So what I'm getting from this is that the thread index needs a decent amount of updating, if there are that many singers that people have made claims for already but aren't listed there
Does anyone have Lou Gramm claimed, for that matter? Because that would be one of my other suggestions otherwise.
I’ve long wanted to redo Stu Block, but the sheer amount of death growls/screams has daunted me.
The death growls probably wouldn't be worth listing since those don't tend to have much of a musical pitch. I guess I could try help pitching some of the screams though. Here's what his thread looked like on TRP2 anyway; I can at least confirm that all the research for Iced Earth songs is accurate:
Range: E♭2-B♭5
Recorded High Notes [/b] (
"Cthulhu", "Dark City" live,
"Fukushima", "Indignation", "Nothing", "Out",
"Seven Headed Whore", "Suspension of Disbelief",
"Tides of Blood", "Timeless Winter")
A5 (
"Dark City", "Painkiller" live, "Suspension of Disbelief", "Tides of Blood")
G♯5 ("A Question of Heaven" live, "Black Flag", "Blessed Are You" live in Athens 2014, "Boiling Point",
"Cthulhu", "Declaration Day" live,
"Democide", "Dystopia" live, "Eternal", "Fukushima", "Iced Earth" live, "Nothing",
"Plagues of Babylon", "Red Baron/Blue Max" live, "Surrounded by Night", "Suspension of Disbelief", "When the Night Falls" live)
G5 ("Anthem" live, "Burning Times" live, "Damien" live, "Indignation", "Great Heathen Army", "Nothing", "One Funeral Hymn for Three", "Painkiller" live, "Paralyzed", "Pure Evil" live, "Suspension of Disbelief", "The Hunter" live, "Tides of Blood", "When the Night Falls" live)
F♯5 ("A Black Light Ending", "Angels Holocaust" live, "Black Flag", "Blessed Are You" live in Belgium 2014, "Boiling Point", "Burning Times" live, "Cthulhu",
"Days of Rage", "Damien" live, "Declaration Day" live, "Defiance",
"End of Innocence", "Great Heathen Army", "Fukushima", "Indignation", "Nothing", "Painkiller" live,
"Plagues of Babylon", "Resistance",
"Seven Headed Whore", "Ten Thousand Strong" live, "The Trooper", "Tides of Blood", "Wolf" live)
F5 ("Boiling Point", "Dark City", "Dracula" live, "Equilibrium", "Eternal", "Iced Earth" live, "Motivation of Man" live, "Painkiller" live, "Red Baron/Blue Max", "Resistance", "Setian Massacre" live, "Slave to the Dark" live,
"Soylent Green", "Ten Thousand Strong" live, "Time Immemorial")
E5 ("Blessed Are You" live in Athens 2014, "Dark City", "Dystopia", "Equilibrium", "Nothing")
E♭5 ("A Question of Heaven" live, "Boiling Point", "Burning Times" live,
"Cthulhu", "Days of Rage", "Declaration Day" live, "Democide", "Dracula" live, "Dystopia", "Equilibrium", "Great Heathen Army", "I Died for You" live, "Pain Through Breathing",
"Plagues of Babylon", "Pure Evil" live, "Severe Emotional Distress", "Slave to the Dark" live,
"The Incurable Tragedy I", "Tides of Blood", "V", "When the Night Falls" live, "Wolf" live)
D5 ("Dark City", "Diagnosis Terminal",
"End of Innocence", "Indignation", "Nothing", "Painkiller" live, "Paralyzed",
"The Incurable Tragedy I")
C♯5 ("Burning Times" live, "Declaration Day" live,
"End of Innocence", "Eternal", "Seven Headed Whore", "Spent Years of Regret", "Suspension of Disbelief", "Ten Thousand Strong" live,
"The End?", "The Incurable Tragedy I", "Tides of Blood", "Wolf" live)
C5 ("Among the Living Dead",
"Equilibrium", "Indignation", "One Funeral Hymn for Three", "Red Baron/Blue Max" live, "Resistance", "Severe Emotional Distress", "Suspension of Disbelief", "Time Immemorial")
B4 (
"Angels Holocaust" live,
"Anthem", "Clear the Way (December 13th, 1862)", "Cthulhu", "Damien" live, "Dark City" live, "Declaration Day" live,
"End of Innocence",
"Equilibrium", "Iced Earth" live, "Painkiller" live, "Peacemaker", "Raven Wing", "Resistance", "The Culling",
"The Veil",
"Tragedy and Triumph", "Wolf" live)
B♭4 ("Among the Living Dead", "Anthem", "A Question of Heaven" live,
"Black Flag", "Blessed Are You" live, "Clear the Way (December 13th, 1862)", "Cthulhu", "Damien" live, "Dante's Inferno 2011", "Declaration Day" live,
"Days of Rage", "Democide",
"Dystopia", "Fukushima", "Great Heathen Army", "I Died for You" live,
"If I Could See You", "Melancholy (Holy Martyr)" live, "Plagues of Babylon", "Pure Evil" live, "Raven Wing", "Resistance", "Spirit of the Times",
"Surrounded by Night", "Ten Thousand Strong" live, "The Culling",
"The End?", "The Hunter" live,
"The Incurable Tragedy II",
"V", "Watching Over Me", "When the Night Falls" live, "Wolf" live)
A4 ("Dante's Inferno 2011",
"Defiance", "End of Innocence", "Equilibrium", "Highwayman", "Plagues of Babylon", "The Trooper",
"Tragedy and Triumph", "When the Night Falls" live)
G♯4 ("Among the Living Dead", "Angels Holocaust" live, "Anguish of Youth", "Anthem", "Blessed Are You" live, "Boiling Point", "Brothers", "Clear the Way (December 13th, 1862)", "Cthulhu", "Damien" live, "Dante's Inferno 2011", "Declaration Day", "Democide", "Dystopia", "Equilibrium", "Fukushima", "Great Heathen Army", "Iced Earth" live, "Iron Will", "Motivation of Man" live, "Parasite", "Peacemaker", "Plagues of Babylon", "Pure Evil", "Red Baron/Blue Max" live, "Resistance", "Setian Massacre" live, "Slave to the Dark" live, "Soylent Green", "Spirit of the Times", "Suspension of Disbelief", "Ten Thousand Strong" live, "The Culling", "The End?", "The Hunter" live, "The Relic (Part 1)", "Tragedy and Triumph", "V", "When the Night Falls" live)
Recorded Low Notes[/b] ("Angel's Holocaust" live, "Anguish of Youth", "A Question of Heaven" live, "Cthulhu", "Dante's Inferno 2011", "Dracula" live, "Iced Earth" live, "I Died for You" live, "If I Could See You", "Peacemaker", "Raven Wing", "Resistance", "The Relic (Part 1)", "Watching Over Me" live, "When the Night Falls" live)
D3 ("Dante's Inferno 2011")
C♯3 ("A Question of Heaven" live, "Blessed Are You" live, "Dracula" live, "If I Could See You", "Melancholy (Holy Martyr)" live, "Peacemaker", "Raven Wing", "The End?", "Watching Over Me" live)
B2 ("Dante's Inferno 2011", "End of Innocence", "Melancholy (Holy Martyr)" live)
B♭2 ("A Question of Heaven" live, "Dante's Inferno 2011", "Resistance")
A2 ("Blessed Are You" live)
G♯2 ("A Question of Heaven" live, "Dante's Inferno 2011", "Slave to the Dark" live)
F♯2 ("Dante's Inferno 2011", "Dracula" live at Ancient Kourion)
E2 ("Dante's Inferno 2011")
E♭2 ("Dante's Inferno 2011")