Post by Zedd Squared on Oct 13, 2023 17:18:48 GMT
Member Of: Synergy Protocol (2013-2014), Epic Rock Choir (2014-present), Shadowrise (2015-2019), Burning Witches (2019-present), Generation Lost (?-present), Rosewood (?-?)
Voice Type: Soprano
Vocal Range: C3-B♭6
High Notes:
B♭6 ("Bloody Rose" Wacken Open Air 2019, "Executed" Wacken Open Air 2019)
A6 ("House of Blood", "Painkiller")
G♯6 ("Wings of Steel")
G6 ("Executed" Wacken Open Air 2019)
F♯6 ("The Sisters of Fate")
F6 ("Evil Witch")
E6 ("Ace of Spades", "Wings of Steel")
E♭6 ("How To Sing With A Microphone (on stage)")
D6 ("Blind Souls", "Bloody Rose" Wacken Open Air 2019, "Lucid Nightmare")
C♯6 ("Evil Witch", "Hexenhammer" Wacken Open Air 2019, "Raining Blood", "We Eat Your Children" Wacken Open Air 2019, "World on Fire")
C6 ("Back on the Streets", "Cradle of Death", "Flight from Terra" Boerderij Zoetermeer 2015, "Highway to Hell", "Nymphetamine")
B5 ("5 MINUTE VOCAL COACHING - How to sing from your whole body (Not your throat)", "Back on the Streets", "Battle Hymn", "Burning Witches" Diest,Belgium 2023, "Hexenhammer" Diest, Belgium 2023, "Hey You" Ayreon Epic Rock Choir Audition, "I Wanna Be Somebody", "Lucid Nightmare", "Sea of Lies", "Set This Road on Fire" Alstadt Eindhoven 2019, "Thrall")
B♭5 ("Detroit Rock City" Livescream 2 2020, "Nine Worlds", "Nymphetamine", "Painkiller", "The Sisters of Fate", "This Is Halloween")
A5 ("Battle Hymn", "Black Ninja" Laura Guldemond - Vocalist Compilation Video, "Black Widow" Wacken Open Air 2019, "Carry On", "Cemetery Gates", "The Circle of Five", "The Dark Tower" Studio Version & Diest, Belgium 2023, "Django", "Dragon's Dream", "Flight of the Valkyries", "For Blood and Glory", "Hall of the Mountain King", "Happy New Year", "Hey You" Ayreon Epic Rock Choir Audition, "Jingle Bells", "Nine Worlds", "Nymphetamine", "Open Your Mind" Wacken Open Air 2019, "Painkiller", "Stand United", "Unleash the Beast", "The Witch of the North" Diest, Belgium 2023)
G♯5 ("Bloody Rose" Wacken Open Air 2019, "Burning Witches" Diest,Belgium 2023, "Dance with the Devil", "The Dark Tower", "Doomed to Die", "Evil Witch", "Flight of the Valkyries", "Happy Birthday to You" Diest,Belgium 2023, "I Wanna Be Somebody", "Isolate (Sloth)", "Lady of the Woods", "Lucid Nightmare", "Nine Worlds", "Power of the Moonlight" Facebook Livestream Livescream 2020, "Rock You Like a Hurricane", "Sea of Lies", "Set This Road on Fire" Alstadt Eindhoven 2019, "Shot in the Dark", "The Spell of the Skull", "Stand United", "This Is Halloween", "Thrall", "Unleash the Beast", "Wings of Steel", "World on Fire")
G5 ("Bang Bang" Zoetermeer Culinar 2015, "Battle Hymn", "Black Ninja" Laura Guldemond - Vocalist Compilation Video, "Black Widow" Wacken Open Air 2019, "Carry On", "The Circle of Five", "Cryptkeeper", "Evil Conductor", "The Fire I Long For", "For Eternity", "Hard to Handle", "Hard to Handle", "Highway to Hell", "Holy Diver" Wacken Open Air 2019, "I Died for You", "Lucid Nightmare", "Nymphetamine", "Six Feet Underground", "A Touch of Evil", "We Stand as One" Diest, Belgium 2023)
F♯5 ("Arrow of Time", "Burning Witches" Wacken Open Air 2019, "The Circle of Five", "Dance with the Devil", "The Dark Tower", "Doomed to Die", "Dragon's Dream", "Executed" Wacken Open Air 2019, "For Eternity", "Happy New Year", "Heaven and Hell", "I Wanna Be Somebody", "Isolate (Sloth)", "Jingle Bells", "The Lost Souls", "Lucid Nightmare", "Metal Demons" Wacken Open Air 2019, "Necronomicon", "Nine Worlds", "Painkiller", "Renegade", "Set This Road on Fire" Alstadt Eindhoven 2019, "The Sisters of Fate", "The Siren", "Six Feet Underground", "Tainted Ritual", "Threefold Return", "Unleash the Beast", "We Stand as One", "The Witch of the North", "World on Fire")
F5 ("Atlantis", "Bang Bang" Zoetermeer Culinar 2015, "Blind Souls", "Carry On", "The Chosen Vessel", "Cryptkeeper", "Cursed", "Dance with the Devil", "Day Eighteen: Realization" Ayreon Epic Rock Choir Audition, "Django", "Evil Witch", "Fight Now", "Hall of the Mountain King", "Hard to Handle", "I Wanna Be Somebody", "Lost in Time", "Monsters", "Over the Hills and Far Away", "The Pirate Queens", "Poison", "Power of the Moonlight", "Rock You Like a Hurricane", "This Is Halloween", "To Live and Die For", "Unleash the Beast", "Walking with the Angels")
E5 ("Ace of Spades", "Alone", "Back on the Streets", "Battle Hymn", "Better Stay Away", "Black Magic", "Burning Witches" Wacken Open Air 2019, "Carry On", "The Circle of Five", "Dance with the Devil", "The Dark Tower", "Django", "Dragon's Dream", "Echoes", "Evil Witch", "The Final Fight", "Flight of the Valkyries", "For Blood and Glory", "For Eternity", "Hallowed Be Thy Name" Livescream 2 2020, "Happy New Year", "Hard to Handle", "Heart of Ice", "Heaven and Hell", "Hexenhammer" Diest, Belgium 2023, "Highway to Hell", "Holy Diver" Wacken Open Air 2019, "Jingle Bells", "Lady of the Woods", "Lost in Time", "The Lost Souls", "Lucid Nightmare", "Metal Demons" Wacken Open Air 2019, "Nine Worlds", "Open Your Mind" Wacken Open Air 2019, "Painkiller", "Plastic Fantastic" Female Metal Event 2015, "Poison", "Puppet on a String" Boerderij Zoetermeer 2015, "Rhythm Is a Dancer", "Rise", "Shot in the Dark", "Six Feet Underground", "The Spell of the Skull", "Stand United", "Symphony of Destruction", "Tainted Ritual", "Thrall", "To Live and Die For", "Tomorrow", "Unleash the Beast", "We Eat Your Children" Wacken Open Air 2019, "Wings of Steel", "Winter's Wrath", "The Witch of the North", "World on Fire")
E♭5 ("Atlantis", "Bang Bang" Zoetermeer Culinar 2015, "Better Stay Away", "Cradle of Death", "Cursed", "Day Eighteen: Realization" Ayreon Epic Rock Choir Audition, , "Doomed to Die", "Dreamon" Freak Chique 2016, "Evil Conductor", "Final Chaos" Ijsselstein, Netherlands 2014, "The Fire I Long For", "For Eternity", "Frozen", "Happy Birthday to You" Diest,Belgium 2023, "Isolate (Sloth)", "Over the Hills and Far Away", "Power of the Moonlight", "Renegade", "Sea of Lies", "Set This Road on Fire" Alstadt Eindhoven 2019, "The Spell of the Skull", "This Is Halloween", "Thrall", "Threefold Return", "Unleash the Beast", "Valkyries in the Sky", "We Stand as One")
D5 ("Alone", "Arrow of Time", "Atlantis", "Blind Souls", "Bloody Rose" Wacken Open Air 2019, "Burning Witches" Wacken Open Air 2019, "The Circle of Five", "Cursed", "Detroit Rock City" Livescream 2 2020, "Django", "Dragon's Dream", "Echoes", "Evil Witch", "Fight Now", "Final Chaos" Ijsselstein, Netherlands 2014, "Flight from Terra" Boerderij Zoetermeer 2015, "Flight of the Valkyries", "For Blood and Glory", "Hall of the Mountain King", "Hallowed Be Thy Name" Livescream 2 2020, "Hard to Handle", "Heart of Ice", "Holy Diver" Wacken Open Air 2019, "I Died for You", "Into the Unknown", "Lost in Time", "The Lost Souls", "Make You Feel My Love" Facebook Livestream Livescream 2020, "Nymphetamine", "Painkiller", "Plastic Fantastic" Female Metal Event 2015, "Poison", "Puppet on a String" Boerderij Zoetermeer 2015, "Rise", "The Sisters of Fate", "Symphony of Destruction", "Tainted Ritual", "Threefold Return", "A Touch of Evil", "Walking with the Angels", "We Eat Your Children" Wacken Open Air 2019, "The Witch of the North")
C♯5 ("4th Rate Razorback" Harderwijk 2015, "Black Magic", "Black Widow" Wacken Open Air 2019, "The Chosen Vessel", "Cradle of Death", "The Dark Tower", "Day Eighteen: Realization" Ayreon Epic Rock Choir Audition, , "Doomed to Die", "Dreamon" Freak Chique 2016, "Escape from Shadow Island", "Evil Witch", "The Final Fight", "Fire", "The Fire I Long For", "For Eternity", "Happy New Year", "Heaven and Hell", "Hexenhammer" Wacken Open Air 2019, "I Wanna Be Somebody", "Jawbreaker" Wacken Open Air 2019, "Lady of the Woods", "The Lost Souls", "Lucid Nightmare", "Maiden of Steel" B Side Rocks Portugal 2019, "Metal Demons" Wacken Open Air 2019, "Necronomicon", "Power of the Moonlight", "Rebel Song" Roesealre, Belgium 2022, "Renegade", "Save Me" B Side Rocks Portugal 2019, "Sea of Lies", "Set This Road on Fire" Alstadt Eindhoven 2019, "The Spell of the Skull", "Thrall", "Tomorrow", "Walk", "We Eat Your Children" Wacken Open Air 2019, "We Stand as One", "World on Fire")
C5 ("Atlantis", "Bang Bang" Zoetermeer Culinar 2015, "Blind Souls", "Chop Suey!", "Cryptkeeper", "Detroit Rock City" Livescream 2 2020, "Dreamon" Freak Chique 2016, "Escape from Shadow Island", "Evil Conductor", "Flight from Terra" Boerderij Zoetermeer 2015, "For Blood and Glory", "Hall of the Mountain King", "Highway to Hell", "Isolate (Sloth)", "Lost in Time", "Monsters", "Nymphetamine", "Over the Hills and Far Away", "The Pirate Queens", "Poison", "Puppet on a String" Boerderij Zoetermeer 2015, "Rebel Song" Roesealre, Belgium 2022, "Rhythm Is a Dancer", "Rock You Like a Hurricane", "The Siren", "To Live and Die For", "Unknown Song" Werklicht TV 2012)
Low Notes:
B3 ("4th Rate Razorback" Harderwijk 2015, "Arrow of Time", "Black Magic", "Black Widow" Wacken Open Air 2019, "Broken" Boerderij Zoetermeer 2015, "Burning Witches" Wacken Open Air 2019, "The Circle of Five", "Dance with the Devil", "The Dark Tower", "Dragon's Dream", "Escape from Shadow Island", "Final Chaos" Ijsselstein, Netherlands 2014, "Flight of the Valkyries", "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen", "Happy New Year", "Hard to Handle", "Heart of Ice", "Heaven and Hell", "Hey You" Ayreon Epic Rock Choir Audition, "Holy Diver" Wacken Open Air 2019, "Into the Unknown", "Isolate (Sloth)", "Metal Demons" Wacken Open Air 2019, "Open Your Mind" Wacken Open Air 2019, "Plastic Fantastic" Female Metal Event 2015, "Rhythm Is a Dancer", "Set This Road on Fire" Alstadt Eindhoven 2019, "Shot in the Dark", "Tainted Ritual", "A Touch of Evil", "We Eat Your Children" Wacken Open Air 2019, "Wings of Steel", "World on Fire")
B♭3 ("Bang Bang" Zoetermeer Culinar 2015, "Better Stay Away", "Detroit Rock City" Livescream 2 2020, "The Fire I Long For", "Fire", "Isolate (Sloth)", "Make You Feel My Love" Facebook Livestream Livescream 2020, "More Than Words" Freak Chique 2016, "Over the Hills and Far Away", "Puppet on a String" Boerderij Zoetermeer 2015, "The Siren", "Six Feet Underground", "Thrall")
A3 ("Ace of Spades", "Alone", "Arrow of Time", "Blind Souls", "Carry On", "Cemetery Gates", "Cryptkeeper", "Dance with the Devil", "Django", "Escape from Shadow Island", "Frozen", "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen", "Hall of the Mountain King", "Happy New Year", "Heart of Ice", "Heaven and Hell", "Highway to Hell", "Holy Diver" Wacken Open Air 2019, "Into the Unknown", "Maiden of Steel" B Side Rocks Portugal 2019, "Make You Feel My Love" Facebook Livestream Livescream 2020, "Plastic Fantastic" Female Metal Event 2015, "Rise", "Rise of Darkness", "Tomorrow", "Unknown Song" Werklicht TV 2012, "Symphony of Destruction", "We Eat Your Children" Wacken Open Air 2019, "Winter's Wrath", "The Witch of the North")
G♯3 ("Bang Bang" Idols 2016, "Better Stay Away", "Black Magic", "Breaking the Law" Livescream 2 2020, "The Circle of Five", "The Final Fight", "Flight from Terra" Boerderij Zoetermeer 2015, "Into the Unknown", "Lady of the Woods", "More Than Words" Freak Chique 2016, "Over the Hills and Far Away", "Shot in the Dark", "The Spell of the Skull", "Tainted Ritual", "Tomorrow", "We Stand as One", "Wings of Steel", "The Witch of the North" Diest, Belgium 2023, "World on Fire")
G3 ("Atlantis", "Cemetery Gates", "Chop Suey!", "Cradle of Death", "Day Eighteen: Realization" Ayreon Epic Rock Choir Audition, "Echoes", "Escape from Shadow Island", "Evil Conductor", "Highway to Hell", "I Died for You", "Make You Feel My Love" Facebook Livestream Livescream 2020, "Monsters", "Rise", "This Is Halloween", "Walking with the Angels")
F♯3 ("Arrow of Time", "Cemetery Gates", "Doomed to Die", "Flight of the Valkyries", "Frozen", "Holy Diver" Wacken Open Air 2019, "More Than Words" Freak Chique 2016, "Renegade", "Save Me" B Side Rocks Portugal 2019, "The Sisters of Fate", "Six Feet Underground", "The Spell of the Skull")
F3 ("Battle Hymn", "Chop Suey!", "Holy Diver" Livescream 2 2020, "Nymphetamine", "Puppet on a String" Boerderij Zoetermeer 2015, "This Is Halloween")
E3 ("Black Magic", "Flight from Terra" Boerderij Zoetermeer 2015, "Hallowed Be Thy Name" Livescream 2 2020, "Save Me" B Side Rocks Portugal 2019, "Sea of Lies", "Tomorrow")
D3 ("Tomorrow", "Walking with the Angels")
C♯3 ("Chop Suey!", "Omen")
C3 ("Battle Hymn", "This Is Halloween")
Laura Guldemond is the dynamic Dutch frontwoman for the otherwise-mostly Swiss heavy/power metal group Burning Witches. Joining the band in 2019 after the departure of original vocalist Seraina Telli, Guldemond immediately fit into the band with complete ease, possessing a massive range of trad metal styled power and grit. Her high register is seemingly never ending, with a belting technique that blends seamlessly into a piercing wail and a softer falsetto/head voice register that caps out in some crazy whistle voice notes. In this way, she carries the classic characteristics that we know and love from the great 80s metal singers but amps it up with her own uniquely over-the-top intensity, which is also an accurate description for the band's sound overall. Fittingly for the genre, her low register is less frequently used but the band's tendency to tune down to C# allows for a solid number of middle-low range moments with the occasional deeper moment popping up, demonstrating a smooth yet dramatic tone that works as a great foil to her intense high range.
Prior to joining the Witches, Guldemond was in a prog metal band called Synergy Protocol and a symphonic metal band called Shadowrise, both of which showcase an earlier side of her vocal approach that is considerably cleaner and more reserved. She has stated that one of her primary original influences is Sharon den Adel of Within Temptation, and in these early works you can hear that a lot more than you do now. Though she does still use this more crystalline approach nowadays when the song calls for it, there is nonetheless a remarkable shift in her style from even just 2018 to 2019. With this in mind, I suspect we have a lot of cool things yet to be heard from Guldemond and I look forward to hearing what she does next.
*Underlined notes are found in backing vocals or otherwise obscured in the song mix.
*Green marks harsh distorted notes.
*Blue marks soft and/or disconnected sounding falsetto/whistle voice notes.
*Boldface indicates notes that are notable examples of this singer's capabilities.
*Italics mark non-sung notes.
{Questionable Notes}A6 ("Frozen" [3]
B5 ("Winter's Wrath" [2])
B♭5 ("Wings of Steel" [1])
G♯5 ("God" [2])
F♯5 ("God" [2])
E5 ("Rebel Song" Roesealre, Belgium 2022 [2])
C♯5 ("They" [2])
B♭3 ("God" [2])
C3 ("Evil Witch" [2], "Nymphetamine" [1])
B2 ("Blasphemic Thoughts" [2])
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.
B5 ("Winter's Wrath" [2])
B♭5 ("Wings of Steel" [1])
G♯5 ("God" [2])
F♯5 ("God" [2])
E5 ("Rebel Song" Roesealre, Belgium 2022 [2])
C♯5 ("They" [2])
B♭3 ("God" [2])
C3 ("Evil Witch" [2], "Nymphetamine" [1])
B2 ("Blasphemic Thoughts" [2])
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.
{Album Ranges}Synergy Protocol
Demo (2014): E3-E5-C6*
Escape from Shadow Island (2016): G3-F5-A5
Shadowrise (2018): G3-G5-C6
Burning Witches
Wings of Steel (2019): G♯3-B3-G♯5-B♭6
Dance with the Devil (2020): C3-F3-B5-F♯6
The Witch of the North (2021): C♯3-F♯3-A5-B5
The Dark Tower (2023): D3-F♯3-G♯5-C♯6-A6
*I was unable to find the studio versions of these songs anywhere, so the range listed is what I found in live versions.
Demo (2014): E3-E5-C6*
Escape from Shadow Island (2016): G3-F5-A5
Shadowrise (2018): G3-G5-C6
Burning Witches
Wings of Steel (2019): G♯3-B3-G♯5-B♭6
Dance with the Devil (2020): C3-F3-B5-F♯6
The Witch of the North (2021): C♯3-F♯3-A5-B5
The Dark Tower (2023): D3-F♯3-G♯5-C♯6-A6
*I was unable to find the studio versions of these songs anywhere, so the range listed is what I found in live versions.