Post by Alex61 on Jan 25, 2020 14:39:44 GMT
Zoila Augusta Emperatriz Chávarri del Castillo
Vocal Range: A2 – B♭7
Significant High Notes:
B♭7 ("K'arawi (Planting Song)")
G7 ("Chuncho (The Forest Creatures)" live Chicago 1953)
C♯7 ("Chuncho (The Forest Creatures)")
A6 ("Kon Tiki")
G6 ("Earthquake (Tumpa!)", "Kon Tiki", "Monkeys (Monos)", "Sauma (Magic)", "Virgenes Del Sol (Virgins of the Sun)" Early Yma Sumac (The Imma Sumack Sessions) version)
F♯6 ("Batanga-Hailli (Festival)", "Cha Cha Gitano", "Kuyaway (Inca Love Song)", "Hampi (Medicine)", "High Andes! (Ataypúra!)", "Sejollo (Whip Dance)", "Witallia! (Fire in the Andes)", "Zana")
F6 ("Birds", "Chuncho (The Forest Creatures)", "Dance of the Moon Festival (Choladas)", "Gopher", "Jungla", "Nina (Fire Arrow Dance)", "Najla's Lament", "Pariwana", "Taki Rari", "Virgin of the Sun God (Taita Inty)", "Virgenes Del Sol (Virgins of the Sun)" Early Yma Sumac (The Imma Sumack Sessions) version)
E6 ("Amor Indio", "Azure Sands", "Bo Mambo", "Chicken Talk", "Cholo Traicionero", "Ccori Canastitay", "Cueca Chilena" live Recital, "Dance of the Winds (Wayra)", "El Condor Pasa", "High Andes! (Ataypúra!)", "Incacho (Royal Anthem)", "Kon Tiki", "Look Around", "Malaya! (My Destiny)", "Mamallay!", "Melgar", "Parade", "Remember", "Sauma (Magic)", "Sumac Sorateña (Beautiful Jungle Girl)", "Suray Surita", "Zana", "Zebra")
E♭6 ("Amor", "Cholo Traicionero", "Goomba Boomba", "Jungla", "K'arawi (Planting Song)", "Karibe Taki", "Lament", "Llulla Mak'ta (Andean Don Juan)", "Lure of the Unknown Love (Xtabay)", "Malambo No. 1", "Pariwana", "Suray Surita", "Virgenes Del Sol (Virgins of the Sun)", "Virgin of the Sun God (Taita Inty)", "Waraka Tusuy")
D6 ("Bo Mambo", "Chant of the Chosen Maidens (Accla Taqui)", "Cholitas Puneñas", "Ccori Canastitay", "Cumbe-Maita (Calls of the Andes)", "Dance of the Moon Festival (Choladas)", "Five Bottles Mambo", "Flame Tree", "Kuyaway (Inca Love Song)", "La Pampa Y La Puna (The Plains and the Mountains)", "Lament", "Let Me Hear You", "Lure of the Unknown Love (Xtabay)", "Malambo No. 1", "Medicine Man", "Monkeys (Monos)", "Najla's Song of Joy", "Nina (Fire Arrow Dance)", "The Queen of the Night", "Sansa (Victory Song)", "Supay Taki" live Recital, "Taki Rari", "Tree of Life", "Witallia! (Fire in the Andes)")
C♯6 ("Amor", "Batanga-Hailli (Festival)", "Cha Cha Gitano", "Chicken Talk", "Goomba Boomba", "Gopher", "Melgar", "Incacho (Royal Anthem)", "Mamallay!", "Najla's Lament", "Najla's Song of Joy")
C6 ("Azure Sands", "Chicken Talk", "Cholitas Puneñas", "Five Bottles Mambo", "Flame Tree", "Jungla", "Let Me Hear You", "Look Around", "Marinera" live Recital, "Nina (Fire Arrow Dance)", "Panarima", "Parade", "Remember", "Suray Surita", "Tree of Life", "Virgenes Del Sol (Virgins of the Sun)", "Virgin of the Sun God (Taita Inty)", "Waraka Tusuy", "Zebra")
B5 ("Amor Indio", "Carnaval Indio", "Cha Cha Gitano", "Cueca Chilena" live Recital, "Cumbe-Maita (Calls of the Andes)", "Dance of the Winds (Wayra)", "Earthquake (Tumpa!)", "El Condor Pasa", "Jivaro", "K'arawi (Planting Song)", "Karibe Taki", "Kon Tiki", "La Sirena", "Melgar", "Najla's Lament", "Pariwana", "The Queen of the Night", "Remember", "Sumac Sorateña (Beautiful Jungle Girl)", "Te Quiero", "Witallia! (Fire in the Andes)")
B♭5 ("Batanga-Hailli (Festival)", "Bo Mambo", "Carnavalito Boliviano", "Indian Carnival", "Kuyaway (Inca Love Song)", "La Molina (The Mill Song)", "Lure of the Unknown Love (Xtabay)", "Panarima", "Suray Surita", "Tree of Life", "Virgenes Del Sol (Virgins of the Sun)")
A5 ("Bo Mambo", "Chicken Talk", "Chuncho (The Forest Creatures)", "Ccori Canastitay", "Gallito Ciego (One-Eyed Rooster)", "Hampi (Medicine)", "La Pampa Y La Puna (The Plains and the Mountains)", "La Perla De Chira (The Pearl)", "Let Me Hear You", "Look Around", "Malambo No. 1", "Malaya! (My Destiny)", "Mamallay!", "Medicine Man", "Montana", "Ripui (Farewell)", "Sejollo (Whip Dance)", "Taki Rari", "A Ti Solita Te Quiero", "Tree of Life", "Wak'al (Cry)", "Zana", "Zebra")
G♯5 ("Amor", "Amor Indio", "Aullay (Lullaby)", "Carnaval Indio", "Cholo Traicionero", "Dance of the Moon Festival (Choladas)", "Goomba Boomba", "La Molina (The Mill Song)", "Llulla Mak'ta (Andean Don Juan)", "Marinera" live Recital, "Melgar", "Pariwana", "Qué Lindos Ojos", "Te Quiero", "Virgin of the Sun God (Taita Inty)", "Waraka Tusuy")
G5 ("Chant of the Chosen Maidens (Accla Taqui)", "Cholitas Puneñas", "Ccori Canastitay", "Cueca Chilena" live Recital, "El Condor Pasa", "High Andes! (Ataypúra!)", "Huachina (Enchanted Lake)", "Jivaro", "La Perla De Chira (The Pearl)", "La Sirena", "Llora Corazon (Crying Heart)", "The Queen of the Night", "Remember", "Sansa (Victory Song)", "Sauma (Magic)", "A Ti Solita Te Quiero")
F♯5 ("Cha Cha Gitano", "Cholo Traicionero", "Dale Que Dale (The Workers Song)", "Gallito Caliente (The Hot Rooster)", "Gallito Ciego (One-Eyed Rooster)", "Hampi (Medicine)", "Incacho (Royal Anthem)", "Jungla", "Karibe Taki", "Lament", "Llulla Mak'ta (Andean Don Juan)", "Mamallay!", "Montana", "Najla's Song of Joy", "Picaflor", "Qué Lindos Ojos", "Ripui (Farewell)", "Sejollo (Whip Dance)", "Un Amor")
F5 ("Birds", "Bo Mambo", "Carnavalito Boliviano", "Clamor (I Won't Forget You)", "Flor De Canela (Cinnamon Flower)", "Huachina (Enchanted Lake)", "Indian Carnival", "Kuyaway (Inca Love Song)", "La Pampa Y La Puna (The Plains and the Mountains)", "Look Around", "Marinera" live Recital, "Najla's Lament", "No Es Vida", "Panarima", "Parade", "Supay Taki" live Recital, "Suray Surita", "Virgenes Del Sol (Virgins of the Sun)")
E5 ("Aullay (Lullaby)", "Azure Sands", "Cueca Chilena" live Recital, "Gallito Ciego (One-Eyed Rooster)", "Cumbe-Maita (Calls of the Andes)", "El Condor Pasa", "Gallito Caliente (The Hot Rooster)", "Jivaro", "K'arawi (Planting Song)", "La Perla De Chira (The Pearl)", "Malaya! (My Destiny)", "Mamallay!", "Montana", "Sauma (Magic)", "Sumac Sorateña (Beautiful Jungle Girl)", "Zebra", "Wak'al (Cry)", "Witallia! (Fire in the Andes)")
E♭5 ("Amor", "Batanga-Hailli (Festival)", "Carnaval Indio", "Chant of the Chosen Maidens (Accla Taqui)", "Clamor (I Won't Forget You)", "Flor De Canela (Cinnamon Flower)", "La Molina (The Mill Song)", "Marinera" live Recital, "Parade", "Payande", "Picaflor", "Qué Lindos Ojos", "Te Quiero", "Un Amor")
D5 ("Bo Mambo", "Carnavalito Boliviano", "Ccori Canastitay", "Dale Que Dale (The Workers Song)", "High Andes! (Ataypúra!)", "Huachina (Enchanted Lake)", "La Pampa Y La Puna (The Plains and the Mountains)", "La Perla De Chira (The Pearl)", "Llora Corazon (Crying Heart)", "Monkeys (Monos)", "No Es Vida", "Sansa (Victory Song)", "Sauma (Magic)", "Sejollo (Whip Dance)", "Supay Taki" live Recital, "Yawar (Blood Festival)")
C♯5 ("Batanga-Hailli (Festival)", "Dance of the Winds (Wayra)", "Earthquake (Tumpa!)", "Gallito Caliente (The Hot Rooster)", "Goomba Boomba", "Mi Palomita (My Pigeon)", "Montana", "Najla's Song of Joy", "Sumac Sorateña (Beautiful Jungle Girl)")
C5 ("Birds", "Bo Mambo", "Clamor (I Won't Forget You)", "Ccori Canastitay", "Dance of the Moon Festival (Choladas)", "Flame Tree", "Flor De Canela (Cinnamon Flower)", "La Pampa Y La Puna (The Plains and the Mountains)", "Lure of the Unknown Love (Xtabay)", "Medicine Man", "No Es Vida", "Payande", "Wanka (The Seven Winds)")
Significant Low Notes:
A3 ("Aullay (Lullaby)", "Bo Mambo", "Cha Cha Gitano", "Chicken Talk", "Dance of the Winds (Wayra)", "Gallito Ciego (One-Eyed Rooster)", "Incacho (Royal Anthem)", "Jivaro", "Let Me Hear You", "Malambo No. 1", "Medicine Man", "Mi Palomita (My Pigeon)", "Monkeys (Monos)", "Sejollo (Whip Dance)", "Taki Rari", "Zebra")
G♯3 ("Amor Indio", "Bo Mambo", "Chant of the Chosen Maidens (Accla Taqui)", "Dance of the Moon Festival (Choladas)", "Five Bottles Mambo", "Goomba Boomba", "Gopher", "La Molina (The Mill Song)", "Najla's Lament", "Virgin of the Sun God (Taita Inty)", "Zana")
G3 ("Azure Sands", "Birds", "Dance of the Moon Festival (Choladas)", "Flor De Canela (Cinnamon Flower)", "High Andes! (Ataypúra!)", "Indian Carnival", "K'arawi (Planting Song)", "Look Around", "Monkeys (Monos)", "Nina (Fire Arrow Dance)", "No Es Vida", "Panarima", "Remember", "Sansa (Victory Song)", "Tree of Life", "Wak'al (Cry)", "Witallia! (Fire in the Andes)")
F♯3 ("Amor Indio", "Chant of the Chosen Maidens (Accla Taqui)", "Cha Cha Gitano", "Chuncho (The Forest Creatures)", "Dale Que Dale (The Workers Song)", "Gallito Ciego (One-Eyed Rooster)", "Hampi (Medicine)", "Earthquake (Tumpa!)", "Jungla", "Karibe Taki", "Lament", "Mi Palomita (My Pigeon)", "Sejollo (Whip Dance)", "Shou Condor (Giant Condor)", "Zana", "Yawar (Blood Festival)")
F3 ("Birds", "Bo Mambo", "Carnavalito Boliviano", "Five Bottles Mambo", "Goomba Boomba", "Kuyaway (Inca Love Song)", "Let Me Hear You", "Najla's Lament", "No Es Vida", "Panarima", "Shou Condor (Giant Condor)", "Virgin of the Sun God (Taita Inty)")
E3 ("Aullay (Lullaby)", "Chant of the Chosen Maidens (Accla Taqui)", "Cumbe-Maita (Calls of the Andes)", "El Condor Pasa", "Gallito Ciego (One-Eyed Rooster)", "K'arawi (Planting Song)", "Lament", "Look Around", "Malaya! (My Destiny)", "Remember", "Ripui (Farewell)", "Sauma (Magic)", "Zana", "Zebra", "Wak'al (Cry)", "Witallia! (Fire in the Andes)")
E♭3 ("Birds", "Carnavalito Boliviano", "Indian Carnival", "Karibe Taki", "Malambo No. 1", "Panarima", "Virgin of the Sun God (Taita Inty)")
D3 ("Aullay (Lullaby)", "Chuncho (The Forest Creatures)", "Dance of the Moon Festival (Choladas)", "High Andes! (Ataypúra!)", "Jungla", "Kuyaway (Inca Love Song)", "Let Me Hear You", "Malaya! (My Destiny)", "Medicine Man", "Monkeys (Monos)", "Sauma (Magic)", "Shou Condor (Giant Condor)")
C♯3 ("Incacho (Royal Anthem)", "K'arawi (Planting Song)", "Karibe Taki", "Ripui (Farewell)")
C3 ("Five Bottles Mambo", "Zebra")
B2 ("Chuncho (The Forest Creatures)", "Dale Que Dale (The Workers Song)", "Hampi (Medicine)", "Yawar (Blood Festival)")
A2 ("Chuncho (The Forest Creatures)" live USSR 1960)
• Blue marks high falsetto or whistle register notes.
• Bold marks notes or passages that are particularly outstanding (relative to the singer).
• Italics mark non-melodic notes.
• Underlines mark notes that are obscured in the song mix.
Describing Yma Sumac concisely is not an easy thing to do. A Peruvian-born exotica singer, Yma became famous in the mid 20th century because of her extreme vocal range, which was commonly believed to span over five octaves. Through listening to almost any one of her individual recordings you can see why her voice stands out - her songs seldom had lyrics as they explicitly revolved around showcasing the extent of Yma's vocal abilities, which ranged from piercing whistle register notes to "gravelly" belts to contralto-esque lower notes. Though she sadly passed away in 2008, Yma's legacy still lives on; her voice certainly still stands out as an unusual one, with her extreme vocal range and versatility still remaining virtually unmatched.
{Questionable Notes}
C♯6 ("Carnaval Indio"[1])
B2 ("Cumbe-Maita (Calls of the Andes)"[2])
1. Questionable slides.
2. Questionable low notes (fryish, weak, etc.).
Questionable notes are any notes of questionable significance. In short, this spoiler acknowledges notes that I am aware exist, but do not want to contribute to the singer's range. These involve (but are not limited to) notes of questionable identity, notes of questionable legitimacy and notes of significantly poor quality.
C♯6 ("Carnaval Indio"[1])
B2 ("Cumbe-Maita (Calls of the Andes)"[2])
1. Questionable slides.
2. Questionable low notes (fryish, weak, etc.).
Questionable notes are any notes of questionable significance. In short, this spoiler acknowledges notes that I am aware exist, but do not want to contribute to the singer's range. These involve (but are not limited to) notes of questionable identity, notes of questionable legitimacy and notes of significantly poor quality.
{Notewatching Credits & Other Info}
Voice of the Xtabay (1950): D3 – D6 – G6
Inca Taqui (1953): B2 – B5 – B♭7
Legend of the Jivaro (1957): B2 – C6 – G6
Miracles (1971): C3 – C6 – E6
Flahooley soundtrack (1951): E♭3 – D6 – F6
Legend of the Sun Virgin (1952): D3 – D6 – A6
Mambo! (1954): C3 – E6 – F♯6
Fuego Del Ande (1959): A2 – D6 – E♭6
It is possible that some of the older recordings for Yma are listed slightly higher than they were recorded at (as they may be slightly sped up), though the difference would probably be by a semitone (or, more likely, half a semitone) at the very most. Also, some of the albums were somewhat obscure and didn't have clear track listings, so the album ranges listed above will be based on the Discogs track listings.
Notewatching of other performances not listed above done by Alex61.
Voice of the Xtabay (1950): D3 – D6 – G6
Inca Taqui (1953): B2 – B5 – B♭7
Legend of the Jivaro (1957): B2 – C6 – G6
Miracles (1971): C3 – C6 – E6
Flahooley soundtrack (1951): E♭3 – D6 – F6
Legend of the Sun Virgin (1952): D3 – D6 – A6
Mambo! (1954): C3 – E6 – F♯6
Fuego Del Ande (1959): A2 – D6 – E♭6
It is possible that some of the older recordings for Yma are listed slightly higher than they were recorded at (as they may be slightly sped up), though the difference would probably be by a semitone (or, more likely, half a semitone) at the very most. Also, some of the albums were somewhat obscure and didn't have clear track listings, so the album ranges listed above will be based on the Discogs track listings.
Notewatching of other performances not listed above done by Alex61.