Post by maighdeannmhara on Jul 6, 2024 19:15:36 GMT
Elizabeth Clark “Liz” Phair (17 April 1967)
Vocal Range: G♯2-A5
Significant High Notes:
A5: ("Smoke")
G5: ("Only Son", "U Hate It")
F♯5: ("Rock Me", "Smoke")F5: ("Beat Is Up", "Ride", "U Hate It")
E5: ("And He Slayed Her", "Extraordinary", "Only Son", "Ride")
E♭5: ("And He Slayed Her", "Bollywood", "Dosage", "Extraordinary", "Lonely Street", "Why Can't I?", "Wind and the Mountain")
D5: ("Beat Is Up", "Go West", "Johnny Sunshine", "Oh Bangladesh", "Smoke")C♯5: ("Extraordinary", "Firewalker", "Go West", "Jealousy", "My My", "Nashville", "Rock Me", "Satisfied", "U Hate It", "Wind and the Mountain", "Why I Lie", "You Should Know Me")
C5: ("Dance of the Seven Veils", "Elvis Song", "Favorite", "Go West Girly-Sound Version", "Leap of Innocence", "Lonely Street", "Polyester Bride", "Red Light Fever", "White Chocolate Space Egg")
B4: ("Baby Got Going", "Count On My Love", "Elvis Song", "Favorite", "Firewalker", "Good Love Never Dies", "H.W.C.", "It's Sweet", "Johnny Sunshine", "Little Digger", "Nashville", "Never Said", "Red Light Fever", "Ride", "Rock Me", "Sheridan Road", "Somebody's Miracle", "Take a Look", "White Chocolate Space Egg", "Why Can't I?", "Why I Lie")
B♭4: ("Big Tall Man", "Closer to You", "Dance of the Seven Veils", "Don't Holdyrbreath", "Flower", "Giving It All To You", "Leap of Innocence", "May Queen", "My My", "Nashville", "Soberish", "Uncle Alvarez", "Why Can't I?", "You Should Know Me")
A4: ("And He Slayed Her", "Big Tall Man", "Closer to You", "Count On My Love", "Elvis Song", "Favorite", "Flower", "The Game", "Hey Lou", "It's Sweet", "Jealousy", "Johnny Sunshine", "In There", "Little Digger", "Love/Hate", "Lazy Dreamer", "Mesmerizing", "Miss September", "My Bionic Eyes", "Never Said", "Sheridan Road", "Soul Sucker", "Stars and Planets", "Supernova", "Support System", "Table For One", "Take a Look", "What Makes You Happy", "White Chocolate Space Egg", "Why I Lie")
G♯4: ("6’1"", "Ba Ba Ba", "Baby Got Going", "Bollywood", "Don't Holdyrbreath", "Dosage", "Everything (Between Us)", "Extraordinary", "Firewalker", "Headache", "H.W.C.", "In There", "Johnny Sunshine", "Lost Tonight", "My My", "Ride", "Satisfied", "Soap Star Joe", "Somebody's Miracle", "Strange Loop", "Supernova", "What Makes You Happy")
G4: ("Alice Springs", "Bad Kitty", "Crater Lake", "Dogs of L.A.", "Don't Holdyrbreath", "Dosage", "Everything (Between Us)", "Everything to Me", "Fantasize", "Flower", "Friend of Mine", "The Game", "Giving It All To You", "Got My Own Thing", "Hey Lou", "Leap of Innocence", "Lonely Street", "May Queen", "Mesmerizing", "My Bionic Eyes", "Oh Bangladesh", "Only Son", "Polyester Bride", "Red Light Fever", "Shatter", "Soap Star Joe", "Spanish Doors", "Support System", "Table For One", "Uncle Alvarez", "White Chocolate Space Egg", "You Should Know Me")
Significant Low Notes:
G♯3: ("6 Dick Pimp", "Bang! Bang!", "Closer to You", "Crater Lake", "Dead Shark", "Divorce Song", "Elvis Song", "Everything to Me", "Extraordinary", "Firewalker", "Gunshy", "Hey Lou", "H.W.C.", "In There", "It's Sweet", "Jealousy", "Lazy Dreamer", "My Bionic Eyes", "Perfect World", "Soap Star Joe", "Soberish", "Somebody's Miracle", "Table For One", "Take A Look", "What Makes You Happy", "White Chocolate Space Egg", "Wind and the Mountain")
G3: ("Alice Springs", "Ba Ba Ba", "Don't Holdyrbreath", "Dosage", "Explain It to Me", "Fantasize", "Friend of Mine", "Go West", "Help Me Mary", "Johnny Feelgood", "Giving It All To You", "Good Side", "Got My Own Thing", "Lonely Street", "Love/Hate", "Mesmerizing", "Miss Lucy", "Miss September", "My My", "Oh Bangladesh", "One Less Thing", "Polyester Bride", "Red Light Fever", "Ride", "Shatter", "Sheridan Road", "Shitloads of Money", "Strange Loop", "U Hate It", "Uncle Alvarez", "X-Ray Man")
F♯3: ("6’1"", "Bollywood", "Chopsticks", "Cinco de Mayo", "Closer to You", "Count On My Love", "Crater Lake", "Dance of the Seven Veils", "Everything to Me", "Extraordinary", "Fuck and Run", "The Game", "Girls! Girls! Girls!", "Help Me Mary", "Hey Lou", "It's Sweet", "Jealousy", "Johnny Feelgood", "Johnny Sunshine", "Lazy Dreamer", "Leap of Innocence", "Love Is Nothing", "Money", "My My", "Only Son", "Red Light Fever", "Satisfied", "Shatter", "Sheridan Road", "Soap Star Joe", "Soul Sucker", "Stars and Planets", "Strange Loop", "Stratford-On-Guy", "Supernova", "Table for One", "Take a Look", "White Chocolate Space Egg", "Why Can't I?", "Why I Lie", "Wind and the Mountain", "X-Ray Man", "You Should Know Me")
F3: ("Ba Ba Ba", "Baby Got Going", "Beat Is Up", "Big Tall Man", "Canary", "Dance of the Seven Veils", "Dogs of L.A.", "Don't Holdyrbreath", "Dosage", "Elvis Song", "Explain It to Me","Flower", "Girls’ Room", "Glory", "Go On Ahead", "Gunshy", "H.W.C.", "In There", "Lonely Street", "Love/Hate", "Mesmerizing", "Never Said", "Ride", "Rock Me", "Spanish Doors", "Support System", "U Hate It", "What Makes You Happy", "Whip-Smart", "You Should Know Me")
E3: ("6 Dick Pimp", "Alice Springs", "And He Slayed Her", "Baby Got Going", "Bad Kitty", "Big Tall Man", "Bollywood", "Chopsticks", "Cinco De Mayo", "Crater Lake", "Dead Shark", "Divorce Song", "Dogs of L.A.", "Elvis Song", "Everything to Me", "Extraordinary", "Flower", "Fuck and Run", "The Game", "Girls! Girls! Girls!", "Good Love Never Dies", "Go West", "Headache", "Help Me Mary", "It's Sweet", "Jealousy", "Johnny Feelgood", "Johnny Sunshine", "Lost Tonight", "May Queen", "Miss Lucy", "Miss September", "Money", "My Bionic Eyes", "Only Son", "Perfect World", "Polyester Bride", "Ride", "Shane Girly-Sound Version", "Shitloads of Money", "Stars and Planets", "Supernova", "Take a Look", "Uncle Alvarez", "White Chocolate Space Egg", "Why Can't I?", "Why I Lie", "X-Ray Man")
E♭3: ("6’1"", "6 Dick Pimp", "Ba Ba Ba", "Bang! Bang!", "Beat Is Up", "Canary", "Dance of the Seven Veils", "Divorce Song", "Don't Holdyrbreath", "Dosage", "Everything (Between Us)", "Explain It to Me", "Fantasize", "Firewalker", "Girls! Girls! Girls!", "Girls’ Room", "Good Side", "Go On Ahead", "Gunshy", "Headache", "Hey Lou", "Jealousy", "Lazy Dreamer", "Leap of Innocence", "Little Digger", "Lonely Street", "Never Said", "One Less Thing", "Shane", "Shatter", "Soap Star Joe", "Soberish", "Spanish Doors", "Stratford-On-Guy", "Strange Loop", "What Makes You Happy", "Why I Lie")
D3: ("6’1"", "Alice Springs", "And He Slayed Her", "Big Tall Man", "Canary", "Chopsticks", "Closer to You", "Crater Lake", "Dance of the Seven Veils", "Fantasize", "Flower", "Fuck and Run", "Glory", "Good Side", "Got My Own Thing", "Go West Girly Sound Version", "Headache", "Johnny Feelgood", "Leap of Innocence", "Little Digger", "Love Is Nothing", "Miss Lucy", "Miss September", "My Bionic Eyes", "Never Said", "Oh Bangladesh", "Only Son", "Polyester Bride", "Shane", "Shatter", "Sheridan Road", "Shitloads of Money", "Soul Sucker", "Stars and Planets", "Stratford-On-Guy", "Support System", "Table For One", "White Babies")
C♯3: ("Chopsticks", "Divorce Song Girly-Sound Version", "Elvis Song", "Firewalker", "Glory", "Go On Ahead", "In There", "Miss Lucy", "Money", "Nashville", "Never Said", "Perfect World", "Rock Me", "Shane", "Shatter", "Soul Sucker", "Spanish Doors", "Strange Loop", "Support System", "Take A Look")
C3: ("6 Dick Pimp", "Go West", "May Queen", "Ride", "Spanish Doors", "Whip-Smart", "X-Ray Man")
B2: ("Bad Kitty", "Dance of the Seven Veils", "Elvis Song", "Glory", "Stratford-On-Guy", "X-Ray Man")
B♭2: ("Bad Kitty", "Good Side", "Go West Girly Sound Version", "Money", "Nashville", "White Babies")
A2: ("Miss Lucy", "Shane Girly-Sound Version")
G♯2: ("In There")
• Boldface denotes impressive notes (for the singer's standards).
• Italics denote non-melodic and spoken passages.
• Underlines denote obscured and background passages.
{Spoiler}{Album Ranges}
Exile In Guyville (1993) - B2-D5
Whip-Smart (1994) - B♭2-D5
Whitechocolatespaceegg (1998) - C3-G5
Liz Phair (2003) - C♯3-F♯5
Somebody's Miracle (2005) - C♯3-E♭5
Funstyle (2008) - D3-A5
Soberish (2021) - G♯2-E♭5
Exile In Guyville (1993) - B2-D5
Whip-Smart (1994) - B♭2-D5
Whitechocolatespaceegg (1998) - C3-G5
Liz Phair (2003) - C♯3-F♯5
Somebody's Miracle (2005) - C♯3-E♭5
Funstyle (2008) - D3-A5
Soberish (2021) - G♯2-E♭5
{Spoiler}{Questionable Notes}
B2: "Crater Lake"
B♭2: "Cinco De Mayo"
G♯2 (?): "Headache", "X-Ray Man"
B2: "Crater Lake"
B♭2: "Cinco De Mayo"
G♯2 (?): "Headache", "X-Ray Man"