Hans-Rolf Rippert (31 July 1931 - 27 February 2008)
Years Active: 1954 - 2008
Vocal Range:
F1 -
A5 Significant High Notes:
A5 ("
The Nightingale")
F♯5 ("
The Legend of the Twelve Thieves"
(1968 version))
F5 ("
Ach Natascha", "
Im Tiefen Keller", "
The Little Bell")
E5 ("
Live with Osipov Orchestra, "
The Legend of the Twelve Thieves", "
Mitschza Troika", "
The Nightingale")
D5 ("
(from 'Best of Ivan Rebroff 2010'))
C♯5 ("
The Legend of the Twelve Thieves", "
Still, Still")
C5 ("
(from 'Best of Ivan Rebroff 2010'),
The Little Bell", "
Poljuschko Polje")
B4 ("
Poljuschko Polje")
B♭4 ("
Along the Volga", "
Still Still")
A4 ("Havah Nagila", "
The Little Bell")
G♯4 ("Cavatina des Silva")
G4 ("
Along the Volga", "Otschi Tschornyje")
F♯4 ("Otschi Tschornyje" "Ah, si j'étais riche")
F4 ("Cavatina des Silva", "Im Tiefen Keller", "
La chanson de Lara", "Notschenjka")
E4 ("Ah, si j'étais riche", "Boublitschki", "Havah Nagila", "Kalinka"
(From 'Best of Ivan Rebroff' 2010), "Stenka Rasin"
(1968 version), "Vous qui faites l'endormie", "Wdol Po Piterskoj")
E♭4 ("Ave Maria", "Coachman, Don't Drive the Horses So", "Cavatina des Silva", "Plaisir d'amour"
D4 "Ach Natascha", "Barcarolle", "Der Weg von Petersburg nach Nowgorod", "Dew Gitari", "Im Tiefen Keller", "Kalinka"
(From 'Best of Ivan Rebroff' 2010), "Katyusha", "The Legend of the Twelve Thieves", "Mitschza Troika", "Tsuchubtschik", "Vous qui faites l'endormie", "Wot Polk Paschol")
C♯4 ("Ah, si j'étais riche", "La chanson de Lara", "Poj Zyganska", "Stenka Rasin"
(1968 version), "Wdol Po Piterskoj")
C4 ("Abendglocken"
Live with Osipov Orchestra, "Along the Volga", "Ave Maria", "Barcarolle", "Coachman, Don't Drive the Horses So", "Dew Gitari", "El, Uch-Njem", "Havah Nagila", "Karobushka", "Katyusha", "La Paloma", "The Little Bell", "Matuschka", "Moscow Nights"
(From 'Best of Ivan Rebroff' 2010) "Moldarian Suite", "The Nightingale", "Notschenjka", "Pad Moskovn' Je Veshera"
(From 'La Paloma' 2008), "Poljuschko Polje", "Tsuchubtschik", "Wot Polk Paschol")
B3 ("Ah, si j'étais riche", "La Paloma", "Mitschza Troika", "Pad Moskovn' Je Veshera"
(From 'La Paloma' 2008), "Stenka Rasin"
(1968 version), "Wdol Po Piterskoj")
Significant Low Notes:
A2 ("Along the Volga", "Boublitschki", "Dew Gitari", "Karobushka", "Katyusha", "La chanson de Lara", "La Paloma", "The Legend of the Twelve Thieves", "Matuschka", "Notschenjka", "Pad Moskovn' Je Veshera"
(From 'La Paloma' 2008), "Poljuschko Polje", "Tsuchubtschik", "Vous qui faites l'endormie")
G♯2 ("Ah, si j'étais riche", "Cavatina des Silva", "El, Uch-Njem", "The Little Bell", "Moscow Nights")
G2 ("Ach Natascha", "Amazing Grace", "Ave Maria", "Boublitschki", "Coachman, Don't Drive the Horses So", "Der Weg von Petersburg nach Nowgorod", "Greensleeves", "La Paloma", "Poj Zyganska")
F2 ("Ach Natascha", "Ave Maria", "Barcarolle", "Im Tiefen Keller", "The Little Bell", "Mitschza Troika", "Plaisir d'amour")
E2 ("Abendglocken"
Live with Osipov Orchestra, "Boublitschki", "Havah Nagila"
(From 'La Paloma' 2008) "Karobushka", "The Legend of the Twelve Thieves", "Matuschka", "The Nightingale", "Otschi Tschornyje")
E♭2 ("Cavatina des Silva", "Mitschza Troika", "Otschi Tschornyje", "Plaisir d'amour", "Stenka Rasin"
(from 'Best of Ivan Rebroff 2010'))
D2 ("Dew Gitari", "Katyusha"
(From 'La Paloma' 2008))
C♯2 ("Still, Still")
C2 ("Der Weg von Petersburg nach Nowgorod", "The Legend of the Twelve Thieves"
(From 'La Paloma' 2008))
B1 ("Abendglocken"
Live with Osipov Orchestra)
G♯1 ("Still Still")
G1 ("Der Weg von Petersburg nach Nowgorod")
F♯1 ("Still Still")
F1 ("
Im Tiefen Keller")
{Questionable Notes}
G5 "Der Weg von Petersburg nach Nowgorod" [2]
F5 "Katyusha" (From 'Best of Ivan Rebroff' 2010) [1]
E5 "Tsuchubtschik" [1]
F♯4 ""Poj Zyganska"" [1]
C♯2 "Ah, si j'étais riche" [1]
[1] marks yelps and short trills in high range or anacrusis and short dips in low range.
[2] marks notes of questionable identity that cannot be confirmed to be the singer in question.
[3] marks non-melodic notes that don't have a significant enough pitch to warrant inclusion.
[4] marks notes that possess uncertain pitch or have been pitch-shifted.
[5] marks notes that do not fit the previous criteria but are not of a substantial enough quality to warrant counting towards the singer's range.
{Albums Checked}Note I haven't listed album ranges as nearly all I could find of him were compendiums of tracks from different times- some song versions listed in the thread specify a year if he recorded the song in a different key at a different time or added different notes- the year comes from which compendium I found it on first.
Ivan Rebroff Sings Folk Songs From Old Russia (1968)
La Paloma (2008)
Best of Ivan Rebroff (2010) (unfinished, tracks 5-16)
Blue marks falsetto notes.
Underlines mark notes that are obscured in the song mix.
Italics mark non-melodic notes.{Note: Alternative Song Titles}
(These are alternative titles for songs also listed on Spotify)
"Wdol Po Piterskoj" (Dans les rues de St-Petersburg)
"Otschi Tschornyje" (Les yeux noirs)
"El, Uch-Njem" (Les bataliers de la Volga)
"Dew Gitari" (Deux guitares)
"Poljuschko Polje" (Patrouille Cosaque)
"Der Weg von Petersburg nach Nowgorod" (La ruta de San Petersburgo a Novgorod)