Post by avi on Jan 9, 2023 2:21:31 GMT
Stephan Douglas Jenkins (24 September 1964 - present)
Years Active: 1992 - present
Member Of: Puck and Natty (1992), Third Eye Blind (1993 - present)
Vocal Range: D2 - F♯6
Significant High Notes:
F♯6 ("Try Not to Think About It")
F6 ("A Time to Be Wild", "Try Not to Think About It")
B5 ("Try Not to Think About It")
A5 ("Best of Luck to You", "Mixed Up Family", "Tattoo of the Sun" Demo version, "Thanks a Lot")
G♯5 ("Best of Luck to You", "Darkness", "A Time to Be Wild")
G5 ("Camouflage", "The Red Summer Sun" Blue version / live House of Blues 2013, "Sherri Is a Stoner")
F♯5 ("Darkness", "Narcolepsy", "The Red Summer Sun")
F5 ("Bike Messenger", "Don't Believe a Word", "Eye Conqueror", "Funeral Singers", "Mixed Up Family", "An Ode to Maybe", "Rock Show")
E5 ("All the Souls", "Deep Inside of You", "Don't Believe a Word", "Eyes for You", "Get Me Out of Here", "Graduate", "Hold Me Down", "In the Fade", "Isn't It Pretty", "Misfits", "An Ode to Maybe", "One of Those Christmas Days", "Rock Show", "Say It", "Stairway to Heaven" various live performances, "Stevie Ray Vaughan", "You're Not Gonna Break Me" Water Landing demo)
E♭5 ("Gorgeous", "Hold Me Down", "I Will Follow", "My Tribe", "You're Not Gonna Break Me" Water Landing demo)
D5 ("Again", "All the Souls", "Bike Messenger", "Blood Bank", "Burning Man", "Camouflage", "Christmas Reincarnated (Easy Rider)", "Darkness", "Deep Inside of You" Demo version, "Exiles", "Funeral Singers", "God of Wine" acoustic, "Graduate" acoustic, "In the Skin" demo, "Invisible", "Jumper", "The Red Summer Sun", "Rock Show", "Say It", "Second Born", "Sherri Is a Stoner", "Sorry", "Take a Side", "Thanks a Lot", "Turn Me On", "Weightless", "Wounded")
C♯5 ("Bike Messenger", "Dopamine", "God of Wine" Third Eye Blind version / acoustic, "In the Fade", "Just Wanna Be Your Friend", "Losing a Whole Year" acoustic, "My Hit and Run", "Palm Reader", "Sharp Knife", "Train in Vain", "Ways", "Wounded")
C5 ("Box of Bones", "Company of Strangers", "Cry, Cry, Cry", "Eye Conqueror", "Faster", "Get Me Out of Here", "Gorgeous", "Graduate" acoustic, "I Will Follow", "Mine", "Misfits", "Mixed Up Family", "Motorcycle Drive By", "My Tribe", "Not Afraid of You" live Hartwick College 2010, "An Ode to Maybe", "Say It", "Screamer", "Second Born", "Semi-Charmed Life", "Sorry", "Suzaie", "Take a Side", "Tattoo of the Sun", "Ten Days Late", "Tropic Scorpio", "Who Am I")
B4 ("1000 Julys", "About to Break", "All the Souls", "Another Life", "Away", "Camouflage", "Can You Take Me", "Darkness", "Don't Give In", "Faster", "Funeral Singers", "Graduate", "Hold Me Down", "Horror Show", "In the Fade", "Isn't It Pretty", "The Kids Are Coming (To Take You Down)", "London", "Losing a Whole Year", "My Tribe", "Narcolepsy", "Not Afraid of You" live Hartwick College 2010, "New Girl", "One of Those Christmas Days", "Rites of Passage", "Scattered" demo, "Semi-Charmed Life", "Sky Blue" I Want You demo, "Something in You", "Standing Up for You", "Suzaie", "Tattoo of the Sun", "A Time to Be Wild", "Weightless", "Who Am I" acoustic)
B♭4 ("Again", "Back to Zero", "Christmas Reincarnated (Easy Rider)", "Company", "Company of Strangers", "Dust Storm (How We Hold Each Other Right Now)", "Eye Conqueror", "Good for You", "Horror Show", "Just Wanna Be Your Friend", "Light It Up", "Misfits", "Screamer", "Semi-Charmed Life", "Slow Motion", "Tropic Scorpio", "Walk Like Kings", "Water Landing")
A4 ("1000 Julys", "Alright Caroline", "Away", "Best of Luck to You", "Blinded (When I See You)", "Blood Bank", "Bonfire", "Burning Man", "Cop vs. Phone Girl", "Cry, Cry, Cry", "Crystal Baller", "Danger", "Darkness", "Deep Inside of You", "Don't Give In", "Dopamine", "Exiles", "Fuck Forever", "Funeral Singers", "Get Me Out of Here", "God of Wine", "Goodbye to the Days of Ladies and Gentlemen", "Good for You", "Got So High", "Graduate", "How's It Going to Be", "Hurricane Blackout" live The Belmont 2013, "In the Skin" demo, "Invisible", "Joke", "Jumper", "The Kids Are Coming (To Take You Down)", "Light It Up", "Losing a Whole Year", "Mine", "Mixed Up Family", "Motorcycle Drive By", "My Hit and Run", "Narcolepsy", "Never Let You Go", "Never Walk with the Devil", "New Girl", "Palm Reader", "Persephone", "Queen of Daydreams", "Red Star", "Rites of Passage", "Scattered" demo, "Screamer", "Second Born" acoustic, "Sharp Knife", "Sherri Is a Stoner", "Sky Blue" I Want You demo, "Sorry", "Standing Up for You", "Stevie Ray Vaughan", "Suzaie", "Ten Days Late", "Time in Berlin", "A Time to Be Wild", "Train in Vain", "Try Not to Think About It", "Wake for Young Souls", "Weightless", "Why Can't You Be")
G♯4 ("About to Break", "Company of Strangers", "Darwin", "Don't Believe a Word", "The Dying Blood", "Eye Conqueror", "Got So High", "In the Fade", "Just Wanna Be Your Friend", "Losing a Whole Year", "Non Dairy Creamer", "One of Those Christmas Days", "Something in You", "Standing Up for You")
G4 ("2x Tigers", "10", "All the Souls", "Another Life", "Anything", "Away", "Back to Zero", "The Background", "Blinded (When I See You)", "Blood Bank", "Camouflage", "Can You Take Me", "Company", "Crystal Baller", "Dao of St. Paul", "Don't Give In", "Eye Conqueror", "Eyes for You", "Faster", "Fuck Forever", "Get Me Out of Here", "Gorgeous", "Horror Show", "How's It Going to Be", "I Will Follow", "Invisible", "Isn't It Pretty", "Joke", "Jumper", "Lay Back" live Irving Plaza 2010, "Light It Up", "London", "Misfits", "Motorcycle Drive By", "My Hit and Run", "New Girl", "Not Afraid of You" live Hartwick College 2010, "Now I Don't Know", "An Ode to Maybe", "Red Star", "Say It", "Scattered", "Second Born", "Semi-Charmed Life", "Sherri Is a Stoner", "Shipboard Cook", "Slow Motion", "Stevie Ray Vaughan", "Summer Town", "Take a Side", "Tattoo of the Sun", "Ten Days Late", "Thanks a Lot", "This Isn't Our Parade", "Time in Berlin", "To the Sea", "Turn Me On", "Wake for Young Souls", "Walk Like Kings", "Water Landing", "Who Am I", "Why Can't You Be")
F♯4 ("2x Tigers", "1000 Julys", "About to Break", "All These Things", "Alright Caroline", "Another Life", "The Background", "Bonfire", "Burning Man", "Can't Get Away", "Can You Take Me", "Cop vs. Phone Girl", "Danger", "Dao of St. Paul", "Darwin", "Don't Believe a Word", "Dopamine", "The Dying Blood", "Forget Myself", "Good Man", "In the Skin" demo, "I Want You", "The Kids Are Coming (To Take You Down)", "London", "Losing a Whole Year", "My Hit and Run", "Never Let You Go", "Never Walk with the Devil", "One of Those Christmas Days", "Palm Reader", "Persephone", "Rites of Passage", "Self Righteous", "Sharp Knife", "Stevie Ray Vaughan", "Thanks a Lot", "Train in Vain", "Wake for Young Souls", "Ways", "Wounded")
Significant Low Notes:
E3 ("10", "All These Things", "All the Souls", "Anything", "Away", "Bike Messenger", "Bonfire", "Crystal Baller", "Danger", "Darwin", "Deep Inside of You", "Don't Believe a Word", "Don't Give In", "Everything Is Easy", "Exiles", "Farther", "Faster", "Forget Myself", "Funeral Singers", "Goodbye to the Days of Ladies and Gentlemen", "Gorgeous", "Got So High", "Hold Me Down", "In the Fade", "Joke", "Jumper", "Lay Back" live Irving Plaza 2010, "Monotov's Private Opera", "My Time in Exile", "Narcolepsy", "Never Let You Go", "Never Walk with the Devil", "Non Dairy Creamer", "Now I Don't Know", "One in Ten", "One of Those Christmas Days", "Say It", "Scattered", "Second Born", "Semi-Charmed Life", "Sherri Is a Stoner", "Shipboard Cook", "Something in You", "Stevie Ray Vaughan", "Summer Town", "Tattoo of the Sun", "Thanks a Lot", "Time in Berlin", "Train in Vain", "Weightless", "Why Can't You Be", "Wounded")
E♭3 ("About to Break", "Back to Zero", "Can't Get Away", "Company of Strangers", "Darkness", "Disorder", "The Dying Blood", "Eye Conqueror", "Good Man", "Horror Show", "I Will Follow", "If There Ever Was a Time", "Just Wanna Be Your Friend", "Kiss Goodnight" An Ode to Maybe demo, "Misfits", "Silverlake Neophyte", "Slow Motion", "Tropic Scorpio", "Turn Me On", "Walk Like Kings", "Ways")
D3 ("2x Tigers", "All the Souls", "Alright Caroline", "Another Life", "The Background", "Blade", "Blinded (When I See You)", "Blood Bank", "Box of Bones", "Burning Man", "Can You Take Me", "Cop vs. Phone Girl", "Cry, Cry, Cry", "Danger", "Dao of St. Paul", "Deep Inside of You" Demo version, "Don't Give In", "Exiles", "Farther", "Forget Myself", "Funeral Singers", "Good for You", "Hold Me Down", "Hurricane Blackout" live The Belmont 2013, "I Want You", "Julietta", "The Kids Are Coming (To Take You Down)", "Lay Back" live Irving Plaza 2010, "Light It Up", "Mine", "Mixed Up Family", "My Time in Exile", "My Tribe", "Never Walk with the Devil", "Non Dairy Creamer", "Not Afraid of You" live Hartwick College 2010, "Palm Reader", "Persephone", "Queen of Daydreams", "Red Star", "Rock Show", "Screamer", "Second Born", "Self Righteous", "Sherri Is a Stoner", "Song of the Siren", "Stevie Ray Vaughan", "Take a Side", "Tattoo of the Sun", "This Isn't Our Parade", "To the Sea", "Weightless", "Who Am I" acoustic, "Why Can't You Be", "Wounded")
C♯3 ("About to Break", "All These Things", "Camouflage", "Can't Get Away", "Darwin", "The Dying Blood", "God of Wine", "Good Man", "Non Dairy Creamer")
C3 ("10", "Anything", "Blood Bank", "Company", "Company of Strangers", "Cry, Cry, Cry", "Crystal Baller", "Eye Conqueror", "Goodbye to the Days of Ladies and Gentlemen", "Good for You", "Gorgeous", "Got So High", "Jumper", "Just Wanna Be Your Friend", "Lay Back" live Irving Plaza 2010, "Light It Up", "Mine", "Mixed Up Family", "Monotov's Private Opera", "Motorcycle Drive By", "Now I Don't Know", "Queen of Daydreams", "Red Star" acoustic, "Scattered", "Screamer", "Shipboard Cook", "Slow Motion", "Song of the Siren", "Sorry", "Take a Side", "Ten Days Late", "Time in Berlin", "Turn Me On", "Water Landing")
B2 ("Another Life", "The Background", "Blade", "Blinded (When I See You)" acoustic, "Can't Get Away", "Can You Take Me", "Cop vs. Phone Girl", "Dao of St. Paul", "Darkness", "Deep Inside of You" Demo version, "Fuck Forever", "In the Fade", "Isn't It Pretty", "I Want You", "Losing a Whole Year" acoustic, "My Tribe", "Never Let You Go" acoustic, "Palm Reader", "Persephone", "Rock Show", "Silverlake Neophyte", "Something in You", "Wake for Young Souls", "Ways")
B♭2 ("Back to Zero", "Company", "Company of Strangers", "Disorder", "Dust Storm (How We Hold Each Other Right Now)", "Horror Show", "How's It Going to Be" acoustic, "Light It Up", "Misfits", "Turn Me On", "Walk Like Kings", "Water Landing", "Who Am I")
A2 ("All These Things", "Another Life", "Blade", "Box of Bones", "Camouflage", "Can You Take Me", "Cop vs. Phone Girl", "Cry, Cry, Cry", "Crystal Baller", "Dao of St. Paul", "Disorder", "Fairytale of New York", "Forget Myself", "God of Wine", "In the Skin" demo, "Isn't It Pretty", "The Kids Are Coming (To Take You Down)", "Kiss Goodnight" An Ode to Maybe demo, "Motorcycle Drive By", "Palm Reader" acoustic, "Persephone", "Rites of Passage", "Shipboard Cook", "Sky Blue" I Want You demo, "Sorry", "Take a Side", "This Isn't Our Parade", "Time in Berlin", "Wake for Young Souls")
G♯2 ("Get Me Out of Here", "In the Fade", "My Tribe", "Silverlake Neophyte")
G2 ("Blade", "Dust Storm (How We Hold Each Other Right Now)", "Fairytale of New York", "Faster", "Goodbye to the Days of Ladies and Gentlemen", "Gorgeous", "Motorcycle Drive By", "Scattered", "Self Righteous", "Semi-Charmed Life", "Shipboard Cook", "Sky Blue" I Want You demo, "Summer Town", "Time in Berlin", "To the Sea", "Water Landing")
F♯2 ("Can't Get Away", "Fairytale of New York", "Hurricane Blackout" live The Belmont 2013, "Rites of Passage", "Self Righteous", "Silverlake Neophyte", "Suzaie", "To the Sea")
F2 ("Back to Zero", "Dust Storm (How We Hold Each Other Right Now)", "God of Wine", "Kiss Goodnight" An Ode to Maybe demo, "Misfits", "Walk Like Kings")
E2 ("Camouflage", "Darwin", "In the Skin" demo, "Isn't It Pretty", "Julietta", "Rites of Passage", "To the Sea", "Walk Like Kings")
D2 ("Motorcycle Drive By" live The Fillmore 2007)
• Blue denotes falsetto and whistle passages.
• Grey denotes fry and/or extended low note techniques, such as growl, throat singing and subharmonic passages.
• Boldface denotes outstanding passages.
• Italics denote non-melodic and spoken passages.
• Underlines denote obscured and background passages.
{Questionable Notes}E6 ("Jumper" [1][4, sample])
D6 ("Sherri Is a Stoner" [1][3])
C6 ("Bike Messenger" [1][4, sample], "Camouflage" [1][4])
B5 ("Just Wanna Be Your Friend" [1])
A5 ("Suzaie" [1])
G♯5 ("Back to Zero" [1], "Never Let You Go" [1], "Wounded" [1])
G5 ("Christmas Reincarnated (Easy Rider)" [1], "Company" [1])
E5 ("2x Tigers" [4])
D5 ("One of Those Christmas Days" [2])
B4 ("Deep Inside of You" [2])
A4 ("Dao of St. Paul" [2])
A2 ("2x Tigers" [4])
F♯2 ("Wake for Young Souls" [1][3])
F2 ("Sorry" [1])
E2 ("God of Wine" acoustic [1], "Water Landing" [1][3])
E♭2 ("Silverlake Neophyte" [1][3])
D2 ("Self Righteous" [3], "To the Sea" [4])
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
D6 ("Sherri Is a Stoner" [1][3])
C6 ("Bike Messenger" [1][4, sample], "Camouflage" [1][4])
B5 ("Just Wanna Be Your Friend" [1])
A5 ("Suzaie" [1])
G♯5 ("Back to Zero" [1], "Never Let You Go" [1], "Wounded" [1])
G5 ("Christmas Reincarnated (Easy Rider)" [1], "Company" [1])
E5 ("2x Tigers" [4])
D5 ("One of Those Christmas Days" [2])
B4 ("Deep Inside of You" [2])
A4 ("Dao of St. Paul" [2])
A2 ("2x Tigers" [4])
F♯2 ("Wake for Young Souls" [1][3])
F2 ("Sorry" [1])
E2 ("God of Wine" acoustic [1], "Water Landing" [1][3])
E♭2 ("Silverlake Neophyte" [1][3])
D2 ("Self Righteous" [3], "To the Sea" [4])
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
{Album Ranges}Third Eye Blind:
Demo (1993): E2 - B2 - F5 - A5 - F6 - F♯6
Third Eye Blind (1997): F2 - D5 - A5
Blue (1999): E2 - A2 - G5 - G♯5
Out of the Vein (2003): F2 - G2 - C5 - C♯5 - E5
Red Star (2008): C♯3 - A4
Ursa Major (2009): G2 - C♯5 - F5
Ursa Minor (2004-2011): E2 - B4 - E5
Dopamine (2015): E2 - F2 - F♯2 - D5 - E5
We Are Drugs (2016): E2 - A2 - G5
Thanks for Everything (2018): G♯2 - C♯5 - E5
Screamer (2019): E2 - F2 - C5 - D5
Our Bande Apart (2021): E2 - F2 - G4 - B4 - D5 - F5
Unplugged (2022): F2 - A4 - C5 - D5
Demo (1993): E2 - B2 - F5 - A5 - F6 - F♯6
Third Eye Blind (1997): F2 - D5 - A5
Blue (1999): E2 - A2 - G5 - G♯5
Out of the Vein (2003): F2 - G2 - C5 - C♯5 - E5
Red Star (2008): C♯3 - A4
Ursa Major (2009): G2 - C♯5 - F5
Ursa Minor (2004-2011): E2 - B4 - E5
Dopamine (2015): E2 - F2 - F♯2 - D5 - E5
We Are Drugs (2016): E2 - A2 - G5
Thanks for Everything (2018): G♯2 - C♯5 - E5
Screamer (2019): E2 - F2 - C5 - D5
Our Bande Apart (2021): E2 - F2 - G4 - B4 - D5 - F5
Unplugged (2022): F2 - A4 - C5 - D5