Post by dankapple on Mar 14, 2024 13:58:31 GMT
Cody Charles Carson
Associated Acts: Set It Off (2008 - present)
Vocal Range: B1 - G♯5
Significant High Notes:
G♯5 ("Raise No Fool")
G5 ("Dancing with the Devil")
F♯5 ("Catch a Break", "Catch Me If You Can", "Creating Monsters", "Face It", "Fake Ass Friends", "One Single Second")
F5 ("As Good as It Gets", "Catch a Break", "Evil People", "Forever Stuck in Our Youth", "Hourglass", "The King", "The Magic 8", "No Disrespect", "N.M.E.", "Playing with Bad Luck", "Talk Dirty", "This Ain't My Scene")
E5 ("Call Me Maybe", "Dancing with the Devil", "Face It", "Feeling This", "Good Luck with That", "Happy All the Time", "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead", "Midnight Thoughts", "Punching Bag", "Raise No Fool", "Stay", "Stitch Me Up", "That's What I Like", "This Christmas (I'll Burn It to the Ground)")
E♭5 ("Breathe In, Breathe Out", "Cut Off", "Houston We're Going Down", "Hyptonized", "Killer in the Mirror", "Nightmare", "One Single Second", "Parasite", "Plastic Promises", "Points of Authority", "@reply", "Someone Like You", "So Predictable", "Talk Dirty", "This Ain't My Scene", "The Truth About Lying", "Want", "Why Do I", "Win Win")
D5 ("143", "Ancient History", "Bleak December", "Dad's Song", "Dangerous", "Diamond Girl", "Distance Disturbs Me", "End in Tragedy", "Evil People", "Forever Stuck in Our Youth", "Happy All the Time", "Horrible Kids", "I Knew You Were Trouble", "I'd Rather Drown", "Pages & Paragraphs", "Skeleton", "Stitch Me Up", "The Truth About Lying", "Tug of War", "Unopened Windows", "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing")
C♯5 ("Admit It", "Ashley's Song", "Barbie & Ken", "Breathe In, Breathe Out", "Dad's Song", "Different Songs", "Dream Catcher", "Dynamite", "Good Luck with That", "The Grand Finale", "Houston We're Going Down", "I Promise", "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead", "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)" live Joliet, Illinois 2012, "Jasey Rae", "Kill the Lights", "Killer in the Mirror", "Loose Cannon", "Miss Mysterious", "Never Know", "No Disrespect", "Older", "Partners in Crime", "Peekaboo", "Plastic Promises", "Problem", "Punching Bag", "Raise No Fool", "@reply", "So Predictable", "Stand Out", "Stay", "STAY", "Talk Dirty", "Uptown Funk", "Why Not Me", "Why Worry", "Wild Wild World")
C5 ("As Good as It Gets", "Ashley's Song", "Bad Guy", "Below the Belt", "Call Me Maybe", "Criminal Minds", "Crutch", "Dad's Song", "Dangerous", "Distance Disturbs Me", "Drained", "Duality", "End in Tragedy", "Feeling This", "Forever Stuck in Our Youth", "Grenade", "The Haunting", "Hourglass", "Hush Hush", "Hypnotized", "I'd Rather Drown", "The King", "Life Afraid", "Midnight Thoughts", "N.M.E.", "Parasite", "Playing with Bad Luck", "Silent Night", "Someone Like You", "So Predictable", "STAY", "Text Me, Kelly", "That's What I Like", "This Ain't My Scene", "This Christmas (I'll Burn It to the Ground)", "Want", "When I Was Your Man", "Who's in Control")
B4 ("143", "Ancient History", "Bleak December", "Break It Up", "Breathe In, Breathe Out", "Bye Bye Bye", "Call Me Maybe", "Catch Me If You Can", "Chase It!", "Check Yes, Juliet", "Coffee Shop Soundtrack", "Creating Monsters", "Crutch", "Diamond Girl", "Different Songs", "End in Tragedy", "Face It", "Fake Ass Friends", "Feeling This", "For You Forever", "Freak Show", "Good Luck with That", "Go to Bed Angry", "The Grand Finale", "Heart Breaker 101", "Horrible Kids", "Hourglass Love", "Hush Hush", "I Knew You Were Trouble", "I May Not Be Fred Flinstone But I Can Make Your Bed Rock", "I'd Rather Drown", "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead", "IN THREES", "Introduction to Outselling a Salesman", "I Think It's Arrogance", "I Want You (Gone)", "Kill the Lights", "Lonely Dance", "Loose Cannon", "Love Story", "Miss Mysterious", "Mrs. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde", "New Perspective", "No Control", "Oh Marjorie", "Peekaboo", "Points of Authority", "Plastic Promises", "Problem", "Raise No Fool", "@reply", "Shhh... It's a Secret", "Stay", "Stitch Me Up", "Something New", "Swan Song", "Third Wheel", "The Truth About Lying", "Tug of War", "Uncontainable", "Unopened Windows", "Who's in Control", "Win Win", "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing")
B♭4 ("As Good as It Gets", "Admit It", "Ashley's Song", "Barbie & Ken", "Bleak December", "Duality", "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)" live 2018, "Grenade", "Houston We're Going Down", "Helena", "Hypnotized", "I May Not Be Fred Flinstone But I Can Make Your Bed Rock", "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)" live Joliet, Illinois 2012, "The Magic 8", "Me w/o Us", "Miss Mysterious", "Missing You", "New Perspective", "Only One", "Partners in Crime", "Playing with Bad Luck", "Points of Authority", "Poppin' Champagne", "Skeleton", "Someone Like You", "Text Me, Kelly", "That's What I Like", "Therapy", "Together Forever", "Unopened Windows", "Upside Down", "Uptown Funk", "Why Do I", "Win Win", "You Are Loved")
A4 ("143", "As Good as It Gets", "Ancient History", "Bad Guy", "Below the Belt", "Billionaire", "Break It Up", "Bye Bye Bye", "Chase It!", "Check Yes, Juliet", "Coffee Shop Soundtrack", "Crutch", "Cut Off", "Dad's Song", "Dangerous", "Dear Maria, Count Me In", "Diamond Girl", "End in Tragedy", "Evil People", "Fake Ass Friends", "Fake Love" live 2017, "Forever Stuck in Our Youth", "For You Forever", "Happy All the Time", "The Haunting", "Haven't Met You Yet", "Heart Breaker 101", "Horrible Kids", "Hush Hush", "I Promise", "I'd Rather Drown", "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead", "I Think It's Arrogance", "Introduction to Outselling a Salesman", "Jingle Bell Rock", "Kill the Lights", "Love Story", "Miss Mysterious", "Mrs. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde", "N.M.E.", "Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner", "Oh Marjorie", "Older", "Pages & Paragraphs", "Partners in Crime", "Punching Bag", "Projector", "@reply", "Shhh... It's a Secret", "Show Me the Door", "Stay", "Talk Dirty", "Taste of the Good Life", "This Christmas (I'll Burn It to the Ground)", "TiK ToK" live The Crofoot 2010, "Tomorrow", "Tug of War", "When I Was Your Man", "Why Worry", "Wild Wild World", "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing")
G♯4 ("Admit It", "Ashley's Song", "Better Than This", "Breathe In, Breathe Out", "Coffee Shop Soundtrack", "Creating Monsters", "Drained", "Dream Catcher", "Different Songs", "Dynamite", "Face It", "For You Forever", "Fake Love" live 2017, "Freak Show", "Good Luck with That", "The Grand Finale", "Helena", "Hourglass Love", "Houston We're Going Down", "I May Not Be Fred Flinstone But I Can Make Your Bed Rock", "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)" live Joliet, Illinois 2012, "IN THREES", "I Want You (Gone)", "Jasey Rae", "Kill the Lights", "Killer in the Mirror", "The King", "The Magic 8", "Me w/o Us", "Miss Mysterious", "Never Know", "Nightmare", "No Control", "No Disrespect", "One Single Second", "Parasite", "Peekaboo", "Points of Authority", "Plastic Promises", "Poppin' Champagne", "Problem", "Raise No Fool", "Something New", "Stand Out", "Stay", "STAY", "Therapy", "Third Wheel", "This Ain't My Scene", "Who's in Control", "Why Not Me", "Why Worry")
Significant Low Notes:
E3 ("Ancient History", "Billionaire", "Catch Me If You Can", "Coffee Shop Soundtrack", "Cordial", "Crutch", "Diamond Girl", "Different Songs", "Dynamite", "Evil People", "Face It", "Feeling This", "For You Forever", "Freak Show", "The Grand Finale", "Hourglass Love", "I Think It's Arrogance", "Introduction to Outselling a Salesman", "Jingle Bell Rock", "Lonely Dance", "Love Story", "Nightmare", "Oh Marjorie", "Parasite", "@reply", "Silent Night", "Stay", "Stitch Me Up", "Something New", "Swan Song", "That's What I Like", "The Truth About Lying", "Wild Wild World", "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing")
E♭3 ("Barbie & Ken", "Better Than This", "Distance Disturbs Me", "Dream Catcher", "Dynamite", "Helena", "I Promise", "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead", "Kill the Lights", "Killer in the Mirror", "The King", "Me w/o Us", "Miss Mysterious", "Missing You", "No Disrespect", "Only One", "Peekaboo", "Points of Authority", "Poppin' Champagne", "Someone Like You", "So Predictable", "Text Me, Kelly", "Therapy", "Upside Down", "Uptown Funk", "Want", "Why Do I", "Why Not Me", "Win Win", "You Are Loved")
D3 ("143", "As Good as It Gets", "Chase It!", "Check Yes, Juliet", "Go to Bed Angry", "Haven't Met You Yet", "Helena", "Horrible Kids", "Lonely Dance", "Miserable at Best", "Mrs. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde", "N.M.E.", "Playing with Bad Luck", "Shhh... It's a Secret", "Show Me the Door", "Skeleton", "Taste of the Good Life", "Tomorrow", "Tug of War", "Uncontainable")
C♯3 ("Ashley's Song", "Breathe In, Breathe Out", "Creating Monsters", "Dad's Song", "For You Forever", "Good Luck with That", "The Grand Finale", "Hourglass Love", "I Promise", "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead", "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)" live Joliet, Illinois 2012, "I Think It's Arrogance", "Jasey Rae", "Loose Cannon", "Me w/o Us", "Miss Mysterious", "Never Know", "New Perspective", "Oh Marjorie", "Plastic Promises", "Poppin' Champagne", "Problem", "Punching Bag", "Raise No Fool", "Something New", "Stand Out", "Stay", "Talk Dirty", "This Christmas (I'll Burn It to the Ground)", "Upside Down", "Why Worry", "Win Win")
C3 ("As Good as It Gets", "Creating Monsters", "Crutch", "Dancing with the Devil", "Dangerous", "Distance Disturbs Me", "Dream Catcher", "Duality", "Happy All the Time", "Hourglass", "Hypnotized", "If It Means a Lot to You", "IN THREES", "Introduction to Outselling a Salesman", "Midnight Thoughts", "Missing You", "Parasite", "Projector", “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town", "Show Me the Door", "Someone Like You", "Upside Down", "Unopened Windows", "Want", "Who's in Control")
B2 ("143", "Ancient History", "Bleak December" acoustic version, "Call Me Maybe", "Catch a Break", "Chase It!", "Cordial", "Different Songs", "Face It", "Fake Ass Friends", "Good Luck with That", "Horrible Kids", "Hourglass Love", "Hush Hush", "I Want You (Gone)", "Loose Cannon", "One Single Second", "Plastic Promises", "Punching Bag", “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town", "Skeleton", "Something New", "Taste of the Good Life", "Tug of War", "Uncontainable")
B♭2 ("Admit It", "Ashley's Song", "Barbie & Ken", "Chase It!", "Cut Off", "Distance Disturbs Me", "Drained", "Hush Hush", "The King", "Missing You", "Only One", "Someone Like You", "Text Me, Kelly", "Why Do I", "Why Not Me", "You Are Loved")
A2 ("143", "Ancient History" TeamRock unplugged, "Bleak December" acoustic version, "Crutch" live, "Dancing with the Devil", "Dad's Song", "Evil People", "Go to Bed Angry", "Midnight Thoughts", "Miserable at Best", "Tomorrow", "Why Worry")
G♯2 ("Admit It", "Houston We're Going Down", "I Want You (Gone)", "Killer in the Mirror", "Missing You", "Peekaboo", "Raise No Fool", "Text Me, Kelly", "Why Worry" acoustic version, "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" acoustic version)
G2 ("Cut Off", "Duality", "That's What I Like", "The Truth About Lying")
F♯2 ("Hypnotized", "Nightmare", "Talk Dirty")
F2 ("Catch a Break", "Parasite", "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" acoustic version)
E♭2 ("Win Win")
B1 ("Evil People")
{Questionable Notes}B♭5 ("Chase It!"[1]])
F♯5 ("Go to Bed Angry"[2])
F5 ("Life Afraid"[4])
E5 ("The Haunting"[2], "Wild Wild World"[2])
E♭5 ("Uptown Funk"[2])
G2 ("Life Afraid"[4])
D2 ("Below the Belt"[2][4], "Dangerous"[2][4], "Duality"[1][4], "Playing with Bad Luck"[4], "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing"[2][4])
C♯2 ("Catch a Break"[3], "Dancing with the Devil"[1][2], "Lonely Dance"[3])
B1 ("I Want You (Gone)"[2])
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
F♯5 ("Go to Bed Angry"[2])
F5 ("Life Afraid"[4])
E5 ("The Haunting"[2], "Wild Wild World"[2])
E♭5 ("Uptown Funk"[2])
G2 ("Life Afraid"[4])
D2 ("Below the Belt"[2][4], "Dangerous"[2][4], "Duality"[1][4], "Playing with Bad Luck"[4], "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing"[2][4])
C♯2 ("Catch a Break"[3], "Dancing with the Devil"[1][2], "Lonely Dance"[3])
B1 ("I Want You (Gone)"[2])
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
Baby You Don't Tripajaharda (2008): B♭2 - C5
Calm Before the Storm (2009): G♯2 - E♭5
Horrible Kids (2011): G♯2 - E♭5
Cinematics (2013): F♯2 - E5
Duality (2014): G2 - F5
Upside Down (2016): G♯2 - E♭5
Midnight (2019): G♯2 - G5
Elsewhere (2022): F2 - F♯5
Set It Off began by taking inspiration from fellow rockers All Time Low and Fall Out Boy, with juicy melodic riffs and sometimes overly long track titles. The prime example of this is their 2009 EP, Calm Before the Storm, where Cody incorporates Alex Gaskarth-like techniques and vocal runs, though not showcasing his lower register often. During 2010-2011, Cody moreover adds a crazed energy to his vocals similar to Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge-era Gerard Way, occasionally dropping insane screams and belts up to the fifth octave.
The band's two albums between 2013 and 2014 were when their sound, as well as Cody, formed their own unique characteristics, with his voice reaching mellow lows and having overall smooth edges, a balance between screamy and raspy. The latter is shown especially in Midnight and since, where Cody's lower range is much more developed and strong, sustaining strong notes in the second octave.
His presence live is also remarkable, executing energetic and charismatic movements with amazing vocal control. It's safe to say that, in the pop-punk/rock stage, Cody Carson's voice is one of the most versatile.
.......................................................Baby You Don't Tripajaharda (2008): B♭2 - C5
Calm Before the Storm (2009): G♯2 - E♭5
Horrible Kids (2011): G♯2 - E♭5
Cinematics (2013): F♯2 - E5
Duality (2014): G2 - F5
Upside Down (2016): G♯2 - E♭5
Midnight (2019): G♯2 - G5
Elsewhere (2022): F2 - F♯5
Set It Off began by taking inspiration from fellow rockers All Time Low and Fall Out Boy, with juicy melodic riffs and sometimes overly long track titles. The prime example of this is their 2009 EP, Calm Before the Storm, where Cody incorporates Alex Gaskarth-like techniques and vocal runs, though not showcasing his lower register often. During 2010-2011, Cody moreover adds a crazed energy to his vocals similar to Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge-era Gerard Way, occasionally dropping insane screams and belts up to the fifth octave.
The band's two albums between 2013 and 2014 were when their sound, as well as Cody, formed their own unique characteristics, with his voice reaching mellow lows and having overall smooth edges, a balance between screamy and raspy. The latter is shown especially in Midnight and since, where Cody's lower range is much more developed and strong, sustaining strong notes in the second octave.
His presence live is also remarkable, executing energetic and charismatic movements with amazing vocal control. It's safe to say that, in the pop-punk/rock stage, Cody Carson's voice is one of the most versatile.
• Blue marks head voice or falsetto notes.
• Green marks harsh/distorted screams.
• Grey marks fry and subharmonic notes.
• Bold marks outstanding passages.
• Italics mark non-melodic or spoken notes.
• Underlines mark obscured or background notes.