Post by Alex61 on Dec 9, 2019 17:53:20 GMT
Regina Ilyinichna Spektor
Vocal Range: D3 – C♯6
Significant High Notes:
C♯6 ("That Time" live Lollapalooza 2007)
C6 ("That Time" live Bonnaroo Music Festival 2010)
B5 ("That Time" live Live in London)
A5 ("My Dear Acquaintance (A Happy New Year)", "One Little Soldier")
G♯5 ("The Flowers" live Lollapalooza 2007, "Your Honour" live Hamburg 2004)
G5 ("Baby Jesus", "One Little Soldier", "Rejazz", "Rockland County")
F♯5 ("Coin", "My Dear Acquaintance (A Happy New Year)", "Oedipus", "Small Bill$", "Your Honour" live Bonnaroo Music Festival 2007)
F5 ("And Your Bird Can Sing", "Baobabs", "Becoming All Alone", "Bleeding Heart", "Buildings", "The Calculation", "Chemo Limo", "Chicken Song", "Eet", "Lounge", "Mockingbird", "Obsolete", "Oh Marcello", "One Man's Prayer", "Sellers of Flowers", "Small Town Moon", "That Time", "Up the Mountain", "Us")
E5 ("Baby Jesus", "Blood of Eden", "Bobbing for Apples" live Live in London, "The Calculation", "Dead Rat" live New York 2007, "Dulce et Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori" live Boston 2006, "Expecting to Fly" live Los Angeles 2015, "Human of the Year", "Just A Memory", "Long Brown Hair" live New York 2004, "Mermaid" live New York 2004, "Ne Me Quitte Pas", "Ode to Divorce", "One More Time With Feeling", "The One Who Stayed and the One Who Left", "The Party", "Patron Saint", "Pavlov's Daughter", "Rockland County", "Secret Stash (No One)" live New York 2003, "SugarMan", "What Might Have Been")
E♭5 ("AB" live New York 2004, "Ave Maria", "Back of a Truck", "Ballad of a Politician", "Baobabs", "Becoming All Alone", "Braille", "Carbon Monoxide", "The Clocks Were Asleep" live New York 2003, "Dance Anthem of the 80's", "Flyin'", "Ghost of Corporate Future", "Happy Hooker" live New York 2003, "How", "Laughing With", "The Light", "Machine", "Making Records" live New York 2004, "Men" live Marabu 2001, "Mockingbird", "Music Box", "Obsolete", "Real Love", "Samson", "Small Bill$", "Stay" live New York 2014, "Tornadoland", "You've Got Time")
D5 ("Ain't No Cover" live Live at Bull Moose, "All I Have to Do is Dream" live Los Angeles 2015, "Another Town", "Après Moi", "Bartender", "Belt" live New York 2004, "Better", "Black and White", "Bleeding Heart", "Blowin' in the Wind" live Los Angeles 2017, "A Cannon", "Don't Leave Me (Ne Me Quitte Pas)", "Expecting to Fly" live Los Angeles 2015, "Hell No", "Human of the Year", "Ink Stains" live New York 2010, "Lacrimosa", "Live a Lie", "Long Brown Hair" live New York 2004, ""Love Affair", "Modern Girls & Old Fashioned Men", "Monday Monday" live Los Angeles 2015, "Music Box", "Ne Me Quitte Pas", "Ode to Divorce", "Oedipus", "One Little Soldier", "One Man's Prayer", "One More Time With Feeling", "The One Who Stayed and the One Who Left", "The Party", "Patron Saint", "Pavlov's Daughter", "Rejazz", "Riot Gear", "Scarecrow and Fungus", "Sellers of Flowers", "Small Bill$", "Somedays", "Spacetime Fairytale", "Through a Door", "Time is All Around", "The Trapper and the Furrier", "Two Sisters", "Up the Mountain", "The Virgin Queen" live London 2004, "Woolen Gloves" live New York 2003, "You" live New York 2004, "You Don't Know Me")
C♯5 ("2.99 Cent Blues", "8th Floor" live New York 2004, "And Your Bird Can Sing", "Ave Maria", "Back of a Truck", "Baobabs", "Bartender", "Be Like a Cloud" live Brooklyn 2003, ""Buildings", "Call Them Brothers", "Chemo Limo", "Chicken Song", "The Clocks Were Asleep" live New York 2003, "Coin", "Consequence of Sounds", "December", "Düsseldorf", "Eet", "Fidelity", "Firewood", "Flyin'", "Genius Next Door", "Ghost of Corporate Future", "Hotel Song", "Human of the Year", "I Cut Off My Hair", "I Want to Sing", "Just Like the Movies", "Left-Hand Song" live New York 2007, "The Light", "Little Boxes", "Love Affair", "Modern Girls & Old Fashioned Men", "My Dear Acquaintance (A Happy New Year)", "My Man", "New Year", "No Matter What" live Los Angeles 2015, "Obsolete", "Party Upstairs" live New York 2014, "Patron Saint", "Prisoners", "Scarecrow and Fungus", "Silly Eye Colour Generalisations" live Live in London, "Stay" live New York 2014, "Us", "You've Got Time", "Your Honour")
C5 ("2.99 Cent Blues", "20 Years of Snow", "AB" live New York 2004, "All I Have to Do is Dream" live Los Angeles 2015, "And Your Bird Can Sing", "Another Town", "Après Moi", "Baby Jesus", "Back of a Truck", "Ballad of a Politician", "Becoming All Alone", "Begin to Hope" live New York 2005, "Better", "Black and White", "Bleeding Heart", "Blue Lips", "Bobbing for Apples" live Live in London, "Braille", "The Calculation", "Carbon Monoxide", "Chelsea Hotel #2" live BBC Radio 1, "Chemo Limo", "Cinderella", "A Cooler Version of Yourself" live New York 2004, "Daniel Cowman", "Dead of Night", "Don't Leave Me (Ne Me Quitte Pas)", "Dulce et Decorum est Pro Patria Mori" live Boston 2006, "Dog and Pony" live New York 2004, "Expecting to Fly" live Los Angeles 2015, "Fidelity", "The Flowers", "Folding Chair", "Genius Next Door", "Grand Hotel", "Happy Hooker" live New York 2003, "Hero", "How", "Ink Stains" live New York 2010, "Just A Memory", "Kids", "Lady", "Lacrimosa", "Laughing With", "Long Brown Hair" live New York 2004, "Love, You're a Whore" live Live in London, "Love Me or Leave Me", "Loveology", "Machine", "Man of a Thousand Faces", "Men" live Marabu 2001, "Mermaid" live New York 2004, "Mockingbird", "Monday Monday" live Los Angeles 2015, "Ne Me Quitte Pas", "No Surprises", "Ode to Divorce", "Oh Marcello", "On the Radio", "One More Time With Feeling", "One-String Blues" live New York 2002, "Open", "Over the Rainbow" live New York 2019, "The Party", "Party Upstairs" live New York 2014, "Pavlov's Daughter", "Pound of Flesh" live Live at Bull Moose, "Raindrops", "Reading Time with Pickle", "Real Love", "Reginasaurus" live New York 2009, "Rejazz", "Riot Gear", "Rockland County", "Secret Stash (No One)" live New York 2003, "Small Town Moon", "Soho" live New York 2002, "Somedays", "The Soup", "Spacetime Fairytale", "Stay" live New York 2014, "Summer in the City", "Sunshine", "The Sword & the Pen", "The Trapper and the Furrier", "Two Birds", "The Virgin Queen" live London 2004, "Walking Away", "Wallet", "Wasteside", "Woolen Gloves live New York 2003, "You" live New York 2004)
B4 ("20 Years of Snow", "Ain't No Cover" live Live at Bull Moose, "Aquarius" live New York 2004, "Be Like a Cloud" live Brooklyn 2003, "Blood of Eden", "Bobbing for Apples" live Live in London, "BYOS (Bring Your Own Shovel)", "Call Them Brothers", "Coin", "Consequence of Sounds", "Dance Anthem of the 80's", "Daniel Cowman", "Dear Theodosia", "Field Below", "Firewood", "Hallelujah" live New York 2005, "Hell No", "Hotel Song", "I Want to Sing", "Jessica", "Lounge", "Love Affair", "Love Profusion" live New York 2005, "Mr. Tambourine Man" live Dylan Fest 2011, "My Man", "No Matter What" live Los Angeles 2015, "No Surprises", "Oedipus", "Old Jacket (Stariy Pidjak)", "Paris", "Prisoners", "Sailor Song", "Samson", "School is Out", "Seekers and Finders", "Silly Eye Colour Generalisations" live Live in London, "Sunset", "Through a Door", "Time is All Around", "Tornadoland", "Two Sisters", "What Might Have Been", "While My Guitar Gently Weeps", "You Don't Know Me", "Your Honour")
Significant Low Notes:
B♭3 ("2.99 Cent Blues", "8th Floor" live New York 2004, "AB" live New York 2004, "Aquarius" live New York 2004, "Ave Maria", "Baby Jesus", "Back of a Truck", "Bartender", "Begin to Hope" live New York 2005, "Becoming All Alone", "Belt" live New York 2002, "Better", "Blowin' in the Wind" live Los Angeles 2017, "The Bronx" live New York 2003, "Buildings", "A Cannon", "The Clocks Were Asleep" live New York 2003, "Daniel Cowman", "December", "Edit", "Eet", "Flyin'", "Genius Next Door", "I Cut Off My Hair", "Lulliby", "Making Records" live New York 2004, "Man of a Thousand Faces", "Mary Ann", "Men" live Marabu 2001, "Mockingbird", "My Man", "Older and Taller", "One Man's Prayer", "Over the Rainbow" live New York 2019, "Paris", "Party Upstairs" live New York 2014, "The Prayer of François Villon (Molitva)", "Reading Time with Pickle", "Real Love", "Rejazz", "Small Town Moon", "Soho" live New York 2002, "The Soup", "Stay" live New York 2014, "Sunshine", "The Sword & the Pen", "The Trapper and the Furrier", "Two Sisters", "Uh-Merica", "Wasteside", "Woolen Gloves live New York 2003, "You've Got Time")
A3 ("All is Love", "And Your Bird Can Sing", "Après Moi", "Be Like a Cloud" live Brooklyn 2003, "Bear Spektor" live New York 2002, "Better", "Birdsong", "Black and White", "Blood of Eden", "Blowin' in the Wind" live Los Angeles 2017, "Blue Lips", "Bon Idée", "The Calculation", "Carbon Monoxide", "Cinderella", "Dead Rat" live New York 2007, "Dear Theodosia", "Dog and Pony" live New York 2004, "Fidelity", "Flyin'" live Hippodrome Theatre 2017, "Folding Chair", "Grand Hotel", "Halikha LeKesariya" live New York 2006, "Hallelujah" live New York 2005, "Happy Hooker" live New York 2003, "Hotel Song", "Human of the Year", "Ink Stains" live New York 2010, "It's All Over Now, Baby Blue" live Dylan Fest 2012, "Jessica", "Lacrimosa", "Little Boxes", "Live a Lie", "Long Brown Hair" live New York 2004, "Lounge", "Love Affair", "Lucky Penny" live New York 2008, "Man of a Thousand Faces", "Mermaid" live New York 2004, "Modern Girls & Old Fashioned Men", "Music Box", "My Dear Acquaintance (A Happy New Year)", "My Man" live Live at Bull Moose, "The Noise" live Live at Bull Moose, "Oedipus", "Oh Marcello", "On the Radio", "One More Time With Feeling", "The One Who Stayed and the One Who Left", "Open", "Patron Saint", "Pavlov's Daughter", "Poor Little Rich Boy", "Pound of Flesh" live Live at Bull Moose, "Prisoners", "Raindrops", "Riot Gear", "Sailor Song", "School is Out", "Seekers and Finders", "Silly Eye Colour Generalisations" live Live in London, "Soho" live New York 2002, "SugarMan", "Summer in the City", "Sunshine", "That Time", "Time is All Around", "Two Birds", "Uncle Bobby" live New York 2004, "Walking Away", "Wallet", "What Might Have Been", "You" live New York 2004, "You Don't Know Me")
G♯3 ("2.99 Cent Blues", "8th Floor" live New York 2004, "AB" live New York 2004, "Ain't No Cover" live Live at Bull Moose, "Becoming All Alone", "Braille", "The Bronx" live New York 2003, "Buildings", "BYOS (Bring Your Own Shovel)", "The Call", "Call Them Brothers", "Chemo Limo", "Chicken Song", "The Clocks Were Asleep" live New York 2003, "Coin", "Dance Anthem of the 80's", "Dead of Night", "December", "Düsseldorf", "Dust to Dust" live New York 2003, "Eet", "Firewood", "Ghost of Corporate Future", "How", "I Cut Off My Hair", "I Want to Sing", "Just Like the Movies", "Kids", "Lady", "Laughing With", "Left-Hand Song" live New York 2007, "The Light", "Love, You're a Whore" live Live in London, "Machine", "Making Records" live New York 2004, "My Man" live New York 2004, "New Year", "Obsolete", "Older and Taller", "Reginasaurus" live New York 2009, "Scarecrow and Fungus", "That Time", "Tornadoland", "Uh-Merica", "Us", "The Visit", "What Might Have Been", "You've Got Time")
G3 ("20 Years of Snow", "All is Love", "All the Rowboats", "Another Town", "Baby Jesus", "Ballad of a Politician", "Bartender", "Be Like a Cloud" live Brooklyn 2003, "Bear Spektor" live New York 2002, "Becoming All Alone", "Belt" live New York 2002, "Birdsong", "Bleeding Heart", "Blood of Eden", "Bobbing for Apples" live Live in London, "Bon Idée", "BYOS (Bring Your Own Shovel)", "The Calculation", "The Call", "A Cannon", "Carbon Monoxide", "Chelsea Hotel #2" live BBC Radio 1, "Daniel Cowman", "Dog and Pony" live New York 2004, "Edit", "Fidelity", "Field Below", "Fire", "The Flowers" live Lollapalooza 2007, "Folding Chair", "Grand Hotel", "How", "It's All Over Now, Baby Blue" live Dylan Fest 2012, "Just Like the Movies", "Lacrimosa", "Love, You're a Whore" live Live in London, "Love Me or Leave Me", "Loveology", "Machine", "Man of a Thousand Faces", "Mary Ann", "Mermaid" live New York 2004, "No Surprises", "The Noise" live Live at Bull Moose, "Obsolete", "Oh Marcello", "On the Radio", "One Little Soldier", "One Man's Prayer", "One More Time With Feeling", "One-String Blues" live New York 2002, "Over the Rainbow" live New York 2019, "The Party", "The Prayer of François Villon (Molitva)", "Poor Little Rich Boy", "Rejazz", "Riot Gear", "Rockland County", "Sailor Song", "Secret Stash (No One)" live New York 2003, "Sellers of Flowers", "Silly Eye Colour Generalisations" live Live in London, "Small Bill$", "Small Town Moon", "Spacetime Fairytale", "Summer in the City", "The Trapper and the Furrier", "The Virgin Queen" live London 2004, "The Visit", "Wallet", "Wasteside", "Woolen Gloves live New York 2003, "You" live New York 2004, "You Don't Know Me")
F♯3 ("Aching to Pupate", "Blood of Eden", "Coin", "Dance Anthem of the 80's", "Düsseldorf", "Firewood", "Kids", "Left-Hand Song" live New York 2007, "Love Profusion" live New York 2005, "Lucky Penny" live New York 2008, "My Man" live New York 2004, "New Year", "Old Jacket (Stariy Pidjak)", "Older and Taller", "Paris", "Pavlov's Daughter", "Sellers of Flowers", "SugarMan", "Tornadoland", "While My Guitar Gently Weeps", "Your Honour")
F3 ("Aching to Pupate", "All the Rowboats", "Baby Jesus", "Better", "Bleeding Heart", "The Call", "I Want to Sing", "Laughing With", "Machine", "Making Records" live New York 2004, "Moon River" live New York 2016, "No Surprises", "One-String Blues" live New York 2002, "Spacetime Fairytale", "Uh-Merica", "Up the Mountain", "You've Got Time" chamber version)
E3 ("Bleeding Heart", "Halikha LeKesariya" live New York 2006, "Hero", "Hotel Song", "I Want to Sing", "Love Profusion" live New York 2005, "Loveology", "My Dear Acquaintance (A Happy New Year)", "One Little Soldier", "Rockland County")
E♭3 ("Belt" live New York 2002, "I Want to Sing" live New York 2004)
D3 ("One Little Soldier", "Up the Mountain")
• Bold marks notes or passages that are particularly outstanding (relative to the singer).
• Italics mark non-melodic notes.
• Underlines mark notes that are obscured in the song mix.
Russian-born Regina Spektor has been a prominent name in indie music for some time now. Though probably best-known for piano ballads like "Samson", Regina draws influence from a rather eclectic array of musicians, with her earlier songs in particular being jazzier and more experimental in nature. Regina uses her voice rather playfully within her music, utilising a number of rather unorthodox vocal techniques from beatboxing to imitating a trumpet. She frequently sings in her flexible upper register, making great use of her angelic head voice, while her somewhat less confident lower register is often used characterfully. An extremely consistent live performer (which is saying something, because her songs aren't at all easy to sing), Regina's voice is wonderfully quirky and full of charm.
{A Few Examples of Her Voice}
Though the song is almost entirely within her mid-range I still consider this one of her best vocal performances for the subtle melismas, dynamic control and little vocal inflections throughout.
A lesser-known song of hers where she showcases how flexible her voice is.
Partially for the vocal performance, but also for how creatively she uses her voice in relation to the song's lyrics.
Though the song is almost entirely within her mid-range I still consider this one of her best vocal performances for the subtle melismas, dynamic control and little vocal inflections throughout.
A lesser-known song of hers where she showcases how flexible her voice is.
Partially for the vocal performance, but also for how creatively she uses her voice in relation to the song's lyrics.
{Questionable Notes}
B5 ("Mary Ann"[1])
G♯5 ("Dance Anthem of the 80's"[1])
G5 ("Belt" live New York 2004[1])
F5 ("Your Honour"[1])
F♯3 ("Prisoners"[1])
E3 ("Wasteside"[2])
E♭3 ("Laughing With"[2])
D3 ("Hero" studio demo version[2], "Long Brown Hair" live New York 2004[2], "SugarMan"[2])
C♯3 ("Ave Maria"[2], "Scarecrow and Fungus"[2])
C3 ("Baby Jesus"[2], "Carbon Monoxide" live Hamburg 2004[2], "Dance Anthem of the 80's live Live in London[2])
1. Questionable exclamations/slides.
2. Questionable low notes (spoken, fryish, etc.).
Questionable notes are any notes of questionable significance. In short, this spoiler acknowledges notes that I am aware exist, but do not want to contribute to the singer's range. These involve (but are not limited to) notes of questionable identity, notes of questionable legitimacy and notes of significantly poor quality.
B5 ("Mary Ann"[1])
G♯5 ("Dance Anthem of the 80's"[1])
G5 ("Belt" live New York 2004[1])
F5 ("Your Honour"[1])
F♯3 ("Prisoners"[1])
E3 ("Wasteside"[2])
E♭3 ("Laughing With"[2])
D3 ("Hero" studio demo version[2], "Long Brown Hair" live New York 2004[2], "SugarMan"[2])
C♯3 ("Ave Maria"[2], "Scarecrow and Fungus"[2])
C3 ("Baby Jesus"[2], "Carbon Monoxide" live Hamburg 2004[2], "Dance Anthem of the 80's live Live in London[2])
1. Questionable exclamations/slides.
2. Questionable low notes (spoken, fryish, etc.).
Questionable notes are any notes of questionable significance. In short, this spoiler acknowledges notes that I am aware exist, but do not want to contribute to the singer's range. These involve (but are not limited to) notes of questionable identity, notes of questionable legitimacy and notes of significantly poor quality.
{Notewatching Credits & Other Info}
11:11 (2001): E3 – G5
Songs (2002): F3 – F♯5
Soviet Kitsch (2004): F♯3 – F5
Begin to Hope (2006): E3 – E♭5
Far (2009): F3 – F5
What We Saw from the Cheap Seats (2012): F3 – F5
Remember Us to Life (2016): E3 – F♯5
Home, Before and After (2022): D3 – F♯5
Notewatching of other performances not listed above done by Alex61.
11:11 (2001): E3 – G5
Songs (2002): F3 – F♯5
Soviet Kitsch (2004): F♯3 – F5
Begin to Hope (2006): E3 – E♭5
Far (2009): F3 – F5
What We Saw from the Cheap Seats (2012): F3 – F5
Remember Us to Life (2016): E3 – F♯5
Home, Before and After (2022): D3 – F♯5
Notewatching of other performances not listed above done by Alex61.