Post by kaji on Feb 3, 2023 1:53:40 GMT
Louise Beatty Homer (30 April 1871 - 6 May 1947)
Voice Type: Mezzo-soprano
Vocal Range: E♭3-C6
Significant High Notes:
C6 ("Les filles de Cadiz", "O toi qui m'abandonnes")
B♭5 ("Ah! Mon fils sois bene!", "Amour! viens aider ma faiblesse!", "Già i sacerdoti adunansi", "Knusperwalzer", "Me voici dans son boudoir", "Nobil signori, salute!", "O don fatale", "O toi qui m'abandonnes")
A5 ("Acerba volutta", "Alla pompa, che s'appressa", "Fac ut portem", "Gloire à Dagon vainqueur!", "O don fatale", "Stella del marinar", "Suse, liebe Suse")
G♯5 ("Addio, o miei sospiri", "Ah! Mon fils sois bene!", "Away with mourning and crying", "Die Lorelei", "Esser mesto il mio cor", "Già i sacerdoti adunansi", "Le parlate d'amour", "Les filles de Cadiz", "Mon coeur s'ouvre a ta voix", "Nobil signori, salute!", "O toi qui m'abandonnes")
G5 ("Acerba volutta", "Crucifix", "Divinités du Styx", "Fac ut portem", "Knusperwalzer", "Les filles de Cadiz", "Mal reggendo all'aspro assalto", "May Day", "Mesta ognor", "Mira, o Norma", "Stella del marinar", "Stride la vampa", "The lost chord", "Viens Mallika", "Voce di donna o d'angelo")
F♯5 ("Addio, o miei sospiri", "Ah! Mon fils sois bene!", "Alla pompa, che s'appressa", "Away with mourning and crying", "Der Kleine Sandmann bin ich", "Die Lorelei", "Gloire à Dagon vainqueur!", "I cannot sing the old songs", "Janet's choice", "Knusperwalzer'', "L'amour est un oiseau rebelle", "Le parlate d'amour", "Love's old sweet song", "Mesta ognor", "Me voici dans son boudoir", "Mira, o Norma", "Mon coeur s'ouvre a ta voix", "Mother Goose Songs (Medley)", "Ombra mai fù", "Stella del marinar", "The Star Spangled Banner", "Viens Mallika")
F5 ("A banjo song", "Acerba volutta", "Addio, o miei sospiri", "Away with mourning and crying", "Calvary", "Che farò senza Euridice", "Chi mi frena in tal momento", "Connais-tu le pays?", "Crucifix", "Du Aermste kannst wohl nie ermessen", "Esser mesto il mio cor", "Fac ut portem", "Faites-lui mes aveux", "Fu la sorte dell' armi", "Già i sacerdoti adunansi", "Go, pretty rose", "I waited for the Lord", "Just as I am", "Just for today", "Le parlate d'amour", "Les filles de Cadiz", "Mal reggendo all'aspro assalto", "May Day", "Mesta ognor", "My faith looks up to Thee", "Nobil signori, salute!", "Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt", "O don fatale", "Old black Joe", "Ombra mai fù", "Passage-birds' farewell", "Printemps qui commence", "Stride la vampa", "Suse, liebe Suse", "There is a green hill far away", "Venetian song", "Voce di donna o d'angelo")
E5 ("A banjo song", "Acerba volutta", "Ai nostri monti", "Alla pompa, che s'appressa", "Che farò senza Euridice", "Christ the Lord is risen today", "Crucifix", "Der Kleine Sandmann bin ich", "Die Lorelei", "Divinités du Styx", "Faites-lui mes aveux", "Fu la sorte dell' armi", "Gloire à Dagon vainqueur!", "Go, pretty rose", "Hard times, come again no more", "I cannot sing the old songs", "I love to tell the story", "Janet's choice", "Je viens célébrer la victoire", "L'amour est un oiseau rebelle", "Last night", "Le parlate d'amour", "Me voici dans son boudoir", "Mira, o Norma", "Mother Goose Songs (Medley)", "Ombra mai fù", "Passage-birds' farewell", "Printemps qui commence", "Quis est homo", "Rock of ages", "Serenade", "Sing me a song of a lad that is gone", "Stella del marinar", "Stride la vampa", "Suse, liebe Suse", "The lost chord", "There is a green hill far away", "The Star Spangled Banner", "When the roses bloom")
E♭5 ("Abide with me", "Addio, o miei sospiri", "Ai nostri monti'', "Amour! viens aider ma faiblesse!", "Away with mourning and crying", "Battle Hymn of the Republic", "Bella figlia dell'amore", "But the Lord is mindful of his own", "Calvary", "Come unto me", "Connais-tu le pays?", "Du Ärmste kannst wohl nie ermessen", "Già i sacerdoti adunansi", "I need Thee every hour", "It is well with my soul", "I waited for the Lord", "Jesus, lover of my soul", "Le parlate d'amour", "Les filles de Cadiz'', "Life's dream is o'er", "Love's old sweet song", "Mon coeur s'ouvre a ta voix", "Nobil signori, salute!", "Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt", "O don fatale", "Old black Joe", "O rest in the Lord'', "O toi qui m'abandonnes", "Passage-birds' farewell", "Requiem", "Sheep and lambs", "Sing me a song of a lad that is gone", "Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling", "Still wie die Nacht", "O sing to me the auld Scotch sangs", "The Star Spangled Banner", "Voce di donna o d'angelo")
D5 ("A banjo song", "Abide with me", "Ah! Mon fils sois bene!", "Ai nostri monti", "Alla capanna andiamo", "America the Beautiful", "Annie Laurie", "At parting", "Che farò senza Euridice", "Christ the Lord is risen today", "Der Kleine Sandmann bin ich", "Die Lorelei", "Divinités du Styx", "Faites-lui mes aveux", "Flee as a bird", "Fu la sorte dell' armi", "He shall feed his flock", "How can I leave thee", "I cannot sing the old songs", "I waited for the Lord", "Janet's choice", "Je viens célébrer la victoire", "Just as I am", "L'amour est un oiseau rebelle", "Last night", "Life's dream is o'er", "Little orphant Annie", "Mal reggendo all'aspro assalto", "May Day", "Mein gläubiges Herze", "Mesta ognor", "Me voici dans son boudoir", "Mira, o Norma", "My faith looks up to Thee", "My sweet repose", "Oh morning land", "Oh, promise me", "Old black Joe", "Old folks at home", "Ombra mai fù", "Passage-birds' farewell", "Printemps qui commence", "Quando a te lieta", "Quis est homo", "Requiem", "Rock of ages", "Serenade", "Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling", "Stella del marinar", "Stride la vampa", "Suse, liebe Suse", "The lost chord", "There is a green hill far away", "Vieni, appaga il tuo consorte ... Su e con me", "Where is my boy tonight")
Significant Low Notes:
C♯4 ("Abide with me", "Addio, o miei sospiri", "Ah! Mon fils sois bene!", "Alla pompa, che s'appressa", "Away with mourning and crying", "Der Engel", "Der Kleine Sandmann bin ich", "Divinités du Styx", "Du Ärmste kannst wohl nie ermessen", "Esser mesto il mio cor", "Già i sacerdoti adunansi", "Gloire à Dagon vainqueur!", "He shall feed his flock", "Je viens célébrer la victoire", "Just for today", "Le parlate d'amour", "Little orphant Annie", "Mon coeur s'ouvre a ta voix", "Mother Goose Songs (Medley)", "My ain countrie", "Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt", "Oh, that we two were maying", "O rest in the Lord", "O sing to me the auld Scotch sangs", "O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion", "O toi qui m'abandonnes", "Passage-birds' farewell", "Quando a te lieta", "Quis est homo", "Requiem", "Sheep and lambs", "The barnyard song", "The Star Spangled Banner")
C4 ("Acerba volutta", "Ah! Mon fils sois bene!", "Alla capanna andiamo", "America the Beautiful", "Annie Laurie", "Bella figlia dell'amore", "Calvary", "Che farò senza Euridice", "Christ the Lord is risen today", "Connais-tu le pays?", "Du Aermste kannst wohl nie ermessen", "Fac ut portem", "Faites-lui mes aveux", "Fu la sorte dell' armi", "He shall feed his flock", "Les filles de Cadiz", "Mal reggendo all'aspro assalto", "Mein gläubiges Herze", "Me voici dans son boudoir", "Nobil signori, salute!", "Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt", "O don fatale", "Oh morning land", "Oh, promise me", "Oh, that we two were maying", "Old folks at home", "Rock of ages", "Sing me a song of a lad that is gone", "Still wie die Nacht", "Suse, liebe Suse", "Vieni, appaga il tuo consorte ... Su e con me", "Whispering hope")
B3 ("Abide with me", "Ai nostri monti", "Belle nuit", "Che farò senza Euridice", "Die Lorelei", "Janet's choice", "Last night", "Long, long ago", "Love's old sweet song", "Mother Goose Songs (Medley)", "My ain countrie", "Quis est homo", "Serenade", "Stella del marinar", "Stride la vampa", "The Star Spangled Banner", "Viens Mallika")
B♭3 ("Amour! viens aider ma faiblesse!", "Annie Laurie", "But the Lord is mindful of his own", "Già i sacerdoti adunansi", "He was despised", "Last night", "Mesta ognor", "Me voici dans son boudoir", "Mon coeur s'ouvre a ta voix", "Nobil signori, salute!", "O don fatale", "One sweetly solemn thought", "Sheep and lambs", "Still wie die Nacht", "Voce di donna o d'angelo")
A3 ("Alla capanna andiamo", "At parting", "Belle nuit", "Der Engel", "Der Kleine Sandmann bin ich", "Divinités du Styx", "Flee as a bird", "Gloire à Dagon vainqueur!", "Janet's choice", "Little orphant Annie", "Mein gläubiges Herze", "Oh morning land", "O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion")
G♯3 ("Amour! viens aider ma faiblesse!", "Die Lorelei", "Esser mesto il mio cor", "Just for today", "O sing to me the auld Scotch sangs", "O toi qui m'abandonnes")
G3 ("Mesta ognor", "One sweetly solemn thought")
F♯3 ("My sweet repose")
E♭3 ("Little orphant Annie")
Underlines marks notes found in harmonies and backing vocals.
Boldface marks notes that are considered to be particularly notable examples of this person's vocal capabilities.