Post by Baronessa on Oct 19, 2019 23:42:29 GMT
Alannah Myles (née Byles; 25 December 1958)
Vocal Range: G2 - F6
One of the most distinct and soaring female rock singers in the last thirty years, Alannah Myles is also one of the most blatant examples of shamefully underemployed potential artistically. Coming out with her debut just as grunge was starting to dominate the West, Alannah's seductive rasp was first heard by many in arguably one of Canada's most recognizable exports "Black Velvet", which introduced her as a seasoned belter with a sensibility for catchy pop rock from the get-go. Unfortunately Alannah's songwriting department could not come up with another international hit and thus relegating her to a 'one-hit-wonder' set to reach new heights (and depths) as a singer in relative obscurity.
Despite halting to a glacial pace in new output in recent years, Alannah's voice is still going strong; mostly having accepted her lack of new hits and performing her old material as she pleases. It is a bit of a shame, however, as Alannah Myles' case is definitely one where you can't help but wonder how she would be regarded today with the help of a stronger songwriting team from the beginning.
{Vocal Range Timeline}Alannah Myles:
Alannah Myles (1989): D3 - F♯5
Rockinghorse (1992): D3 - G♯5
A-lan-nah (1995): B2 - F♯5 - A5
Arival (1997): G♯2 - G5
Black Velvet (2007): G2 - F5 - F6
Alannah Myles (1989): D3 - F♯5
Rockinghorse (1992): D3 - G♯5
A-lan-nah (1995): B2 - F♯5 - A5
Arival (1997): G♯2 - G5
Black Velvet (2007): G2 - F5 - F6
Significant High Notes:
F6 ("Trouble")
D6 ("Simple Man's Dream", "Mother Nature")
C♯6 ("Like Flames")
A5 ("Everybody's Breaking Up", "Simple Man's Dream")
G♯5 ("Lightning in a Bottle", "Love in the Big Town")
G5 ("Dark Side of Me", "Everything's Missing", "Keeper of My Heart", "Lies and Rumours", "Weapons")
F♯5 ("Black Velvet", "Comment Ca Va", "Everybody's Breaking Up", "The Great Divide", "Last Time I Saw William", "Lover of Mine", "Mistress of Erzulie", "Song Instead of a Kiss", "Sonny Say You Will", "Weapons")
F5 ("Keeper of My Heart", "Living on a Memory", "Love in the Big Town", "Our World Our Times", "Trouble", "What Is Love")
E5 ("Anywhere but Home", "Blow Wind Blow", "If You Want To", "Just One Kiss", "Kick Start My Heart", "Kisses Are Weapons", "Love Is", "Make Me Happy", "Sonny Say You Will", "Still Got This Thing", "Tumbleweed")
E♭5 ("Black Velvet", "Dark Side of Me", "Everything's Missing", "Family Secret", "If You Want To", "Irish Rain", "Leave It Alone", "Lies and Rumours", "Like Flames", "Rock This Joint", "Simple Man's Dream")
D5 ("Blow Wind Blow", "Give Me Love", "The Great Divide", "Honesty", "Just One Kiss", "Kick Start My Heart", "Long Long Time", "Love Is", "Mother Nature", "Motherload", "Only Wings", "Rockinghorse", "Simple Man's Dream", "Sonny Say You Will", "Still Got This Thing", "Trouble", "Tumbleweed", "Weapons", "What Is Love", "Why Have Angels Denied You", "Yellow Rose")
C♯5 ("Anywhere but Home", "Blow Wind Blow", "Can't Stand the Rain", "Comment Ca Va", "Family Secret", "Honesty", "Irish Rain", "Kisses Are Weapons", "Last Time I Saw William", "Leave It Alone", "Lightning in a Bottle", "Mistress of Erzulie", "Prime of My Life")
C5 ("Chained (The Final Rescue)", "Dark Side of Me", "Everybody's Breaking Up", "Lies and Rumours", "Living on a Memory", "Long Long Time", "Love in the Big Town", "Make Me Happy", "Mother Nature", "Motherload", "Rock This Joint", "What Am I Gonna Do With You", "Who Loves You")
B4 ("Black Velvet", "Can't Stand the Rain", "Chained (The Final Rescue)", "Comment Ca Va", "The Great Divide", "Honesty", "If You Want To", "Irish Rain", "Last Time I Saw William", "Lightning in a Bottle", "Lover of Mine", "Why Have Angels Denied You", "Yellow Rose")
B♭4 ("Bad 4 You", "Dark Side of Me", "Faces in the Crowd", "Family Secret", "Give Me Love", "I Love You", "Keeper of My Heart", "Like Flames", "Long Long Time", "Only Wings", "Our World Our Times", "Prime of My Life", "Rockinghorse", "Song Instead of a Kiss", "What Am I Gonna Do With You")
Significant Low Notes:
A3 ("Blow Wind Blow", "Can't Stand the Rain", "Chained (The Final Rescue)", "Do You Really Want to Know Me", "The Great Divide", "Honesty", "Hurry Make Love", "Irish Rain", "Just One Kiss", "Kisses Are Weapons", "Last Time I Saw William", "Living on a Memory", "Love Is", "Lover of Mine", "Make Me Happy", "Mother Nature", "Sally Go 'Round the Roses", "Simple Man's Dream", "Sonny Say You Will", "Still Got This Thing", "What Am I Gonna Do With You", "What Is Love", "Why Have Angels Denied You")
G♯3 ("Blow Wind Blow", "Family Secret", "If You Want To", "Irish Rain", "Kisses Are Weapons", "Lies and Rumours", "Lightning in a Bottle", "Like Flames", "Prime of My Life", "Rock This Joint", "Song Instead of a Kiss")
G3 ("Anywhere but Home", "Bad 4 You", "Everything's Missing", "Faces in the Crowd", "I Love You", "Just One Kiss", "Keeper of My Heart", "Long Long Time", "Motherload", "Our World Our Times", "Rockinghorse", "Simple Man's Dream", "Trouble", "Who Loves You", "Why Have Angels Denied You", "Yellow Rose")
F♯3 ("Black Velvet", "Can't Stand the Rain", "Comment Ca Va", "Do You Really Want to Know Me", "Everybody's Breaking Up", "Honesty", "If You Want To", "Last Time I Saw William", "Leave It Alone", "Lover of Mine", "Sonny Say You Will")
F3 ("Give Me Love", "Lies and Rumours", "Lightning in a Bottle", "Prime of My Life", "Trouble", "What Is Love", "Who Loves You")
E3 ("Bad 4 You", "Can't Stand the Rain", "Chained (The Final Rescue)", "Comment Ca Va", "The Great Divide", "Keeper of My Heart", "Kisses Are Weapons", "Mistress of Erzulie", "Mother Nature", "Rockinghorse", "Yellow Rose")
E♭3 ("Black Velvet", "Family Secret", "Like Flames")
D3 ("Anywhere but Home", "Dance of Love", "Everything's Missing", "Hurry Make Love", "Love Is", "Motherload", "Our World Our Times", "Rockinghorse", "Yellow Rose")
C♯3 ("Dance of Love", "Everybody's Breaking Up", "Leave It Alone")
C3 ("Everything's Missing", "Give Me Love", "Weapons")
B2 ("Anywhere but Home", "Dance of Love", "Everybody's Breaking Up", "The Great Divide", "Mistress of Erzulie")
B♭2 ("Leave It Alone")
G♯2 ("Comment Ca Va", "Dance of Love")
G2 ("Give Me Love")
• Blue marks falsetto notes.
• Bold marks outstanding passages.
• Italics mark non-melodic notes.
• Underlines mark obscured notes.