Devil Said the Blues is All I'll Know", "The Devil's Bride", "The Things You Loved", "Ultra", "Wandering Through", "What Else", "Without You", "You Have A Song")
B4 ("All the Places That Nobody Wants to Be", "Appetizer", "Bitter", "Black and Blue", "Breathe", "Camouflage", "Cloudy", "Cold Brew", "Cowboy", "Dead Inside", "Delusional", "Diet", "Falling", "Fist City", "Forget You", "Float", "Gay Agenda", "Hell", "Her Story", "I Fucking Hate You", "I Wonder", "In My Belly", "In This Hole", "KC", "Like A Bird", "Me Missing You", "Mirror for Your Third Eye", "no,no", "Nuclear", "Ocean Eyes", "On My Own", "Other Side", "Oversized Sweater", "Reproductive", "Sanity", "Shout", "Stability", "Stain", "SUNSHiiNE", "The Beginning", "They Must Go", "Wandering Through", "Where Gravity is Dead", "Wind", "Words", "You Were There", "Youth")
Significant Low Notes:
A3 ("Appetizer", "Astral Plane", "Bleed It Out", "Blooming", "Breathe", "Caballero", "Cisgender", "Crime", "Death Of A Pastor", "Demon", "Forget You", "Gay Agenda", "Head In The Clouds", "Hell", "I Fucking Hate You", "In For The Kill", "In This Hole", "Just Like Heaven", "KC", "Larry Clark", "Like A Bird", "Lived And Died Alone", "Me Missing You", "Panic", "Pretty When I'm Sad", "Punk Rock Boyfriend", "Room", "Scream", "slowreturn", "Stability", "Stain", "Tears Fall In Euphoria", "The Devil's Bride", "They Must Go", "Tom Kelly", "Ultra", "Wandering Through", "Words", "What Else", "Without You")
G♯3 ("Bitter", "Call It Off", "Camouflage", "Forever", "Glass", "Marriage", "On the Regular", "Our Song", "Sanity", "slowreturn", "Songs Remain", "Tunnel Vision", "You Have A Song", "Youth")
G3 ("90's Kids", "All the Places That Nobody Wants to Be", "Astral Plane", "Calloused", "Caught Up", "Crime", "Dead Inside", "Death Of A Pastor", "Demon", "Diet", "Easier", "Falling", "Fist City", "Gay Agenda", "Head In The Clouds", "Her Story", "Hope", "I Fucking Hate You", "I Wonder", "If It Wasn't True", "Ignore Everything", "In For The Kill", "Larry Clark", "Like A Bird", "Make A Scene", "Me Missing You", "no,no", "Ocean Eyes", "Oversized Sweater", "Paranoia", "Punk Rock Boyfriend", "Rain", "Room", "Running", "Shout", "Straight Boy", "The Beginning", "The Devil Said the Blues is All I'll Know", "The Devil's Bride", "Vegas", "Without You")
F♯3 ("10/11", "Black and Blue", "Call It Off", "Camouflage", "Delusional", "Father", "Float", "Forget You", "KC", "Knights", "Lived And Died Alone", "Mirror for Your Third Eye", "Panic", "Pollen", "Sanity", "Sometimes a Man", "Stain", "Strong", "What Else", "Where Gravity is Dead", "Wind", "Youth")
F3 ("Abomination", "Astral Plane", "Bleed It Out", "Blooming", "Dead Inside", "DsharpG", "Easier", "Feminine Guy", "Forever", "If It Wasn't True", "Ignore Everything", "Scream", "The Devil Said the Blues is All I'll Know", "Ultra", "Wandering Through", "You Had Me")
E3 ("All the Places That Nobody Wants to Be", "Bleed It Out", "Breathe", "Calloused", "Crime", "Darker", "Delusional", "Float", "Gay Agenda", "Head In The Clouds", "Lived And Died Alone", "Mirror for Your Third Eye", "no,no", "Nuclear", "Our Song", "Panic", "Pollen", "Rain", "Strong", "Tantrum", "Tears Fall In Euphoria", "The Beginning", "Words", "You Were There")
E♭3 ("Black and Blue", "On My Own", "On The Regular", "Sanity", "Sometimes a Man", "Where Gravity is Dead")
D3 ("Death Of A Pastor", "Diet", "I Can't Breathe", "Knights", "Nuclear", "Stain", "Strong", "SUNSHiiNE", "The Beginning", "Words", "You Were There")
C♯3 ("Black and Blue", "Cold Brew", "On My Own", "Sometimes a Man")
C3 ("Abomination", "Tantrum", "Ultra", "Wandering Through")
B2 ("I Can't Breathe", "Mirror for Your Third Eye", "Nuclear", "On My Own")
B♭2 ("DsharpG")
G♯2 ("Cold Brew")
Blue marks falsetto or whistle notes.
Underlines mark notes that are obscured in the song mix.
Italics mark non-melodic notes.
Boldface marks notes that are considered to be particularly notable examples of this person's vocal capabilities.
{Questionable Notes}
G5 ("Crime" [1], "On My Own" [1])
F♯5 ("All the Places That Nobody Wants to Be" [5], "Appetizer" [1], "Easier" [5], "Wandering Through" [1])
E5 ("Pretty When I'm Sad" [1])
E♭5 ("Like A Bird" [5], "Ultra" [5])
C5 ("Delusional" [5])
E♭3 ("Songs Remain [3])
D3 ("Gay Agenda" [3])
C3 ("Demon" [2])
B2 ("Panic" [3], "Stain" [2])
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.
G5 ("Crime" [1], "On My Own" [1])
F♯5 ("All the Places That Nobody Wants to Be" [5], "Appetizer" [1], "Easier" [5], "Wandering Through" [1])
E5 ("Pretty When I'm Sad" [1])
E♭5 ("Like A Bird" [5], "Ultra" [5])
C5 ("Delusional" [5])
E♭3 ("Songs Remain [3])
D3 ("Gay Agenda" [3])
C3 ("Demon" [2])
B2 ("Panic" [3], "Stain" [2])
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.
{Bolded Notes}A5 "Cisgender"
F♯5 "Stain"
F5 "Hope"
E5 "Caballero", "I Wonder", "Like O, Like H", "Tom Kelly"
E♭5 "Glass", "Tunnel Vision"
D5 "Games", "Nuclear", "Reproductive"
C♯5 "Cowboy", "Our Song", "Pretty When I'm Sad"
C5 "Her Story", "Larry Clark", "Rain"
B4 "All the Places That Nobody Wants to Be", "Gay Agenda", "I Wonder", "Other Side"
G3 "Head In The Clouds"
F3 "If It Wasn't True"
E3 "Calloused", "Float", "Tears Fall In Euphoria"
E♭3 "Black and Blue", "On My Own"
D3 "You Were There"
C♯3 "Cold Brew"
C3 "Abomination"
F♯5 "Stain"
F5 "Hope"
E5 "Caballero", "I Wonder", "Like O, Like H", "Tom Kelly"
E♭5 "Glass", "Tunnel Vision"
D5 "Games", "Nuclear", "Reproductive"
C♯5 "Cowboy", "Our Song", "Pretty When I'm Sad"
C5 "Her Story", "Larry Clark", "Rain"
B4 "All the Places That Nobody Wants to Be", "Gay Agenda", "I Wonder", "Other Side"
G3 "Head In The Clouds"
F3 "If It Wasn't True"
E3 "Calloused", "Float", "Tears Fall In Euphoria"
E♭3 "Black and Blue", "On My Own"
D3 "You Were There"
C♯3 "Cold Brew"
C3 "Abomination"