Post by Platypus on Nov 10, 2019 20:56:25 GMT
Sean Robert Livingston Peck (03.04.1967 - )
Associated Acts: Cage, Death Dealer, Warrior
Years Active: 1998 - present
Vocal Range: B♭1 - G♯6
Significant High Notes
F♯6 ("Hail and Kill" live Netherlands 2015 + Moscow 2014)
F6 ("Kill The Devil" live Open Air 2014, "King Of Metal" live Isreal 2015)
E6 ("The Appetite", "Fighting for the Earth" live Keep It True 2014)
E♭6 ("Death Dealer", "Echelon", "Final Solution", "Hammer Down", "Lust of the Blade", "New Gods", Unknown performance with the band "Warrior", "When the Last Scream Fades")
D6 ("Ancient Evil", "Beholder", "Blood of the Innocent", "Bloodsteel", "Bohemian Grove", "Fall of the Angels", "From Death to Legend", "Hell Destroyer", "Hell Destroyer vs Metal Devil", "King Diamond", "Kill The Devil", "Legion of Demons", "Metal Devil", Metal scream demonstration, "Painkiller" live Athens 2019, "Philidelphia Experiment", "Symphony of Sin", "War of the Undead" live Houston 2014, "Wings of Destruction")
C♯6 ("The Astrologicon", "The Beast of Bray Road", "Break the Silence", "Death Dealer", "The Expedition", "Hammer Down", "Hell Destroyer", Metal scream demonstration, "Psychotically Deranged", "Satan's Tomb", "Sinister Six", "Total Devastation", "Victim Of Society")
C6 ("Abomination", "The Baroness", "Blood of the Innocent", "Bohemian Grove", "Curse of the Heretic", "Devil Inside", "Die Glocke", "Fire and Metal", "Flying Fortress", "The Heretic Has Returned", "Kill The Devil", "King Diamond", "Kryptonian Steel", "Legion of Demons", "Metal Devil", Metal scream demonstration, "Plan of Attack", "Planet Crusher", "Running With the Wolves", "Secrets of Fatima", "Sorcerer Supreme", "Tomorrow Never Came")
B5 ("Blood For Gasoline", "The Cause", "Fighting for the Earth" live Keep It True 2014, "I Am the Revolution", "Painkiller" live Athens 2019, "Plan of Attack", "Son of Satan", "We Three Kings")
B♭5 ("The Astrologicon", "The Beast of Bray Road", "Behind The Walls of Newgate", "Beyond the Apocalypse", "Black River Falls", "Bullets for the Damned", "Christhammer", "Conquered Lands", "Curse of the Heretic", "Doctor Doom", "Door To The Unknown", "Faith Under Fire", "Fire and Metal", "From Death to Legend", "Guardians of the Void", "Gunslinger", "Hell Destroyer", "I Am the Revolution", "Invasion", "Judge, Jury and Executioner", "K.I.L.L.", "King of the Monsters", "Kryptonian Steel", "Metal Devil", "The Pit Shows No Mercy", "Red Sharks" live Prog Power IX 2009, "Rise of the Beast", "Son of Satan", "The Three Tremors", "Tomorrow Never Came", "U-666", "War Master", "War of the Undead", "When the Last Scream Fades", "Wickedness and Sin", "Wings of Destruction", "Wraiths on the Wind", "Wrath of Asgard")
A5 ("Ancient Evil", "The Anthem", "The Appetite", "Blood of the Innocent", "Bloodsteel", "Bohemian Grove", "Bone Breaker", "Buried In The Box", "Die Glocke", "The Dungeons Are Calling", "The Expedition", "Fountain of Youth", "Freewheel Burning", "I Can't Be Stopped", "Invaders From the Sky", "Philidelphia Experiment", "Power of a God", "Red Sharks" live Prog Power IX 2009, "Scarlet Witch", "Secrets of Fatima", "Shoot To Kill", "Speed to Burn", "Thor Vs. The Juggernaut (War Of The Gods)", "The Three Tremors")
G♯5 ("Blood For Gasoline", "Blood White and Blue", "Chained to the Oar", "Escape from Hell", "Lust of the Blade", "Operation: Neptune Spear", "Rise of the Beast", "Root of All Evil", "Seven Skulls", "Speed to Burn", "Spirit of Vengeance", "Symphony of Sin", "What Child is This", "White Magic")
G5 ("Abomination", "Anneliese Michael", "The Antidote", "The Baroness", "Beyond the Apocalypse", "Black River Falls", "Blilnded By Rage", "Born in Blood", "The Cause", "Chained to the Oar", "Conquered Lands", "Devil Inside", "Every Nation (World of Metal)", "Guardians of the Void", "Hail to the King", "I Can't Be Stopped", "I Live", "Invaders From the Sky", "King of the Wasteland", "Masters of Evil", "The Monitor", "Operation: Neptune Spear", "Operation Overlord", "Scarlet Witch", "Science of Annihilation", "Secrets of Fatima", "Sorcerer Supreme", "Speed Kills")
F♯5 ("Bone Breaker", "Children of Flames", "Death Dealer", "Hammer Down", "The Heretic Has Returned", "Liberty or Death", "Never to Kneel", "New Gods", "Operation Overlord", "The Pit Shows No Mercy", "Plan of Attack", "Riot Demo", "Rock The Earth", "Seance", "Slay or be Slain", "Total Devastation", "War Master", "When the Last Scream Fades", "Wings of Destruction", "Wrath of Asgard")
F5 ("The Appetite", "Beauty and the Blood", "Beyond the Apocalypse", "Bloodsteel", "Bone Breaker", "Bullets for the Damned", "Cassandra", "Corruption of Blood", "Crucifier", "Curse of the Heretic", "Die Glocke", "Every Nation (World of Metal)", "Fall of the Angels", "Fountain of Youth", "Frailty", "Fuel Injected Suicide Machine", "Guardians of the Void", "Gunslinger", "Hammer Down", "Heads, Spikes, Walls", "Hell Destroyer", "Hell Destroyer vs Metal Devil", "I Am the King", "I Am the Revolution", "I Live", "Judge, Jury and Executioner", "King Diamond", "King of the Monsters", "Kryptonian Steel", "Legion of Demons", "Lust of the Blade", "Metal Devil", "Metal Empire", "Modern Darkness", "Planet Crusher", "The Procedure", "Rise of the Beast", "Rock The Earth", "Scarlet Witch", "Science of Annihilation", "Son of Satan", "Spectre of War", "Speed Kills", "Spirit of Vengeance", "Thor Vs. The Juggernaut (War Of The Gods)", "Tomorrow Never Came", "War of Nations", "War of the Undead", "War Witch", "The Way of the Gun", "Wraiths on the Wind")
E5 ("Abomination", "Across the Sea of Madness", "The Baroness", "Blood For Gasoline", "Break the Silence", "Die Glocke", "Door To The Unknown", "The Dungeons Are Calling", "The Edge", "Escape from Hell", "Faith Under Fire", "Fighting for the Earth" live Keep It True 2014, "Fly or Die", "Freewheel Burning", "I Can't Be Stopped", "Into The Lair of a Lion", "Invasion", "Planet Crusher", "Riot Demo", "Running With the Wolves", "Satan's Tomb", "Science of Annihilation", "Servants of Dagon", "Speed Kills", "Stranger in Black", "Wickedness and Sin", "The Wolf Feeds at Night")
E♭5 ("Angel's Blood", "The Anthem", "The Antidote", "Antimatter", "At the Edge of the Infinite", "Behind The Walls of Newgate", "Black River Falls", "Blinded By Rage", "Blood For Gasoline", "Blood White and Blue", "Bloodsteel", "Born to Bear the Crown", "Broken Dreams", "Bullets for the Damned", "Catastrophe", "The Cause", "Children of Flames", "Christhammer", "Chupacabra", "Conquered Lands", "Corruption of Blood", "Curse of the Heretic", "Devil's Mile", "Doctor Doom", "The Edge", "Every Nation (World of Metal)", "Faith Under Fire", "Fall of Rome", "Fall of the Angels", "Fire and Metal", "Flying Fortress", "Forces of Freedom", "Frailty", "Freedom Is Not a Crime", "From Death to Legend", "Fuel Injected Suicide Machine", "Guardians of the Void", "Gunslinger", "Hammer Down", "Heads, Spikes, Walls", "Hell Destroyer", "Hell Destroyer vs Metal Devil", "I Am the Revolution", "Invaders From the Sky", "Judge, Jury and Executioner", "K.I.L.L.", "King of the Monsters", "Liberty or Death", "Live for Today", "Lust of the Blade", "Never to Kneel", "New Gods", "Pentagram and the Cross", "The Pit Shows No Mercy", "Plan of Attack", "Power of a God", "The Procedure", "Psychotically Deranged", "Red Sharks" live Prog Power IX 2009, "Root of All Evil", "Running With the Wolves", "Seven Skulls", "Skull and Cross Bones", "Slay or be Slain", "Sonic Suicide", "Sorcerer Supreme", "Souls And Flesh", "Speed to Burn", "The Three Tremors", "Total Devastation", "The Trigger Effect", "Triumph and Victory", "U-666", "Vandalize", "War Master", "War Witch", "We Three Kings", "What Child is This", "When the Last Scream Fades", "White Magic", "Wickedness and Sin", "Wraiths on the Wind", "Wrath of Asgard")
D5 ("Abomination", "Across the Sea of Madness", "Ancient Evil", "Anneliese Michael", "The Antidote", "The Appetite", "The Astrologicon", "The Beast of Bray Road", "Beholder", "Beyond the Apocalypse", "Black River Falls", "Blood of the Innocent", "Bohemian Grove", "Bone Breaker", "Broken Dreams", "Buried In The Box", "Chupacabra", "Crucifier", "Devil Inside", "Doctor Doom", "The Dungeons Are Calling", "Echelon", "The Edge", "Escape from Hell", "The Expedition", "Eyes of Obsidian", "Fall of Rome", "Fall of the Angels", "Final Solution", "Forces of Freedom" , "Fountain of Youth", "Freewheel Burning", "I Am the King", "I Can't Be Stopped", "I Live", "Into The Lair of a Lion", "Kill The Devil", "King of the Wasteland", "Legion of Demons", "Masters of Evil", "Metal Empire", "Modern Darkness", "The Monitor", "Operation: Neptune Spear", "Painkiller" live Athens 2019, "Philidelphia Experiment", "Psychotically Deranged", "Root of All Evil", "Sonic Suicide", "To Save Love", "Scarlet Witch", "Shoot To Kill", "Sinister Six", "Souls And Flesh", "Symphony of Sin", "Thor Vs. The Juggernaut (War Of The Gods)", "The Trigger Effect", "Vandalize", "War of the Undead", "White Magic", "The Wolf Feeds at Night")
C♯5 ("Angel's Blood", "Anneliese Michael", "Antimatter", "Beauty and the Blood", "Born to Bear the Crown", "Break the Silence", "Devil's Mile", "Eyes of Obsidian", "Fire and Metal", "Hail to the King", "Invasion", "March of the Cage", "New Gods", "Operation Overlord", "Pentagram and the Cross", "Satan's Tomb", "Seance", "Servants of Dagon", "Seven Skulls", "Son of Satan", "Sorcerer Supreme", "Victim Of Society", "War of Nations", "Wings of Destruction")
C5 ("22 Gone Today", "The Anthem", "Born in Blood", "Bullets for the Damned", "Cassandra", "Chained to the Oar", "Christhammer", "Conquered Lands", "Dancing Around The Fire", "Door To The Unknown", "Echelon", "Fall of the Angels", "Final Solution", "Fly or Die", "Fountain of Youth", "Hail to the King", "Invitro", "Kryptonian Steel", "Masters of Evil", "March of the Cage", "The Procedure", "Psychotically Deranged", "Riot Demo", "Rise of the Beast", "Servants of Dagon", "Shoot To Kill", "Sinister Six", "Skull and Cross Bones", "Slay or be Slain", "Spirit of Vengeance", "Tomorrow Never Came", "Victim Of Society", "The Way of the Gun", "What Child is This")
B4 ("The Baroness", "Fighting for the Earth" live Keep It True 2014, "Planet Crusher", "Triumph and Victory", "Vandalize")
B♭4 ("22 Gone Today", "Across the Sea of Madness", "Beyond the Apocalypse", "Broken Dreams", "Children of Flames", "Chupacabra", "Corruption of Blood", "Devil's Mile", "Devil Inside", "Doctor Doom", "Eyes of Obsidian", "Freedom Is Not a Crime", "Fuel Injected Suicide Machine", "Hell Destroyer vs Metal Devil", "King Diamond", "Live for Today", "Never to Kneel", "Pentagram and the Cross", "Root of All Evil", "Spectre of War", "Symphony of Sin", "Vandalize", "We Three Kings")
Significant Low Notes
D3 ("Ancient Evil", "The Beast of Bray Road", "Beholder", "Blinded By Rage", "Bohemian Grove", "Buried In The Box", "The Expedition", "Fall of Rome", "Fall of the Angels", "Fountain of Youth", "I Am the King", "I Live", "Legion of Demons", "Live for Today", "The Monitor", "Root of All Evil", "Science of Annihilation", "Secrets of Fatima", "Shoot To Kill", "Sinister Six", "Souls And Flesh", "Spectre of War", "The Three Tremors", "War of the Undead", "Wings of Destruction")
C♯3 ("Anneliese Michael", "Break the Silence", "Children of Flames", "Fire and Metal", "Guardians of the Void", "Son of Satan", "Wrath of Asgard")
C3 ("Antimatter", "The Astrologicon", "Braindead Woman", "Cassandra", "Catastrophe", "Chained to the Oar", "Christhammer", "Devil Inside", "Frailty", "Kill The Devil", "Lust of the Blade", "Secrets of Fatima", "Slay or be Slain", "Sorcerer Supreme", "Soul Reaper", "To Save Love", "What Child is This")
B2 ("Born in Blood")
B♭2 ("Across the Sea of Madness", "Antimatter", "Braindead Woman", "Death Dealer", "Final Solution", "Hail to the King", "I Can't Be Stopped", "Kryptonian Steel", "Legion of Demons", "March of the Cage", "When the Last Scream Fades", "Wrath of Asgard")
A2 ("Beyond the Apocalypse", "Blood of the Innocent", "Born in Blood", "Christhammer", "Echelon", "Live for Today", "Metal Devil", "Seance", "Son of Satan", "Speed Kills", "Tomorrow Never Came", "War of the Undead")
G♯2 ("Echelon", "Gunslinger", "Masters of Evil", "The Procedure")
G2 ("The Astrologicon", "Beyond the Apocalypse", "Freewheel Burning", "Live for Today", "The Lords of Chaos", "Root of All Evil", "Skull and Cross Bones", "Spectre of War", "There Were Others", "Wings of Destruction")
F2 ("Betrayal", "The Heretic Has Returned", "New Gods", "Psychotically Deranged", "Total Devastation")
E2 ("Beyond the Apocalypse", "Fly or Die")
E♭2 ("Curse of the Heretic", "Gunslinger", "The Monitor", "Soul Reaper", "Triumph and Victory")
D2 ("The Appetite", "At the Edge of the Infinite", "Christhammer", "Hell Destroyer", "War Witch", "The Wolf Feeds at Night")
C♯2 ("Anneliese Michael", "Hammer Down", "King Diamond")
C2 ("Astrology", "Escape from Hell", "Fire and Metal", "King of the Monsters", "Rise of the Beast", "Skull and Cross Bones", "Speed to Burn")
B1 ("Beauty and the Blood", "The Baroness", "Born in Blood", "King of the Wasteland", "Son of Satan", "War Witch")
B♭1 ("I Have Awakened", "Legion of Demons")
{Questionable Notes}G♯1 ("Darker Than Black" [3])
G1 ("Skull and Cross Bones" [4], "Rise of the Beast" [4])
F♯1 ("U-666" [3])
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.
G1 ("Skull and Cross Bones" [4], "Rise of the Beast" [4])
F♯1 ("U-666" [3])
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.
{Album Ranges}with Cage:
Unveiled (1998): C3 - C6
Astrology (2000): C2 - G♯2 - E♭6
Darker Than Black (2003): A2 - D6
Hell Destroyer (2007): B1 - D6
Science Of Annihilation (2009): A2 - C6
Supremacy Of Steel (2012): B1 - D6
Ancient Evil (2015): B♭1 - B♭2 - E6
with Death Dealer:
War Master (2013): C♯2 - B♭2 - E♭6
Hallowed Ground (2015): C2 - C♯6
Conquered Lands (2020): B1 - B♭2 - C6
with Denner / Shermann:
Masters Of Evil (2016): B1 - G♯2 - C6
with The Three Tremors
The Three Tremors (2019): C2 - E2 - E♭6
Guardians Of The Void (2021): B♭2 - C6
Unveiled (1998): C3 - C6
Astrology (2000): C2 - G♯2 - E♭6
Darker Than Black (2003): A2 - D6
Hell Destroyer (2007): B1 - D6
Science Of Annihilation (2009): A2 - C6
Supremacy Of Steel (2012): B1 - D6
Ancient Evil (2015): B♭1 - B♭2 - E6
with Death Dealer:
War Master (2013): C♯2 - B♭2 - E♭6
Hallowed Ground (2015): C2 - C♯6
Conquered Lands (2020): B1 - B♭2 - C6
with Denner / Shermann:
Masters Of Evil (2016): B1 - G♯2 - C6
with The Three Tremors
The Three Tremors (2019): C2 - E2 - E♭6
Guardians Of The Void (2021): B♭2 - C6
*Underlines mark notes in backing vocals.
*Italics mark non-melodic notes.
Old thread by @karl